Chapter 79 Be Aware of Being Beaten

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The muskets fired rapidly, and all the undead fell to the ground.

Shi Wanyu: Zhou Wenshan, you are robbing me again.

Zhou Wenshan: We are all in one team, how can we get rid of monsters.

Zhao Wenbo: Hey, Captain, there is a green card.

Han Xing is holding hands to watch everyone fight monsters.

He walked over to pick up the card and saw that it was a green robe.

He compared the robe Shi Wanyu was wearing, which was slightly better than this one.

After all, he personally led the team, and the blue outfits are not bad.

But Xue Shanshan's magic robe was much worse.

Han Xing: Shanshan, this robe is for you.

Xue Shanshan: Hee hee, thank you boss.

Han Xing: From now on, everyone, please call me captain.

Xue Shanshan: Good captain.

Huzi: Captain, we have so many people, why don't we just build a guild.

Han Xing: Can you build guilds in this game?
Huzi: Yes, there is a guild envoy in My Lost Land. It only takes 500 ocean coins to establish a guild. It is very simple.

Han Xing: That's right.

Han Xing: Okay, you can submit the application after you go back.

Huzi: Good captain.

Huzi: But I need a guild name, what should I call it?
All the team members looked at Han Xing.

Han Xing thought about it.

"Let's call it Ocean Empire."

Everyone: Great name!

Huzi: Captain, Ocean Empire, can you not want this?
Three black lines fell off Han Xing's forehead.

Han Xing: Huzi, are you deliberately angry with me?

Huzi: Hehe, I dare not just make a joke.

Huzi: The doctor is optimistic about my blood, I'm going to charge.


Huzi charged forward and plunged into the monster pile again.

Perhaps it was because the team was relatively strong, Han Xing didn't even make a move, and he came to the old 1 smoothly.

When seeing the No. 1 boss, the girls were scared and hid behind the boys.

Han Xing looked at the boss, and was a little surprised. It was the first time he saw such a strange boss.

Boss No. 1 is a skeleton hunter.

The two eyes seem to be inlaid with rubies, shooting out two red beams.

According to the introduction of the dungeon, this skeleton hunter was once a survival instructor in the fortress.

After the disaster, it became like this.

He likes this fort very much and will never allow anyone to invade it.

The skeleton hunter holds a giant double-barreled shotgun in one hand and leads three hounds in the other.

The hounds all looked ferocious, grinning and grinning, all looking eager to try.

"Wang! Wang!"

The hound kept barking, scaring some of the girls.

Huzi: I'm going to go.

Han Xing: Wait a minute.

Han Xing walked over to take a look, and the see-through ring showed that the boss would drop a purple outfit and some blue materials.

Three hounds, which drop broken fur, are useless.

"Wang! Wang! Wang!"

Seeing him approaching, the three hounds immediately barked.

The skeleton hunter stared at Han Xing with red eyes, and then raised the shotgun in his hand.

Han Xing took two steps back before the boss put down the shotgun.

The drops of the skeleton hunter are so-so, but if you want to learn the third-level skills, you must get the BOSS token from him.

Of course, because Han Xing has learned hidden skills, there is no need to learn ordinary skills at this moment.

But he needs to take the BOSS token in exchange for the god's paddle.

This boss is a bit difficult. If he doesn't make a move, it will be difficult for the team to kill this boss.

Han Xing: The attacks of these hounds seem to be quite high, and you may not be able to handle them.

Huzi: Captain, it’s impossible for us to get old, let’s withdraw, we have to give it a try no matter what.

Zhao Wenbo: I also agree to give it a try.

Zhao Wenbo: I can summon demon warriors to share the damage together.

Han Xing: I didn't say not to try.

Han Xing: Listen to my arrangement, my tortoise carries the hound.

Han Xing: Others, all-out boss.

With a thought, Han Xing summoned the tortoise.

Everyone: OK.



The tortoise and the tiger charged almost simultaneously.

The tortoise carried the three hounds, and the tiger carried the boss.

At this time, the advantages of dual tanks are revealed.

If there is only one tank here, it is likely that the blood will not be added.

After the double tanks share the damage, they can just hold it.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

The BOSS's shotgun keeps firing.

Each hit will knock out more than 1000 blood.

Compared with the boss damage of Death Bay, it has indeed increased by an order of magnitude.

And this is still without the damage of the berserk state.

If it is in a berserk state, Hu Zi is very likely to be knocked out of half of his blood with one shot.

So it was a very wise decision for Han Xing to let the tortoise carry it.

"Shuttle! Shuttle! Shuttle!..."

He raised his hand and slashed out a few moon blades, killing the three hounds in a few hits.

A few gray cards, with torn furs, were spinning on the ground.

Han Xing ignored it and continued to attack the skeleton hunter.

The blood volume of the skeleton hunter is very thick, with 50 blood.

Although the damage of team members has been greatly improved, most of them do not exceed 1000 points of damage.

The team members obviously felt a little hard to fight this boss.

Fortunately, with Han Xing as the output, this smoothly entered the second stage.

Skeleton Hunter: Let me think about it, should I braise you in brown sauce or steam it?
Skeleton Hunter: By the way, the big baby likes steaming.

As soon as the boss finished speaking, a huge black bear was summoned.


The black bear slapped it, and three quarters of the tiger's blood was gone.

The two girls, Lin Qi and Ou Yunting, felt a lot of pressure and pumped blood like crazy.

But no matter how hard the two girls tried, Huzi's bloodline was always in a hurry.

Han Xing: Huzi, you carry the boss, and the black bear is handed over to the fire turtle.


Huzi charged and knocked the skeleton hunter unconscious.

The tortoise filled the gap in time and held the black bear.

Black bears are all physical attacks, and there is no way to completely attack a battle pet with high blood and high defense like the fire turtle.

The black bear has a very violent temper and directly bites the tortoise with its mouth.

The fire tortoise is not stupid, it even retracts into the shell and cannot come out.

Moreover, after hiding in the tortoise's shell, the speed of the fire tortoise's blood recovery accelerated.

Reached 2% per second.

This time, the black bear was furious.


The black bear hugged and threw the tortoise out.

Seeing that the black bear is looking for the tiger again.


The tortoise charged and successfully stopped the black bear.

Han Xing: Black bears only have 10 blood.

Han Xing: Get rid of the black bear first.

Everyone: Got it.

The firepower of the team members was all concentrated on the black bear.

Although the black bear's skin was rough and rough, it still couldn't hold back so many people.

After a while, the black bear screamed and fell to the ground.

Han Xing took a closer look, and the black bear dropped a blue card [Perfect Fur].

If you throw it in the system store, you can sell it for 500 ocean coins, which feels okay.

Of course, it would be a pity to throw a fur of this level in the store.

If it is sold to life professional players and used to make clothes, the price can be doubled several times.

After the black bear was killed, the boss entered the third stage.

Skeleton Hunter: No!You killed my big baby.

Skeleton Hunter: I will die with you!

The skeleton hunter moved out a large gunpowder barrel out of nowhere, and threw it at Huzi directly.

Huzi fell to the ground on the spot, holding the gunpowder barrel with a grievance on his face.

Huzi: Damn, why is it always me who gets hurt.

Shi Wanyu: To be a tank, one must be prepared to be beaten.

Han Xing: There are 5 seconds until the explosive barrel explodes. Everyone leaves the room!

When the team members heard this, they turned around and ran away in fright.

Huzi was pressed by the explosive barrel and couldn't get up for a long time.

At the critical moment, it was the Fire Turtle who helped him push the explosive barrel aside.

Han Xing: Huzi, hurry up, there is one second left.


Huzi charged towards Han Xing and ran to the door.

At the same time, the powder keg behind him also exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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