Chapter 62 Tyrannosaurus Rex Mount Card
"If Tyrannosaurus rex is used as a mount, wouldn't it be more cool!"

Han Xing felt that although the Thunder Dragon was huge, it was too cumbersome after all, and the key was that it had no fighting power.

If you encounter looters, you can only be beaten passively.

But Tyrannosaurus rex is different, dozens of looters don't even think about getting close.

Moreover, the Tyrannosaurus rex is also huge in size, and heavy firepower can also be installed on it.

Thinking of this, he immediately bought a mount collar for 1000 at the store.

As long as the animal is covered with a collar when there is residual blood, the capture can be completed.

He estimated the direction of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and then placed two smart Gatlings on the ground.

"Hey, big bastard, this way!"

While helping the fallen female player, he yelled at the Tyrannosaurus rex.


The tyrannosaurus rex roared angrily, and then rushed over here.

"Shuttle! Shuttle!"

He raised his hand and chopped out two moon blades, then turned and ran.

This tyrannosaurus rex has 25 points of blood, but I don't know how powerful it is.

"Tut, chug, chug, chug..."

Two intelligent Gatlings recognized the enemy and quickly fired from two directions at the same time.

The Tyrannosaurus rex is caught in the middle, look left and right, don't know which one to destroy.

At this moment, Han Xing slashed a few moon blades towards it again.

Han Xing's attack can now hit about 4500 points each time, and the two moon blades will lose almost [-] blood.


The Tyrannosaurus rex was flanked by three sides and screamed in pain.

Then it bared its teeth, and rushed towards Han Xing desperately.

"Good come!"

Han Xing made a quick decision, rode the Thunder Dragon and circled Gatlin.

I have to say that the smart Gatling is good, it can automatically reload and fire automatically, and it can also automatically judge the attacking part.

The Tyrannosaurus rex only ran around twice, and its blood volume plummeted, reaching the red line.

Seeing that the Tyrannosaurus Rex was showing signs of fleeing, Han Xing immediately put away the Thunder Dragon and cut out a few moon blades for it.

This time the Tyrannosaurus rex was completely enraged. After squashing Gatling flat with one foot, it rushed up to Han Xing desperately.

"Good come!"

Han Xing stood in place, cutting out the moon blade continuously.

"Tut, chug, chug..."

The only remaining gun, Gatling, kept firing.

Finally, when the Tyrannosaurus rex was about to run to Han Xing, the blood volume dropped to 5%.

Han Xing made a decisive decision and threw the collar at the Tyrannosaurus rex.

The Tyrannosaurus rex, caught by the collar, kept rolling on the spot.

Suddenly, a white handkerchief stretched out to Han Xing's forehead, wiping the sweat off his face.

Han Xing turned his head and saw that it was the female player who had just been rescued.

Jiang Ying: Thank you for saving me.

Han Xing: You're welcome, I'm mainly hunting Tyrannosaurus Rex, and saving you is just a matter of chance.

Jiang Ying: Anyway, you saved my life.

Jiang Ying: How can I repay you?

Han Xing glanced up and down at her.

It seems that at the age of eighteen or nineteen, he is well developed, and his whole body exudes a youthful breath.

Perhaps it was because she escaped just now, which stimulated the rapid secretion of hormones in her body.

There was a blush on his face.

While talking, she actually leaned on Han Xing's shoulder.

Han Xing's foot softened and he almost fell.

Han Xing: You don’t have to be like this.

Jiang Ying: But, I can't find any other way to repay you other than promise with my body.

Jiang Ying: All my belongings are only worth 300 ocean coins.

Jiang Ying: Watching you fight just now, I knew you were a great hero.

Jiang Ying: Just let me follow you.

Han Xing shook his head.

Han Xing: Sorry.

Han Xing: I have caught my mount, I have to check it out.

Han Xing found that the Tyrannosaurus rex turned into a golden card, spinning on the grass.

He walked over quickly, and when he was about to pick up the cards, he was picked up by a boxer player.

Han Xing: My friend, this is my card.

Boxer turned to look at him.

Jiang Yang: Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.

Han Xing couldn't help but frowned.

This guy is trying to find fault.

When I captured the Tyrannosaurus Rex just now, there were at least 200 players around watching.

Now this guy actually said that he didn't know it belonged to him, obviously on purpose.

Han Xing: Hey, you also saw the battle just now.

Han Xing: You probably don't want to be shot hundreds of holes by Gatling.

As soon as he finished speaking, the smart Gatling turned his gun and pointed it at the boxer.

Jiang Yang looked at Gatling, then at Han Xing.

Holding the Tyrannosaurus rex mount card in his hand, he sneered.

This card is so good that he would risk his life to loot it.

In the end, he made a decision.

A cruel smile flashed across his face, and he said with a grin: "Sorry, this is my card!"

"If I'm fast enough, your Gatling should miss me."

After speaking, he turned around and ran, and it was still in a Z shape.


Gatlin fired just one shot, which hit him in the ankle.

Jiang Yang staggered and fell to the ground.

"elder brother!"

Jiang Ying shouted eagerly and ran over quickly.

"What, is this your brother?"

Han Xing frowned, feeling a little unusual. He didn't expect the two to be brother and sister.

He walked over, trying to grab the card back from Jiang Yang's hand.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yang pinched Ka so tightly, and was unwilling to let go no matter what.

Han Xing felt very helpless.

"Hey, after taking a shot, you don't have a long memory, do you?"

"My Gatling is smart aiming, unless you're faster than a bullet, it's useless to zigzag."

"Ah! What are you doing?"

Han Xing suddenly pulled out his hand and looked at Jiang Ying in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, I was bitten hard by this little girl.

The moment he withdrew his hand, Jiang Yang had already sold the card into the system store.

"Great, sister, we have money."

Jiang Ying: Just don't talk.

Jiang Ying turned her head to look at the shocked Han Xing, then knelt down and kowtowed to him.

"I'm sorry, please forgive my brother."

"He had no choice but to do this. The looters will soon come to charge, and we have no money to pay."

Han Xing: Are you kidding me? That's why you snatched my card?
Han Xing: I said, why did you wipe my sweat just now? It turned out to be buying time for your brother to pick up my card.

Han Xing: I will put my words here today, if you return the card, both of you will die!

Jiang Ying collapsed directly, sat on the ground and burst into tears.

Jiang Yang comforted her a few words, then stood up.

"Isn't it just a Tyrannosaurus rex mount card? When I equip it, I'll give you two back!"

Han Xing: To put it bluntly.

Han Xing: Do you know how difficult it is to deal with a Tyrannosaurus rex?
Han Xing: It's not that you didn't see it just now. I also spent a lot of effort and lost a lot of smart Gatling to do it.

Han Xing: You fucking sold my card to a store, are you still human?

Jiang Yang: You are not human.

Jiang Yang: Is my sister's life less important than one of your cards?
Han Xing: What does this have to do with your sister's life?What the hell are you talking about?

Jiang Yang: We already owe the looter 2000 ocean coins, and the looter said that if we can't get it out again this time, he will take my sister away.

Jiang Yang: Please, let us go this time, and when we get through this, I will try my best to catch a Tyrannosaurus rex and return it to you.

Han Xing gave him a blank look.

(End of this chapter)

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