Chapter 72

Seeing the players behind him turning into blood mist one by one, Han Xing gasped.

Without looking back, he rushed into the grass that was as tall as a person.

Only by running as far as possible to the center of the blood circle, when the next time the blood circle shrinks, can you run to the safe area as soon as possible.

Of course, there are also some lucky players.

Every time he shrinks the circle, it happens to be his area.

These players can survive to the end without moving.

But this is only a minority, for most, running to the center of the blood circle is a better choice.

If it is on the edge of the blood circle and remains still, the next shrinking circle may be just in the safe area, but it is more likely to be outside the blood circle.

That's really called "every day should not be done", and the ground is not effective, and it can only be eliminated.

Of course, if the blood volume is thick enough and the mount is fast enough, there is a chance to escape to a safe area.

Not long after Han Xing entered the jungle, he was terrified by the scene in front of him.

A dinosaur with a head like a crocodile opened its mouth wide and rushed towards him.

Han Xing instinctively took two steps back. At this time, he saw some players riding on their mounts and running.

"It turns out that you can summon mounts here, which is really great."

"Come out, T-Rex!"

He yelled.

The huge figure of Tyrannosaurus rex stood in front of him.

The dinosaur that was running over immediately slammed on the brakes, then turned around and ran away.

Tyrannosaurus rex is definitely a very deterrent existence in the dinosaur family.

When these dinosaurs saw it, of course they had no choice but to run away.

The Tyrannosaurus rex wanted to chase, but was stopped by Han Xing.

"Forget it, running around in circles is important."

"Squat down."

Tyrannosaurus rex squatted down obediently.

Han Xing turned over and rode on the Tyrannosaurus rex, then ran towards the middle of the blood circle.

He found that the island is not completely flat, and the higher the altitude is in the middle of the island.

Fortunately, the Tyrannosaurus Rex was very agile and easily climbed up the hillside.

Riding on the Tyrannosaurus rex has a good view, and he saw the complete battlefield situation.

There are many cabins on the island, as well as several lighthouses, which contain many treasure chests.

Players rushed in to search, and when they came out, many of their equipment had been brand new.

The players quickly discovered the pattern, there must be a treasure chest in every building.

Soon, a large number of players in a group broke out because of fighting for the treasure chest.

It is agreed to share the same hatred with the enemy, and it is agreed to live and die together.

All are no match for the temptation of a treasure chest.

Sometimes while walking, he was killed by the teammates behind him.

It has to make people feel that human nature is really terrible.

"Thumbs up..."

Some players actually got Gatling, stuck in the only way alone, and harvested a lot of honor points.

Survival battlefield, in addition to surviving, is to kill the opponent.

The more opponents you kill, the more honor points you get.

Although the player who blocked the road was shot in the head by an arrow flying from nowhere, and fell straight to the ground, there was a smile on his face.

Because of his strafing just now, he earned a lot of honor points, which is simply not too exciting.

He earned more honor points than most players.

Han Xing was not in a hurry to harvest honor points, but ran towards the center of the blood circle as much as possible.

The closer you get to the center of the blood circle, the fewer players there are.

Along the way, Han Xing was very lucky and picked up 3 treasure chests.

Two blue and one purple should be able to get a lot of good things.

But for Han Xing, it was already difficult to attract his attention without the golden treasure chest.

In fact, there were many gray and white treasure chests on the road, and he didn't even bother to pick them up.

I just happened to see the blue and purple treasure chests, and reluctantly got them into my bag.

He is very clear about his primary goal, which is to eat chicken, and it will be more advantageous to run to the center of the blood circle first.

"Help, help me."

Not far away, a female player fell to the ground.

I thought it was being chased by a dinosaur.

Han Xing took a closer look and was a little dumbfounded.

There was no dinosaur chasing her, only to trip over a vine.

He shouted enthusiastically: "Sister, I can see that you lack exercise. Come up and I will give you a ride."

The female player was overjoyed, and when she turned her head and saw the Tyrannosaurus rex, she fainted from fright.

Han Xing was a little surprised,

"Damn, is this dead?"

"Sorry girl, I didn't mean to."

Han Xing found that the figure of the female player disappeared immediately.

Han Xing didn't care so much, and continued to run forward on the Tyrannosaurus rex.

Gradually, he was the only one left around, and he couldn't even see the circle of blood.


"It looks like this one has a chance to eat chicken."

He slowed down and wandered through the jungle.

"Hey, the fruit is so red, it must be very sweet."

Feeling a little thirsty, he reached out and plucked a bunch.

When I was about to eat, I suddenly stopped.

He looked around vigilantly, feeling that the environment was a bit weird, but he couldn't tell what was weird.

"It's so quiet, why is that?"

The jungle is always lively, full of the sounds of various animals and insects.

But this jungle is dead silent, which is a bit weird.

He put the fruit aside for the time being, and was about to ride away on the Tyrannosaurus rex.

He already understood that the survival battlefield is full of various traps, and maybe this is also a trap.

At this moment, the vines on the tree suddenly grew longer, hanging him in the air.


"It turned out to be a man-eating tree."

"It's careless!"

I didn't expect to escape the temptation of the treasure box, but I didn't escape the temptation of the fruit.

He struggled desperately, but the vines became tighter and tighter.

The power of the vines was great, and his blood volume was dropping rapidly, so he had to knock down a bottle of Big Red.


The Tyrannosaurus rex roared, and slammed into the man-eating tree, trying to save its master.

But the man-eating tree is so huge that it cannot be shaken for a while.

At this time, a female player came here swinging vines in the forest.

The female player made a beautiful turn and landed in front of Han Xing.

The female player looked up at him and said, "Give me [-] ocean coins, and I'll let you down."

Han Xing looked at her upside down, dressed very coolly, she was a little beauty.

Han Xing: Dream on, it's hard to say whether you can earn [-] ocean coins from a handful of battlefields, so just open your mouth and come here.

Muna: 1000 ocean coins won't work for the head office, right?
Han Xing: I won't give you a single point.

Muna: Really stingy.

Muna: Then just wait for death slowly here, the blood circle will shrink again soon.

Han Xing: Come back.

Han Xing: Beauty, don't be angry, look at this, okay?

Han Xing: If you let me down, I will take you to eat chicken together.

Muna: Really?
Mu Na looked at Han Xing's equipment and blood volume, and she did have the strength to eat chicken.

She then threw a dart, cutting off the vines of the man-eating tree.

Han Xing glanced up and down at her, she was a very temperamental girl.

Dressed in blue and purple clothes, he is considered a relatively high-end existence among players.

Han Xing: What is your profession? The way you throw darts is pretty cool.

Muna: I'm an assassin, what about you?

Han Xing: Coincidentally, I am also an assassin.

Muna: ...

(End of this chapter)

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