Alliance commentary system

Chapter 101 VG's Focus Bureau

Chapter 101 VG's Focus Bureau
At the beginning of the game, both sides were very conservative.

The early stage focused on development, while Chen Xian and Rita chatted for 8 minutes.

until 9 minutes.

VG finally couldn't help but start a fight.

"Hey, this wave of Karma is speeding up, and the big mouth goes to Person A, and the grasshopper retreats in a hurry!"

"Verus..." Chen Xian wanted to continue, but Rita did answer: "Verus R blocked Karma behind, A followed Q and immediately dropped Karma!"

Chen Xian picked up, "But Dazui can't escape, Verus A twice, the spider came to help, and directly helped kill Dazui!"

"The blind monk is here too! The Q skill is used! He kicked the grasshopper who was still alive! The grasshopper was killed!" Rita said.

"The blind monk wants to run, but Verus and the spider are chasing him! At this time, Verus needs to wait for the next Q skill, but the blind monk Q Xiaolong directly connects to the second Q skill to escape!"

"Young master Leng from the middle came, EQ made a move, but it was almost..."

"Yes, just now Jess was a blind shot. Although the predicted position was very accurate, it was still a little bit off."


After a wave of team battles, fortunately, the two of them did not make any mistakes, but there was a little chatter in the middle, which is not a big problem.

After all, when explaining the team battle just now, Chen Xian subconsciously mistook Rita for Tong Xi, and the cooperation between the two was not tacit enough.

Of course, Chen Xian has a strong ability to adapt.

In the next few waves of team battles, after the two got used to it, they were like ducks in water and went extremely smoothly.

The next game was a bit boring, mainly because the pace in this version was too slow.

There will be no collisions for several minutes.

Of course, it may also be due to the two teams.

Soon, the game was over, and there were basically no bright spots in the audience.

Capture people for vision, and if you make a mistake, there will be both sides.

But OMG has Ma Ge and Leng Shao, Jess's advantage slowly expands, Ma Ge continues to develop, and the game is quickly won.

The same was true for the second game, except that Hou Ye's vampires killed all sides and helped VG win the second game.

Soon came the third game.

"Welcome back. Before you know it, the game has reached the decisive round. This round will determine whether VG can enter the playoffs!" Chen Xian said slowly.

It's not that Chen Xian is tired of shouting in these two rounds, but that the pace of the game is too slow.

After the whole game, he and Rita kept chatting awkwardly.

Fortunately, Chen Xian's business ability is strong, and he is good at controlling the field. Otherwise, the general commentary will basically hypnotize the audience.

At the beginning of the third round, Chen Xian still maintained his best condition.

The black team is on the blue side, and VG is on the red side.

The BP phase begins.

The Black Force team banned Centaur, Vampire and Karma.

On the other hand, VG banned the Enchantress, Malzahar and the Little Murloc.

Seeing this, Chen Xian analyzed, "In the last game, Lord Hou's vampire was too strong, VG decided to ban it after thinking about it."

"And VG didn't give up, and removed Leng Shao's two mid laners, Yao Ji and Grasshopper."

"Then what will the Heishi team choose in the first round?" Chen Xian asked Rita with a smile.

"You can grab Bron, but considering that VG probably won't take it, so..."

Before Rita finished speaking, Hei Shi chose the big tree.

"In the absence of little murlocs, both Shen and Dashu are better choices."

Then VG directly locked Lissandra and Niutou.

"At the critical moment, VG still got Lissandra for the Marquis, and the Marquis is also a very good user of Lissandra." Chen Xian said happily after watching Lissandra locked.

Rita nodded and said: "Yes, the second choice is also the bull's head. Sure enough, between Bron and the bull's head, caveman still chose the bull's head."

The subsequent ban selection stage is relatively fast, and the lineup is quickly determined.

Heishi team: Dashu in the top lane, Sunset in the top lane, Juejue in the jungle, Syndra in the mid laner Leng Shao, Big Zui in the bottom lane, and Braum in the support team.

VG team: Shen from top laner Loong, Rexai from jungler Dadi, Lisandra from mid laner Hou Ye, Jhin from Xuanxuanpi on the bottom lane, and Niutou from support caveman.

The game enters and the match begins.

This round is completely different from the previous two rounds, it feels like two teams have been changed.

The early stage was full of gunpowder.

Juejue's male gun comes up to counter the blue buff on the opposite side, and then goes straight to the bottom lane.

"Hey, this wave of male guns came to the grass on the bottom road, but they didn't rush to shoot." Rita said hastily when she saw the movement of the male guns.

As for Chen Xiancheng's analysis, "Maybe the underworld is waiting for the second level..."

As soon as Chen Xian finished speaking, the duo in the bottom lane shone with golden light, and both sides reached the second level at the same time!

At this time, Ma Ge's position was abnormally forward, and Niutou was fooled decisively.

Direct Q flashed his hand, and then the W skill savagely charged, and directly pushed him back!

"Wow! This guy has been fooled! The male gun came out and the three of them pointed directly at Xiaoxuan. In this case... Xiaoxuan was killed instead." Rita said regretfully when she saw this scene.

Chen Xian helped to add, "Moreover, this wave of transmissions from Lord Hou was wasted, VG is at a loss!"

"And this wave of Ma Ge is also selling very well. If you move a little to the front, Caveman will be fooled directly..."

After this wave ended, both sides developed steadily for a while.

Until the time came to 5 minutes.

The male gun and came down again, Braum flashed his Q skill to keep people, and killed Jhin again.

"Just short of drawing A, A is here! juejue took advantage of the situation and took Jhin's head. There was nothing we could do. Just now Jhin went home early when clearing the army line, causing Jhin to be caught." Rita said calmly.

"This round suffered a bit in the bottom lane. Xiaoxuan was killed twice, and Jhin's first piece of equipment was made of three-speed shoes. Unless it is delayed until the late stage, Jhin's damage in the early stage should not be enough." Chen Now also explained.

Rita also laughed when she heard the words, "And Xiao Wu's flashing Q is very confident, Xiao Xuan wanted to turn his head to hide, but he didn't dodge!"

"In this case... the Heishi team has already made it very clear. Yang Ma's big mouth, once the big mouth gets up in the mid-term, tank heroes like Shen and Rek'sai are easy to fight, so Juejue also understands very well, just help Get off the road."

After this wave is over, the bottom lane of the Heishi team has obviously been pressing in.

But VG obviously didn't hesitate in the bottom lane, and confronted him.

Brother Ma's big mouth continued to output the bull's head, and in less than two seconds, the bull's head was below half blood!

But at this time, Niutou is still decisive...

"Hey, here we come! Brother Ma has been hitting the bull's head!"

"Bull head Q flash! Push Ma Ge back again!"

"At the same time, Shen's big move landed on Jhin's head, and Marco flashed to distance himself!"

"Hey, after Dan Shen landed, E Shan taunted Brother Ma, and Brother Ma was instantly killed!"

Seeing this, Rita added: "Although in this wave, considering that Hou Ye has just handed over teleportation support and is on the road, Shen still has a big move. This is what the Black Power team is not easy to deal with."

(End of this chapter)

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