Chapter 34 Devil Captain
A huge treasure box appeared in front of everyone.

Wu Randi: Hey, [Giant Gloves], I finally figured out a piece of my equipment.

Yan Mingliang: This boxing glove actually adds 500 blood points, and my fighter can also equip it.

Wen Hanfei: What are you talking about? Let's see if the boss wants it first. If you don't want the two of you, then you will pay a higher price.

Han Xing: I don't want this kind of rubbish.

Everyone: ...

Wu Landi: I pay 2000.

Yan Mingliang: P.

Wu Randi: ... so poor, what are you and me, you scared me just now.

Yan Mingliang: If I hadn't spent 10000 ocean coins to buy the big brother's red medicine just now, I would definitely fight with you.

Wu Landi: It's as if I didn't buy it, but then again, I only drank one bottle after buying ten bottles. It's a bit ruthless to make money.

Han Xing: You don't have to be a ruthless bastard to make money.

Everyone: ...

Just as everyone was scratching the treasure chest, a pirate opened the window and took a look, which immediately sounded the alarm.

All the pirates swarmed down from the ship.

Wen Hanfei: Damn, why are there so many here at once? What should I do?
Jiang Yuer: Otherwise, let’s withdraw. I’m afraid there are dozens of them. How can we fight them?

Nangong Rouxin: Anyway, I can’t add you, you guys have to figure it out yourself.

When everyone was talking, they unconsciously started to back away.

Han Xing glanced at the entire pirate ship, and there were indeed dozens of pirates who came down, and they were all elites.

Not to mention a team of ten people, even a team of twenty people would not be able to beat it.

Yan Mingliang: Captain, didn't you say you fought this boss?What should be done now.

Wen Hanfei: You can believe my bragging, this is the first time I played, I just read a little about the details of the dungeon just released by the system.

Everyone: ...

Wu Landi: It's a scam.

Han Xing: Don't panic, hold on.

Han Xing: There must be a solution.

He acted as a guard and blocked the small bridge for disembarking.

In this way, there are only two pirates that can be contacted each time.

Although there will be pirates attacking from a distance in the distance, the pressure has been reduced a lot.

Wen Hanfei: Hey, it seems that you can play, let's try it.

Han Xing: No, the blood is falling out too fast and I can’t suck it up.

Wen Hanfei: What should we do now?
Han Xing: Retreat to the beautiful boss's room, and then clean out the pirates one by one.

When everyone heard this, they immediately turned around and ran towards the room of the beautiful boss.

After everyone left the area of ​​the inner sea, the group of pirate elites really stopped chasing.

Wen Hanfei: I was really scared to death just now, I almost died.

Han Xing: Mage, go and pull two over and clean them up.

Jiang Yuer: Okay.

Jiang Yuer walked to the edge of the inland sea and then released the magic bullet.

Unexpectedly, Rado came over five pirates at a time.

Cold sweat broke out on everyone's foreheads, but they had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Eight players faced off against five pirates, and Wu Landi knocked one out with his fist.

Han Xing froze one, and the soldier stunned two.

The remaining pirate was quickly killed by everyone's concentrated firepower.

With four left, the pressure suddenly eased.

It didn't take long for all five pirates to be eliminated.

Wen Hanfei: Master, be careful next time. The pressure from five pirates is really too much.

Jiang Yuer: I'm sorry, I understand.

Jiang Yu'er was a lot more careful this time, and only pulled one over.

In this way, after the team patiently cleaned up, it took more than an hour to clean up all the elite pirates.

A group of people was mighty, and finally stood at the door of the final boss pirate captain.

The pirate captain looked a little weird, with two devil's horns, and his face didn't look like a human.

According to the copy, the captain was actually a human a long time ago.

It was only after landing on a mysterious island that he was cursed to become like this.

However, the curse also gave him power.

The devil captain, who was sitting at the dining table, said to the two beautiful assassin pirates behind him: "I smell the breath of human beings."

"Go out and see if those idiots broke in."

"Whoever wants to get my treasure, I want them to come and go."

The two beautiful assassin pirates flickered and disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

Team channel:

Wen Hanfei: Yan Mingliang, each of us carries one.

Wen Hanfei: Everyone concentrate their firepower and kill the assassin I am carrying first.

Jiang Yuer: Received.

Wu Landi: No problem.

Han Xing: You hit one, and I hit one.

Everyone: ...

The boss spoke, and everyone had no choice but to obey.

"Roar!" Wen Hanfei uttered a battle roar, instantly shaking the two assassins out.

Han Xing stabbed out the trident, directly pulling the hatred.


The beautiful assassin touched her butt and screamed, then rushed towards him.

The beautiful assassin kept waving the dagger in her hand, but suddenly her attack slowed down and she was frozen in place.

"Such a crispy skin, only three thousand points of blood."

Han Xing stabbed him again and killed the assassin instantly.

He thought the two assassins were that simple.

Looking at the teammates next to him, they are still struggling to attack.

Except for Wu Randi, who could occasionally knock out dozens of blood points, all the others were dodged by the assassin.

"I'll help you."

Han Xing stabbed a trident, and another assassin also fell down.

Wen Hanfei: Boss, if it weren't for you, we might not be able to pass this level.

Jiang Yu'er: That's right, it wasn't the big brother's medicine, I would have died.

Jiang Yuer: I suggest that the boss choose the treasure chest that will be waiting for you first.

Wen Hanfei: Not too good, after all we want to make money...

Han Xing: Let’s talk about the next thing later. Be careful, the devil captain is aware of it.

The demon captain in the cabin did not wait for the two assassins to respond for a long time. He slapped the table and stood up.

"Don't think I don't know, you are right behind the door."

He picked up a giant musket casually and hit the door with a blow.


The entire door frame was blown away, and everyone appeared.

"Hey! Such a weak team dares to die."

He put the musket on his shoulder and glanced at everyone.

It is found that these people are difficult to find a blood volume of more than 1000 points.

And the devil captain himself has a blood volume of up to 5 points.

And with a powerful musket, it is simply a sure thing.

He clenched his fists and said, "Don't waste time, let's go together."

Wen Hanfei: Are you recovering well? I'm going to rush.

Yan Mingliang: Come on!
The two fighters charged almost simultaneously, standing one behind the other.

The team was about to attack, only to see the demon captain punching Wen Hanfei directly.

Poor Wen Hanfei's health bottomed out instantly. Fortunately, Nangong Rouxin added blood quickly and slowly lifted his health up.

Looking at Yan Mingliang, he was not so lucky.

He was kicked out by the captain of the demon dragon with a tail swing, directly smashing the dining table.

Yan Mingliang's equipment was not as good as Wen Hanfei's, so this shot killed him instantly.

Everyone was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the No. [-] tank can't withstand the attack of the devil captain. How can it be fought?
Wen Hanfei: Retreat quickly, or the group will be destroyed.

The demon captain sensed the fear of this group of people, and he grinned grinningly as he pressed over, "Are we leaving now? There are many good treasures in my treasure chest."

"It is said that you players want my battle pet egg the most. This is a good thing."

"You are very lucky today. I have a purple quality pet egg. Do you want it?"

"Then stay and fight to the death!"

The Demon Captain approached step by step, and Wen Hanfei and others retreated step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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