Chapter 9 Suddenly there is an extra brother

You Lesheng: But I didn't sell it, because this fish has a BUFF.

You Lesheng: As long as you bring it with you, you will have a lucky aura, whether it is opening treasure chests or fishing, the quality will be higher.

You Lesheng: Now, do you still doubt my strength?

Lu Tongguang: I dare not!Boss, please accept our worship.

Zhou Xinghe: It turns out that fishing is so awesome!
Zhou Xinghe: I have decided to start learning fishing from now on.

Fan Tongwei: You Lesheng, I decided not to worship Water King anymore, and you are my idol from now on.

Jia Fangfang: You Lesheng, you are amazing.

Han Xing did not expect that this playboy is also a good at pretending to be aggressive.

I just don't know whether it's real strength or pretending to be coercive. Today I have to let him show his true colors.

Han Xing: You Lesheng, do you really know the coordinates of the islands and reefs?
You Lesheng: Of course.

You Lesheng: But I will never tell you, stop wishful thinking.

Han Xing: How many ocean coins do you want before you are willing to say?
Yousheng: This is not about the ocean coins, but I look down on you at all.

You Lesheng: Do you know why you are not on the wealth list?
Playboy: The poor should be eliminated. This is in line with Darwin's survival theory, survival of the fittest.

Recreational student: You actually helped them and gave them water for free. You are simply stupid.

You Lesheng: If you didn't give away so much water for free, I believe you can also appear on the wealth list now.

Han Xing: Yes, I am in a bad situation.

Han Xing found it a bit funny that a small character like Yu Sheng, who was not even in the top [-] wealth list, actually taught him a lesson.

Han Xing: Let’s discuss the coordinates of the islands and reefs first. How much are you willing to sell to me?
Yousheng: No need to discuss, I will tell you clearly right now, I will not sell you any amount.

Han Xing: 200 ocean coins.

Amusement student: Haha, look at my blue title, I’m a fishing expert.

You Lesheng: If you are lucky, if you catch a purple fish, it will cost more than your little money.

Han Xing: 500 ocean coins.

You Lesheng: Don't insult me ​​with money anymore, it's just 500 ocean coins, it only takes a day or two if I work hard.

Han Xing: 1000 ocean coins.

You Lesheng: Do you think you can bribe me with money?Tell you, you are so childish.

Han Xing: 2000 ocean coins.

Yousheng: I take back what I just said. I think you are starting to be sincere.

You Lesheng: But the coordinates of the islands and reefs are a good thing, I am a bit reluctant to give them to you.

Han Xing: 5000 ocean coins.

You Lesheng: Brother, where are you?How to trade?

Han Xing: Are you wearing a fishing hat and fishing?

Playboy: Yes, can you see me?It looks like we are very close, which is great.

You Lesheng: You tell me your coordinates, and I will sail over to find you for a deal right away.

Han Xing: Isn't it just 5000 ocean coins?You are still afraid that I will go back on my word.

Han Xing: You can apply for the transaction directly, you don’t need to go there yourself.

You Lesheng: Brother, it's not about money, it's mainly because I want to make you a friend.

Han Xing:......

Han Xing was a little confused for a moment. He didn't expect a person's attitude to change so quickly.

Sure enough, the power of money is so powerful.

Han Xing: There are sharks in the middle. It's very dangerous for you to come here. Just write the coordinates on the paper and I'll be fine.

You Lesheng: This is a big deal of 5000 ocean coins, how can you be so hasty?

Amusement student: My boat is equipped with a propeller, so don’t worry about me.

Han Xing: Well, my coordinates are 25361, 123157.

You Lesheng: Received!

Amusement student: Boss, I’ll be right over.

Zhou Xinghe: You Lesheng, are you really going?You kid seems to have forgotten what you just said.

You Lesheng: What did I just say?
Zhou Xinghe: You said that if you told him the coordinates, you would be his son.

Yousheng: It's an honor for me to be the son of such a big boss.

Jia Fangfang: Great.

You Lesheng: Little bitch, why are you so happy?

Jia Fangfang: Of course I am happy to suddenly have an extra brother.

You Lesheng: How do you say that?

Jia Fangfang: Think about it, if I am his daughter and you are his son, then you are my brother.

Everyone: ...

Soon, a small boat came in the distance.

Wearing a fishing hat and a cigarette in his mouth, You Lesheng climbed up with a string of fish.

"Boss, here is the salmon for you."

"I usually eat this, it's delicious, you must try it."

Han Xing didn't expect to receive any gifts.

"Thank you."

"I'll discount it to you later."

These salmon are not only big, but also very fresh, and they should have been caught not long ago.

This string of fish can be sold for 20 ocean coins in the market, so he decided to give him 50 ocean coins later.

You Lesheng was overjoyed: "Why are you so polite, isn't it just a few fish."

Han Xing said nothing and threw the fish to the beaver.

"Boss, come here and eat fish."

The playboy watched as Beaver flicked the ashes from his cigarette.

"Boss, I didn't expect you to have battle pets."

"This beaver is a rare species, and you can't even buy it in the auction house."

He looked at the luxurious ship, and immediately sighed again.

"This ship, without thousands of ocean coins, I'm afraid I can't take it down."

"The boss is the boss, forgive me for what I said earlier."

"Please sit down." Han Xing smiled nonchalantly and handed him a chair.

"Thank you!" The player caught it flattered, and then sat down.

The two sat facing each other, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"Sorry." You Lesheng took a deep breath, and then flicked the cigarette end into the sea.

He respectfully handed over a note: "The coordinates you want are written on it, please have a look."

Han Xing took the note and looked at it.

"25446, 123285."

"It looks very close, why didn't I notice it."

You Lesheng lit another one and said, "Boss, you don't know something."

"This island reef is usually submerged by sea water, so it is difficult to find."

Han Xing nodded and said, "So that's the case."

Then the transaction application popped up.

The player was happy and quickly agreed.

"Boss, why be so polite, you can do the transaction later."

When Han Xing heard this, he immediately closed the transaction interface.

"Then wait for the transaction."

The player smiled self-deprecatingly: "Don't worry, boss, I'm just joking with you. It's better to trade now."

Han Xing sneered, and then went over to the transaction.

"That's right, it's pretty good, what's the point of pretending."

You Lesheng saw the 5050 ocean coins he entered, and immediately slapped himself lightly on the face.

"Damn me, I shouldn't pretend to be aggressive in front of you, Water King, I won't dare next time."

Seeing that he was so sensible, Han Xing stopped caring.

"You don't mind accompanying me to the island?"

You Lesheng patted his chest and said, "No problem, this is my honor."

"Yeah." Han Xing nodded and said, "Then wait a moment, I'll install a thruster for the luxury ship."

The small propellers on recreational boats are definitely not good, the thrust is not enough.

Han Xing searched for propellers in the auction house, and only small ones were sold.

Large-scale materials are too expensive, and no one has made them yet.

He decided to buy a blueprint and make it himself.

"Large ship propeller blueprint, 1000 ocean coins, quite expensive."

He smashed his mouth and bought it immediately.


Polymer materials have increased to 60 ocean coins, and metal ingots cost 30 ocean coins.

Plastic sheets are the cheapest and only cost 5 ocean coins.

The total is 2800 ocean coins, which is indeed a bit expensive.

Fortunately, he has both metal ingots and plastic sheets, only 9 polymer materials short.

I spent 540 ocean coins to purchase casually, and quickly gathered all the materials.

(End of this chapter)

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