Chapter 55
Han Xing didn't say much, and the trident directly stabbed in from behind the beauty.


The beauty screamed and lay down on the grass crying, her blood volume began to decrease crazily.

A few seconds later, he fell into a pool of blood.

Three black lines fell off Han Xing's forehead.

Han Xing: I should have agreed to your surrender just now.

Han Xing: I'm sorry beauty.

Qin Qingyue: Hmph, I remember you, one day I will take revenge.

Qin Qingyue: Don't think I don't know you are the water king.

Han Xing: No, I'm just on the ladder.

Qin Qingyue: I don't care if you go up the ladder, you shouldn't stab me so cruelly... there.

The figures of Han Xing and Fire Turtle returned to the room again.

He glanced at the ground and saw an extra green treasure box.

He didn't bother to open it and clicked to play again.

Soon, one person, one battle pet appeared on a desert battlefield.

Except for the grassland turning into a desert, the size and layout of the battlefield have not changed, and there is still a river in the middle.

He found that the opponent was a male player this time. He looked well equipped and his whole body was tightly wrapped in iron armor.

At first glance, he looks like a great warrior.

"Fuck! 2100 points of blood, almost catching up with Huzi."

However, in the ladder, under normal circumstances, you still watch the performance of the pets, and the players only play a supporting role.

"Fuck! What kind of battle pet is this, so mighty!"

Han Xing was taken aback by the opponent's pet. It seems that this time he finally met a ruthless character from the ladder.

This great warrior looks majestic.

The whole body is heavily armored, only two eyes are exposed, and the gaze is firm.

Carrying a huge sword as tall as a man on his back, the red cloak was blown 'snap!Snapped! 'Ring.

He calmly looked at the other side of the river, judging the situation.

When he saw that the fire turtle had more than 1 blood, he couldn't help but frown.

But when he saw that Han Xing only had more than 1000 blood, his eyes finally relaxed.

More than 1000 blood, that is, a sword thing.

That's right, he is not taking the anti-warrior route, but the famous berserker.

It can be seen from the weapons used.

Anti-fighters are like tiger cubs, generally holding a one-handed weapon and a shield.

The damage of one-handed weapons may not be high, but the shield must be strong so that it can resist the damage.

And the armor worn all over the body is mainly based on high health.

But the Berserker is completely different. He must hold a two-handed weapon or two halves of a one-handed weapon, so as to maximize his attack.

At the same time, when choosing armor, you will also choose to favor strength.

Berserkers are very terrifying, integrating high armor, high blood volume and high attack.

Coupled with a series of skills of the fighters, it is simply a ladder harvester.

And the battle pet of this great warrior is also very good.

This is an epic battle pet, a black poisonous scorpion, and it is eagerly baring its teeth and claws.

This scorpion is huge, as tall as a man.

It can be used in combat or as a mount, which is very cool.

The most conspicuous thing is the pair of large pliers, the blood on the pliers is still wet, the last player must have died a terrible death.

Obviously, this great warrior is a high-end player.

The area he is in must be a king-like existence.

Not only is he strong and equipped, but the key is his calm mind.

Such an opponent is undoubtedly terrifying.

The long yellow sand blew past, and suddenly, the scorpion got into the yellow sand.

Han Xing didn't dare to be careless, and immediately cast the 'fog concealment technique' to enter the invisible state.

The great warrior on the opposite side was slightly startled, but he didn't expect that there was an assassin in front of him.

Because Han Xing is holding the Yitian sword in his hand, which adds magic damage.

At first, the warrior thought that this was a mage.

Scorpion drilled all the way along the yellow sand, but didn't find Han Xing, so he had to vent his anger on the tortoise.

But the tortoise is not easy to provoke, and directly fights with the scorpion.

The scorpion's pincers are very flexible, causing critical damage to the fire turtle from time to time.

And the damage is not low, each hit is more than 1000.

However, the scorpion soon discovered that hitting the fire turtle would hurt him.

The tortoise has a 50% ability to reflect physical damage. Every time it attacks the scorpion, it will be reflected a lot of damage, and the two battle pets are losing blood crazily.

The fire turtle has more than 13000 blood, and the scorpion has more than 5000 blood.

After fighting for a long time, although the scorpion seemed to occupy the top, the actual situation was that most of the blood was knocked out by the area damage and rebound damage of the fire turtle, which was very miserable.

The scorpion only has more than 2000 blood left, and it is no longer careless to shoot.

Looking at the tortoise, although it has less than half of its blood left, it is recovering quickly.

The tortoise is a super blood cow that can recover 1% of its blood volume every second.

For a moment, Scorpion didn't know what to do.

If you continue to fight, if you don't get killed by the rebound, you will be directly roasted to death by the flames of the fire turtle.

But don't fight, the tortoise's blood recovery is too fast, and all previous efforts will be wasted.

The big warrior obviously also noticed the embarrassing situation of the battle pet, he finally moved, and charged towards this side to kill.


He suddenly pulled out the giant sword from behind, and then jumped directly across the river with a big jump, hoping to kill the fire turtle first with Scorpion.

This decision is undoubtedly correct. Only in this way can we ensure that the tortoise is killed before the scorpion is rebounded to death.

It's a pity, how could Han Xing allow the two of them to bully the fire turtle.

His figure instantly appeared behind the scorpion and the big warrior, and then the two moon blades slashed out.

The scorpion originally only had more than 2000 HP, so it was instantly killed.

One turned over and lay on all fours in the desert.

Sensing danger behind him, the warrior quickly turned around, raised his huge sword and successfully blocked the moon blade.

Although the warrior's defensive skills succeeded, he was still knocked out by more than 200 blood points.

He was shocked.

You must know that when playing a dungeon, even in the face of a blow from the boss, his move can perfectly parry the damage.

I didn't expect to lose blood in the face of Han Xing's blow.


The soldier suddenly screamed.

The fire turtle scratched him hard from behind.

Even though he was wearing heavy armor, he still lost more than 300 health points.

Now that he was under attack from both sides, he had almost no chance of winning.

But he was calm and calm, and still saw the way to victory.

Assassins give people the impression of being crispy, as long as they are killed, they can win the game.

He charged with the intention of knocking Han Xing unconscious, but unexpectedly he received a Moon Slash on the way, leaving him with a loss of health.

He struck decisively, and Han Xing showed no mercy, killing him completely.

The warrior supported the giant sword and knelt on the ground.

Han Xing walked over and kicked him to the ground.

The figure of the warrior disappeared on the battlefield together with the scorpion.

Private chat channel:

Ou Zhenghao: A very strong assassin.

Ou Zhenghao: You win.

Han Xing: You are not weak either.

Ou Zhenghao: Are you interested in joining our high-end team?You can be sent 1000 ocean coins every day, on the condition that you surrender when you need to lose.

Ou Zhenghao: Every time you surrender, you will be rewarded with 2000 ocean coins.

Han Xing: Not interested.

Han Xing didn't expect that there were actors in this game.

Actors cooperate with each other in performing in exchange for corresponding remuneration.

What kind of high-end team is just acting as an actor for local tyrants.

(End of this chapter)

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