Survival in the ocean: I got the ability to draw ten times in a row

Chapter 360 Are you the unknown existence behind the scenes?

Chapter 360 Are you the unknown existence behind the scenes?

The middle-aged man suffered from pain, his expression twisted violently, and with the other hand he took out a pistol with a thick handle from his pocket, and pointed it at the little girl.

There was a gunshot, and the bullet brought a hot flame, and it slammed into the little girl's blank face.

Her whole head was thrown back from the beating.

But what was weird was that her voice continued to ring in the air, and she even cried out.

"Wow woo woo! Uncle, hit me! Why are you hitting me? Today is my birthday. It doesn't matter if you don't give me cake, but you still hit me? Wu wu wu wu..."

Along with the cry, the little girl's body was like a snake, quickly climbing up the middle-aged man's body, using her hands and feet to tear out pieces of flesh and blood from the middle-aged man's body.

Extremely fast!

The middle-aged man only had time to fire one shot, and half of his body was torn apart by the little girl until his bones were exposed.

The severe pain made him howl terribly.

On the contrary, the little girl cried harder and harder, as if she had been bullied by a bad person.

With this weird contrast, the other players who were hiding among the guests were all pale and their eyes were shaking.

Those with poor psychological quality feel like they want to vomit at this moment.

But in just a few seconds, the middle-aged man was torn into bones by the little girl crying.

The flesh and blood spilled, but they did not land on the ground. Instead, they were manipulated by some invisible force, floating in the air out of thin air, gathered into a ball, and vaguely combined into a cake.

But it's just a shape!
not enough!
As the bones of the middle-aged man fell to the ground, the little girl finally stopped crying.

She turned around, her blank face turned slightly, and the rest of the players all felt cold instantly, as if they were being stared at by an invisible line of sight.


The little girl stopped, she looked at someone in the crowd, innocently, and sounded with a hint of grievance.

"Brother, can you cut the cake for me?"

In the corner, Han Xing was expressionless: "Are you...talking to me?"


The little girl nodded quickly, her voice extremely happy: "Brother, today is my birthday, hurry up and help someone cut the cake!"

She actually started acting like a baby.

Han Xing's mouth widened slightly, revealing an extremely forced smile: "The last uncle who helped you find cakes died. If I help you cut the cake, will he die too?"


The little girl's upturned face suddenly froze, and that blank face was facing Han Xing straight, as if she never expected Han Xing to ask such a question directly.

On the side, Zhao Ling distanced herself from Han Xing with a look of seeing a ghost.

This guy, doesn't he know how to be afraid! ?
Although she and Han Xing had worked together several times to pass the level, and she had already understood Han Xing's character, Zhao Ling found at this moment that she still underestimated Han Xing.

Damn, is he really not afraid of saying the wrong thing and triggering a fatal ending?


Dead silence.

At this birthday party scene, there was no movement other than the night wind blowing.

The other players hiding in the crowd stared at Han Xing as if they were dead.

at this time.


The little girl suddenly raised her head and laughed loudly, making a strange laugh.

"It seems that today is really lucky, and I can meet a fun player like you."

The voice is mature, it sounds like the voice of an adult woman, and there is no trace of the innocence of a little girl.

The faceless little girl leaned back and forth, as if laughing.

Following her laughter, the guests around turned their necks once again, staring at Han Xing with dead eyes.

The terrifying atmosphere became extremely intense in an instant, almost condensing into substance.

"Han Xing, one of Sin's favorite playthings, the actual combat evaluation, among the world's mysterious yellows, ranks first in the yellow rank, and almost occupies the largest dark horse on the player's gambling table, tsk tsk tsk..."

The strange female voice seemed to have no cover, and the little girl moved forward step by step.

All around, that famous guest kept approaching Han Xing like a puppet. Some guests suddenly grew bigger as they walked, their clothes were torn, and a terrifying man-eating monster crawled out of it...

Behind the scenes of the game, there are gamblers issued by some mysterious beings.

They choose a famous player as their favorite bet, just like betting on a horse.

"Unfortunately, today, you are going to die here, you... broke the rules, understand?"

The woman's voice gradually became sharper, and the little girl stopped four meters away from Han Xing. Her blank face, like a mirror, reflected a weird and fuzzy woman's face with red lips burning like flames.

Han Xing said nothing.

In the soul force field, he could clearly see a special red beam of light appearing on the little girl.

The beam of light reaches straight into the sky and suddenly disappears into another space in one place, as if some unknown existence is projecting its own power in some way.

same second.

He also found that the young man in the crowd who was most likely the 'Death Player' had a look of extreme astonishment in his eyes, as if the scene in front of him was completely beyond his expectations and did not follow the script.

The weird female voice continued: "However, there is another option that allows you to continue living. Not only that, you can also get 1000 evolution points!"

Hearing these words, Zhao Ling and other players all showed expressions of horror on their faces.

"What...evolution point?" Han Xing also asked tentatively.

"What evolution point are you talking about?" The weird female voice chuckled.

"It seems to be the one I thought." Han Xing nodded, and then replied firmly: "What do I need to do?"

"It's very simple. You just need to answer one question."

The vague woman reflected on the little girl's blank face seemed to lick her flaming red lips, and her voice was extremely seductive:
"So far, you are the only one who has survived the shock of sin and maintained his sanity. How did you..."

"What did you say!?" Han Xing's eyes widened suddenly, and he interrupted the other party almost instinctively.

"What's the matter? Is there any problem?" The voice of the woman opposite was very relaxed.

"What the hell is going on..." Han Xing leaned forward and took a step towards the little girl.

But in the next second, the little girl just raised a finger and tapped lightly, and his whole body was restrained in place by an invisible force, unable to move at all.

"Who made you move!?"

The woman's voice seemed a little dissatisfied, and she said in a reprimanding tone: "Observe the rules and listen to me!"

At this moment, following the woman's dissatisfaction, a terrifying atmosphere descended instantly, making everyone here feel a sense of inexplicable fear.

The woman continued: "As the only player who escaped the assimilation of sins and turned them into strength, how did you do this impossible thing?"

"As long as you tell me the answer to this question, not only will you survive today, but you will also get an extra 1000 evolution points."

Han Xing opened his mouth: "Who are you? Are you the unknown person behind the scenes?"

(End of this chapter)

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