Chapter 76 Learning Skills

Han Xing made a big jump and rushed directly from the top of the mountain.

The cloak fan on his back made a 'crack' sound, and an electric current lifted the whole person up.

At this moment, he seemed to be gliding in the air, feeling like flying.

"This cloak really can fly!"

But in fact, he was not really flying, but the speed of his descent became much slower.

His height gradually decreased, gradually approaching the ground.

After a few minutes, he stepped on solid ground.

Looking back, I didn't expect to fly directly from the top of the mountain to the beach. This cloak is definitely a must-have artifact for home travel!
"Unfortunately, the sea is vast, how can I get to the opposite island?"

He tried to place a motor boat and found that it couldn't be placed on the battlefield.

Fortunately, there are some scattered rafts in the distance.

He found a relatively complete raft, and then rowed to the opposite island.

Although the island looks not far away, it is actually at the border of the battlefield map.

After paddling for more than an hour, he felt exhausted and finally reached the border of the battlefield map.

He picked up the binoculars and looked over, and found that the island was called GM's Island.

A young NPC, wearing flowery underwear, was fishing on the beach.


Han Xing felt lucky.

He checked the details of the dungeon provided by the system and found that this dungeon only had a boss, which was the NPC in front of him.

The NPC named Wu Han is the consciousness of the GM.

This NPC drops very well, with a 50% chance of dropping the Ring of Perspective, and a 50% chance of dropping the Fishing Rod of God.

He cast the Mist Hidden Technique and then got off the raft.

After swimming in the sea for a while, we successfully landed on the island.

The NPC sensed that someone had landed on the island, and looked back vigilantly, but found no one.

Han Xing stood motionless on the beach for fear of being discovered.

Fortunately, the NPC continued to fish after observing for a while.


Han Xing made a quick decision and slashed out a moon blade.

The NPC directly ran out of blood and fell on the beach.

At the same time, two red cards fell to the ground, spinning continuously.

The red beam of light shot straight into the sky, very bright.


Han Xing was excited, and trotted over to pick up the card.

Seeing this, he was immediately extremely happy.

【Perspective God Ring】

+attack 77
+life 1000
Special Ability: Can see items dropped by monsters.

Although there is only one special ability, it definitely belongs to the category of divine costume.

Han Xing has the ability to become invisible. Once he wears this ring and walks into the dungeon, he will know exactly what happened to the BOSS.

【God Fishing Rod】

+Fishing skill 1000
+attack 999
Special ability: Even without bait, the bait will take the bait.

Special Ability: Can fish out all items.

"Fuck, the fishing rod for 999 attacks."

Countless black lines dropped from Han Xing's head.

It is definitely an insult to stab other players to death with a fishing rod when playing the ladder.

Han Xing put away the fishing rod, and then put on the see-through ring.

He has ten fingers and ten toes, and can wear 20 rings.

The more equipment like rings, the better.

Yes, this game is so free, the ring can even be worn in other places.

Only unexpected and impossible.

The price of soil has skyrocketed recently, and some players have tried to reclaim land from the sea.

Some don't want to build a log cabin, just dig a tree hole, and it's quite comfortable to live in.

Some don't like to make money and don't like to play dungeons, but like to row boats to enjoy the beautiful scenery and meet beautiful girls.

In short, a thousand players have a thousand ways to play.

Han Xing glanced at the GM palace in the distance.

The palace looks like it's only half built, and the NPCs are all standing in the open air, obviously the palace hasn't been built yet.

Obviously, this GM island, like the battlefield map, is still being perfected.

[Dear players, the battlefield is about to be repaired. 】

"Fuck, you can definitely recover slowly."

Han Xing was anxious and ran towards the palace quickly.

He got two magical costumes as soon as he landed on the island, which shows that there are still many good things on this island and he must seize the time to search for them.

Along the way, he found that there are many strange stones on the island.

When I picked it up, I was overjoyed.

【Inheritance Stone】

The special attributes of any piece of equipment can be inherited to the main equipment, up to three times.

"Good stuff!"

"However, it can only be inherited three times, so you must select a special attribute before inheriting."

He picked up all the inheritance stones into his backpack, and actually picked up hundreds of them.

Soon, he entered the palace room and found some porcelain and two blueprints.

The porcelain is very exquisite, and they are all antiques, which can be sold for tens of thousands in system stores.

However, he was not willing to sell it, and planned to keep it for future decoration of the house.

Put some antiques in the room, and Kige will come up immediately.

He looked at the two blueprints and realized that this was the real good thing.

【GM Excalibur Blueprint】

You can combine two enhanced +10 weapons into a GM Excalibur.

The attributes of the two weapons will be inherited, and the attributes of the GM Excalibur will be added.

【GM Divine Armor Blueprint】

You can combine two pieces of defensive equipment that are strengthened by +10 into GM God Armor.

The attributes of the two pieces of equipment will be inherited, and the attributes of the GM God Armor will be increased.

"This is definitely a good thing."

Han Xing searched for a while in the palace room, but unfortunately there was nothing except some stones.

He walked to GM Plaza and saw a large group of NPCs.

"Hey, hidden professional tutor."

He walked over and took a look and found three hidden professional mentors.

A handsome sword fairy, a female summoner exuding a dark aura all over her body, and a looming assassin.

Hidden Sword Immortal: Young man, if you choose me as your mentor, I can teach you the art of controlling the sword.

Hidden Sword Immortal: Kill the enemy with the sword from a thousand meters away, and you will become the strongest player.

Hidden Great Summoner: I never put Sword Immortal in my eyes.

Hidden Great Summoner: Handsome guy, I can teach you to summon BOSS, do you want to learn?
Hidden Great Summoner: As long as you choose me as your mentor, my sister can teach you everything in her body.

Hidden Ace Assassin: Summoner, only by me.

Hidden Ace Assassin: Have you seen 1000% critical hit damage?
Hidden Ace Assassin: If you choose me as your mentor, you will be in the air every second of every day.

Han Xing: But, I like all three mentors, what should I do?
He had thought that the mentors would be surprised, even angry.

Unexpectedly, none of their expressions changed, and they even felt a little happy.

Hidden Sword Immortal: No problem, but the price of learning skills will be doubled.

Hidden Great Summoner: Since you are so charming, I will forgive you, sister. Of course, the price will be a little more expensive.

Hidden Ace Assassin: There are no skills that cannot be learned with 1 ocean coins.

Hidden Ace Assassin: If there is, then another 1 ocean coins will come.


Han Xing was excited and immediately clicked on the NPC to check it out.

"Sword Soul: A soul sword will be generated around the body, which inherits 100% of the player's attributes and can automatically protect the player."

"Sword Slash: It can be activated when the player's health is lower than 20%, causing 10 consecutive damages, randomly attacking nearby enemies, and being invincible during the sword slash."

"Summon the flaming white tiger: Summon 10 flaming white tigers, and each white tiger inherits 100% of the player's attributes."

"Summon Seraphim: Summon 2 seraphim, and each angel inherits 1000% of the player's attributes."

"Mist Walk: For a short period of time, increase the movement speed by 1000%."

"Level 10 Fog Hidden Technique: The first attack when you come out of stealth will definitely trigger a critical strike, causing 1000% damage."

"No way, each skill requires 2 ocean coins to learn, and you are too dark."

Hidden Sword Immortal: Just say you want to learn or not.

Hidden Great Summoner: My sister is already lenient to you.

Hidden Ace Assassin: For the sake of being the supreme VIP, I can give you a [-]% discount.

(End of this chapter)

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