Chapter 92
Han Xing: If I said it didn’t cost me a single Ocean Coin, would you believe it?

Tang Churan: If you post one every day, I will believe it.

Han Xing: Sorry, I can send one every day.

Tang Churan: ...

Tang Churan: I don't believe it's a lie.

Han Xing: Okay, then when it is posted tomorrow, I won't notify you.

Red envelopes are very difficult to get if you don’t notify them in advance.

What's more, there are so many people on the World Channel.

Even if Han Xing notified in advance, some people in the team still didn't grab it.

He looked at the huge treasure chest dropped by the war machine, raised his hand and cut out a moon blade.


The treasure chest popped open.

Colorful beams of light fell to the ground, and cards rotated waiting for people to pick them up.

"Hey, where's the heavy cannon?"

Han Xing's heart trembled, he clearly saw this card through the God Ring, but it was not in the treasure chest.

"It's impossible. The clairvoyance ring has never failed. There must be something wrong somewhere."

After scanning the room.

The whole room was burned to blackness due to the fighting.

"Hey, why didn't the boss disappear?"

He found it a little strange.

Under normal circumstances, after a period of time after the battle, both the BOSS and the mobs will disappear.

Some bosses will disappear just after the battle.

But this war machine boss is a bit strange, it didn't disappear.

"Could it be that the heavy machine gun is hidden on the BOSS?"

With a skeptical attitude, Han Xing walked towards the BOSS's remains.

From time to time, black smoke from electric snakes would be emitted from the remnant body, and the whole body had been damaged.

The remains of the war machine are divided into four parts.

After Han Xing walked over, he received a system prompt.

[System prompt: The legendary gold card heavy machine gun was found, hidden among the four remnants. 】

[Dear player, you can choose a remnant to dig. 】

"Are you kidding me, can't I dig all four?"

[Dear player, the body is about to disappear, and the time left is only enough to dig one. 】

"So that's the case, then I have to hurry up."

Han Xing looked at the four piles of remains. They were all about the same size.

Inside one of the piles of remnants, a gold card was spinning.

"Fortunately, I have the clairvoyant god ring."

He immediately walked towards the pile of remnants.

Seeing an excavation button on the remnant, he clicked it immediately.


He squatted down and used his hands to dig on the stump.

"Nima, luckily you're wearing gloves."

The electric current kept hitting his fingers, making him feel numb.

After more than ten seconds, a gold card was finally successfully dug out.

At the same time, the remnant of the boss gradually disappeared into the room.

He picked up the gold card and looked at it, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

【Heavy machine gun】

+10000 damage
+10W health
+999 armor
Special ability: 30% chance to critical strike, causing 300% damage.

Special ability: Produces an armor-breaking effect, reducing the enemy's armor by 50%.

Special ability: produce an explosion effect, causing 30% explosion damage to surrounding enemies.

(Smart modules can be used to upgrade to heavy-duty smart cannons.)
"The standard three special abilities are very good."

"This attribute is quite domineering. With this machine gun, it is enough to resist the attack of looters."

Han Xing was very satisfied with this gold card.

After getting the heavy machine gun, his strength increased greatly, and he finally had the capital to place an abandoned city in the Lost Land.

Even if a large number of marauders attack from the land, he will not be afraid.

Han Xing then cleaned up the cards in the treasure chest.

There is a purple card [Tek's Body].

Although it is only a purple card, it is no worse than a gold card.

【Body of Tek】

+Armor 999
+life 2000
+Strength 999
Special ability: Reduce all damage received by 30%.

Special ability: Reflect 50% of physical damage received.

Special ability: It can be directly integrated into the body without occupying the equipment position.

Set attributes: If you collect a complete set of Tek equipment, you will release the Tek Wings.

"So miraculous?"

Han Xing found that this card is quite powerful, not as simple as ordinary purple cards.

This is the first time I have seen a card that does not occupy the equipment slot.

With a thought, Han Xing directly integrated Tai Ke's body into his body.

In an instant, he felt the sublimation from the body to the soul, and the whole person was much stronger.

"What a powerful equipment!"

He quickly checked the copy details.

Because it was just a purple card before, I didn't pay special attention to it.

"0.01% drop rate, my God!"

"This card is the copy of the sea fortress, the core card."

Han Xingxi couldn't help but unexpectedly got a piece of Tektronix equipment.

"System, can this piece of equipment be upgraded?"

[Dear player, this piece of equipment cannot be strengthened, but it can be upgraded to Smart Tech equipment. 】


Han Xing was very satisfied with this piece of equipment.

This purple [Tek Body] card is definitely the best equipment for this copy.

I believe that many players will come here to swipe this card in the future.

Unfortunately, the drop rate of [-] in [-] is bound to drive many people crazy.

This copy is much more advanced than Death Bay.

This purple Tek body far exceeds the quality of the gold card in Death Bay.

"Reducing damage while also rebounding physical damage. This is simply a nightmare for physics professionals!"

With this piece of equipment, dealing with physical occupations such as Berserker, Assassin, Archer, Boxer, and Musketeer is not too easy.

Reflect 50% of the damage, stand and let these professions fight.

Basically, as long as more blood is needed, these occupations will be rebounded to death.

He looked at the remaining two blue cards, one blue leggings and one blue wristband.

"The attributes are average."

He didn't compare them carefully, and threw them all into the auction house, each with a price of 1 ocean coins.

Compared with the purple card [Tek's Body], these blue cards are simply garbage.

Of course, it is only rubbish to Han Xing, but it is definitely the best for others.

These blue cards can be sold for 1 ocean coins, which is completely possible.

This is the equipment produced in the command area. It is unique now and is stronger than most purple equipment produced in Death Bay.

Sure enough, just ten seconds after he hung up, he was immediately photographed.

Many goblins will guard the auction house, buying low and selling high.

When Han Xing first made his fortune, he also relied on this trick to accumulate some financial resources.

"Did I hang low?"

Han Xing felt a little shortchanged.

When someone snaps it up instantly, most of the time it's because the auction house's price is low.

As an elderly goblin, he immediately checked the price of blue equipment in the auction house.

Generally around [-], no higher price than these two pieces of blue equipment can be found.

In other words, if you only talk about blue equipment, 1 is definitely not low.

But the problem is that the attributes of the blue equipment produced here are too good, even better than many purple equipment.

The goblins are all sharp-eyed, so it's not surprising that they are photographed in seconds.

"Many people haven't cleared this dungeon yet. The blue equipment here is very rare, and it's normal for the price to be higher."

I believe that when this dungeon is opened, the price of the equipment will come down.

Of course, one or two thousand ocean coins may be added, maybe someone will buy it.

Han Xing pursed his lips, since he had already sold it, he stopped thinking about it.

He put away the remaining material cards, and then headed towards the gatekeeper boss.

After owning the body of Tek, his strength has greatly increased, and the damage of the elite guards has no longer threatened him.

He sparked with lightning all the way, pulling dozens of elite guards.

(End of this chapter)

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