Chapter 402 The Fear of Death

However, Liu Zhan, Ye Wentian and others saw that this wave of operations and attacks did not hurt Han Xing. After a while of guarding, they seemed to judge that Han Xing could not attack them for the time being, so they continued to explore courage, faith, Wisdom comes from these three channels.

In the second round of three people, one still chooses a passage, but this time, only one person came out.

Only the courage channel came out smoothly, while faith and wisdom were all missing.

"We need to change our actions. We will only enter two in the next round, and all of them will enter the courage channel." Ye Wentian made a suggestion.

Then, he and another player who chose the warrior identity enter.

After a while, both of them came out safely and gained some benefits in the "Illusion of Courage".

"It seems that my judgment is correct. These three passages should be a test for us to choose different faction identities at the beginning, but the faction identity does not necessarily have to choose the passage corresponding to the identity. You can freely enter the other two passages for testing. The test of the passage of courage should be the easiest."

After speaking, he looked at Liu Zhan and said in a deep voice: "Brother Liu, you and Zhang Qiaoqiao can enter the Courage Passage together. We give priority to safety now."

"it is good."

Neither Liu Zhan nor Zhang Qiaoqiao refused and walked into the passage one after another.

But everyone waited for a while, and the time exceeded the time when Ye Wen came out in the first round, and the two of them were still nowhere to be seen.

In an instant, Ye Wentian's expression turned ugly.

"What's the matter? Liu Zhan and Zhang Qiaoqiao haven't come out yet, are they missing too?" Ye Wentian's heart shrank into a ball, his face was very ugly.

"It seems that your judgment is not right at all!"

Ma Yue, who entered the channel of faith as a warrior in the first round, laughed sarcastically:

"It's okay now. There are only five of us left. Are the others missing or dead?"

Being ridiculed by him, Ye Wentian's face became even more ugly.

Han Xing also watched this scene curiously, constantly speculating on what this round of levels wanted the players to do.

Level name: Who is the mole?
After entering the level, there is only one room that seems to be completely closed, and then there are three passages that seem to be tests.

Other than that, there is nothing left.

Just to make players suspect each other, and even kill each other?

Then the level of this round is too simple, it is not worthy of the difficulty of 10 of Hearts.

"Because of this, if you want to pass the level, you just need to kill everyone else, it's very simple..."

Han Xing thought very naturally in his heart, and felt that the difficulty factor of the level was too low, not worthy of a difficulty of 10 points.

But at this moment, a new change appeared.

There was a sound as if something was being opened, and the dark room suddenly lit up with lights.

When everyone looked up, they saw the originally extinguished lights on the ceiling light up and emit a ray of intertwined light, forming a figure wearing a ferocious ghost mask in the air.

A low and hoarse voice sounded as if his throat had been burned by fire.

"You group of self-righteous and inferior bugs, have you finally been caught by me!?"

"Now, I want to play a game with you, and now you feel panic, like those of you who hide vicious secrets and secretly murder your companions. Each of you has sins that cannot be erased, and now it's your turn experience the fear of death."

"You all chose your own identities at the beginning, and you also chose the test you will face next. I really want to know that you have chosen to be warriors and courage, but are you really ready to fight? Courageous enough to truly face the test?”

"Next, I will gradually uncover all the hypocrisy and sins you have covered up."

Following the words of this mysterious man, the three passages began to distort, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, leaving only one deep, deep, bloody and filthy passage.

"Behind this passage is a lair of an evil dragon. If you are a real warrior, enter the passage, kill the evil dragon, and bathe in dragon blood, it will bring you enough benefits."

"If you dare not enter the passage to face the dragon, then stay in the room. After 60 seconds, the remaining three walls of the room will start to move, and you will be crushed into flesh."

"Of course, you have another additional way to pass, and that show your courage and kill the companions around you, and the one who survives in the end will pass successfully."

"Now, the countdown...begins!!"

The voice fell.

The man wearing the ghost mask in the projection gave a dark and strange laugh, and the figure disappeared suddenly.

There is only a line of blood-red 60-second countdown left, reminding everyone to make choices all the time.

"How to do?"

"Damn it! I said that this level can't be that simple. You choose the identity of a warrior at the beginning, and you want to fight the dragon!?"

"Fuck! Only 60 seconds to choose time? It's too short!"

Ma Yue, Liu Chao, and two other men roared angrily, complaining and venting.

Only Ye Wentian took a deep look at Ma Yue. This guy clearly chose the identity of a warrior, but he told them that he chose an assassin and entered the channel of faith.

As a result, this small thought was completely exposed after the mysterious man appeared.

"Is Ma Yue... a mole?" He asked secretly in his heart, then took a deep breath and shouted loudly:

"Stop arguing!"

In an instant, the others quieted down, but Liu Chao and Ma Yue obviously had bad eyesight.

Ye Wentian didn't care about them, and said to himself: "The current situation is actually very simple and clear, we don't have many choices.

Either enter the passage, or stay in the room.

And stay in the room, or wait for death, or kill each other.

So, I chose to enter the passage and fight the evil dragon. We are a team, aren’t we just fighting powerful monsters?We have experienced less! ?
Who wants to follow me! ? "

After saying that, he strode to the entrance of the passage, turned around and looked at the other four people, waiting for everyone to make a decision.

"Ye Wentian is right, we will go with you." Two people followed directly behind.

Ma Yue and Liu Chao are still thinking about it.

60 seconds passed in a flash, and soon entered the countdown of ten seconds.

The walls of the room also began to vibrate violently, and began to squeeze towards the middle.

The two glanced at each other, but in the end they didn't draw their swords to fight each other, mainly because they were not sure enough, and finally walked into the passage.

Han Xing stood by and watched them walk into the passage, but after three or four steps, his figure was swallowed by darkness, as if he was teleported into another space.

"Everyone has left, what should I do now? Follow me in?" Han Xing hesitated. He didn't know if he was one of the players in the level now, because he was no longer bound by the game system.

Moreover, the countdown in the room also stopped.


The bright red 5 characters are extremely dazzling.

While he was hesitating, the projected light that made up the countdown suddenly distorted and turned into the mysterious man wearing the mask again.

(End of this chapter)

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