Chapter 446 Divine Fire!

At this moment, Han Xing was greatly touched.

He simply couldn't imagine that the monster's heart could be so terrifying. After devouring the divine fire of Nicholas and the two of them, the monster's heart in his body beat violently, wanting more, and more hunger came, making He couldn't help but stare at the souls of the two demigods bound by the soul force field.

The divine fire needs soul as fuel to burn.

These so-called gods of faith, through the way of spreading faith, are essentially secretly plundering the souls of all believers, nibbling away little by little, and turning the fire of gods to burn more vigorously.

The more believers there are, the more vigorous the fire will burn, and the more powerful the power of believing in the god will be.


Han Xing stretched out his right hand, and a ball of flame burst out in his palm in an instant, releasing a pale golden flame light.

This is the divine fire!

Not the divine fire of the two demigods of Nicholas, but the divine fire he ignited himself.

I don't know why, but the color of Nicholas' two demigods' fire is light blue, while his fire is golden yellow.

In the words of the two demigods, this means that the fuel of the divine fire is the purest powerful soul. Generally, only the existence of the main god level can the divine fire be golden yellow.

But Han Xing, once the magic fire is lit, it will be pale gold! !
"This feeling……"

Han Xing narrowed his eyes, carefully analyzing the structure of the divine fire with the soul force field, and he discovered that the so-called divine fire was actually transformed from his own spiritual power after it was condensed into substance.

Under this kind of burning, his own spiritual power was rapidly consumed, and at the same time, a trace of more pure spiritual power was fed back from the divine fire.

"Why is it different from what they said!?"

Han Xing was even more astonished, because according to Nicholas, the burning of the divine fire would only consume a large amount of his mental power for no reason. If it burns for a long time, it will not do any good and will only damage himself.

Therefore, after the general demigods ignite the divine fire, they will spread their beliefs, collect believers' beliefs (spiritual power) as fuel, and then obtain divine power from the divine fire to strengthen themselves or bestow divine grace on believers.

But in Han Xing's view, isn't this process the manifestation of spiritual power! ?
As long as the mental power is strong enough, it can affect reality, manifest various spells and items, and do whatever it wants.

"You two, come here."

Thinking of this, Han Xing suddenly raised his head, looked at the two demigod souls trembling in the corner, and asked calmly:

"Why can I absorb more pure spiritual power feedback from the divine fire after I light it?"


The two demigods had question marks on their faces.

After a while, Nicholas asked cautiously: " mean, you can use the divine fire to temper your divine power independently!?"

"Divine power?"

Han Xing was taken aback, and frowned slightly: "The divine power you mentioned is actually just a more pure spiritual power!?"

Nicholas replied cautiously: "The spiritual power refined by Shenhuo has undergone a qualitative change. It is no longer spiritual power, but divine power..."

"Spiritual power is spiritual power. They are all one thing in essence. What kind of divine power are you talking about? No wonder you believe in gods. , fire, earth, light, darkness and other messy divine powers... It turns out that this divine power is basically spiritual power!"

Han Xing complained speechlessly.

The spiritual power of life is derived from the substantive product of the fusion of self-spirit, energy, and spirit. Naturally, it will have different attributes due to the cognition and personality of different life individuals.

And the purer the spiritual power, the higher the quality, and it is manifested in the gods of different beliefs, which is the "divine power" that distinguishes between strong and weak.

"Looking at the essence through phenomena, in this way, divine fire is just an auxiliary means of refining and purifying spiritual power. As I am now, 100 parts of spiritual power can purify 20 parts of higher quality spiritual power, which is the so-called divine power... ..."

Han Xing frowned slightly, and suddenly glanced at Nicholas and the two people who were full of anxiety and fear. With a thought, he directly threw the souls of the two demigods into the divine fire.


In an instant, the flames of the divine fire soared, and the souls of the two demigods were burned up by the divine fire without even being able to support them for three seconds.

In the next second, Han Xing sensed two high-purity spiritual forces of different strengths flowing out from the divine fire.

He did not absorb it, but carefully perceived the difference.

"Weak! Ten times weaker than my own purified mental power!"

"Moreover, these two spiritual powers are also contaminated with a lot of impurities, which are the original spiritual attributes of Nikolai..."

Han Xing shook his head slightly in disdain. He finally understood why most believers in gods brainwashed their believers.

This is to try to assimilate the cognition of believers, so that the spiritual power attributes generated by these believers are as close as possible to their own spiritual power attributes, so as to better absorb and transform 'divine power'.

"It's no wonder that these gods of faith are extremely fond of and long for more fanatics, because the divine power transformed from the souls of fanatics is far more than that of general believers."

The disdain on his face was more obvious.

"However, absorbing and transforming other people's spiritual power is far inferior to refining your own spiritual power. The quality and strength are simply not the same."

Thinking of this, Han Xing didn't bother to absorb the "lower divine power" transformed by the two demigod souls, and kept putting his own huge spiritual power into the divine fire to purify higher quality spiritual power.

Compared with the "lower divine power" of the two demigods of Nicholas, what he purified himself is obviously the "higher divine power".

The difference between the two is obviously the difference between a paper knife and a steel knife.

The former looks scary, but cannot kill.The latter not only looks scary, killing people is like killing chickens.

For the next time, Han Xing stayed on the pirate ship to purify his "advanced divine power". For the convenience of recognition, he gave this power a name.

"Level [-] divine power!"

The reason why he chose this name also represents his expectations for himself, hoping that he can develop stronger second-level divine power and third-level divine power in the future.

ten days later.

Han Xing slowly opened his eyes, and a faint golden light bloomed all over his body, which was a vision manifested after the spiritual power of his whole body was purified.

That is the Holy Light!
"I used to have about 100 copies of my spiritual power, but now after purification, there are only [-] copies left, but it has increased my strength by more than [-] times!!"

Han Xing made a preliminary judgment of his own situation, and his eyes were pleasantly surprised.

"Sure enough, the improvement of quality is far more important than quantity. However, if you want to increase your divine power in the future, you can only rely on water to hone your skills..."

It's not that he hasn't thought about killing the god of faith and devouring the other's god fire and soul to become stronger, but doing so is following the old path of believing in the god, and the divine power obtained is mottled and messy. Although the quantity is large, the quality is not good.

What he wants to pursue is not to become a god of faith who can only fool believers and bully the weak, but to become a real god! !

"And the Ten Thousand Gods Chart may help me..." Han Xing's eyes flickered slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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