Chapter 25 I Can Only Watch You Perform

The difference between summoned objects and battle pets is that most summoned objects belong to the category of demons, so IQ is not very reliable.

Relatively speaking, there are fewer players who choose to become assassins.

Because the damage of the assassin is not high, it is very unsafe, and it is easy to die suddenly.

This is the job that healers hate the most, and many teams don't like to bring assassins.

Compared with close combat, long-range is undoubtedly easier to move and survive.

Assassins are considered more of a rogue profession, and they are only formed when the number of people is needed.

Become an assassin, you can get 100% penetration attribute bonus.

Penetration is the foundation of assassins, which can ignore defense.

This attribute doesn't feel much effect when dealing with ordinary monsters.

Because of the characteristics of the assassin's own low damage, and relatively wretched and worried about sudden death, people think that the assassin is a bastard.

In fact, the ability of an assassin to ignore armor can only be shown on a boss with thick armor.

But there are very few chances to encounter this kind of boss, and most players face ordinary monsters.

As for the boxer, it is a profession that tests fighting skills.

Become a boxer to get a 100% crit chance bonus.

To play a beautiful set of punches, not everyone can do it, so the popularity of boxers is basically the same as that of assassins.

Han Xing focused on understanding the assassin's abilities.

Among them, the assassin just has a skill called 'fog invisibility', which can be invisible and can hide in a cloud of smoke.


Han Xing hopes to find the professional temple as soon as possible and become an assassin.

But at this moment, the coordinates marked on the treasure map are nearby, so it's important to get the treasure first.

Because of the relatively high degree of freedom, it is actually possible to transform into any profession at will, and to wear any equipment.

However, due to the characteristics of each profession, players will only choose the corresponding equipment in order to maximize their benefits.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything, and there are also some more versatile equipment, which are more sought-after in any profession.

Ou Yunting once added blood to a mage wearing heavy armor, it was simply a miracle, it was more resistant to beating than a warrior, but the output was a bit low.

In short, there is nothing that players can't think of in this game.

Xue Shanshan: Here we are, right there.

The motor ship stopped suddenly.

A small fog appeared ahead.

There is a golden light in the mist, and one can tell there is a treasure chest at a glance.

Han Xing: Are you waiting for me here, or go in together?
Han Xing: There is a skeleton monster inside, you girls may be afraid.

Xue Shanshan: Boss, with you here, we are not afraid.

Ou Yunting: Well, we hide behind you, hehe.

Han Xing: Alright, let's go in together.

Under the control of the beaver, the motorized ship slowly broke into the fog.

What came into view was a huge treasure chest, about the same size as the treasure chest that appeared after the death of the crimson octopus.


The two girls turned into star eyes at the same time, drooling as they looked at the treasure chest.

Han Xing still maintained his sanity.

"Wait a minute, the treasure map says that there is a skeleton monster, I will go to open the treasure chest after I get rid of it first."

"Xue Shanshan, you fire the magic bullet to draw the skeleton out."

Xue Shanshan: All right.

Xue Shanshan tapped her magic wand, and a series of magic bullets hit the treasure chest.

Han Xing: Try to hit the back of the treasure chest.

Xue Shanshan: That needs to cast a second-level spell, meteors from the sky, I haven't learned it yet.

Han Xing: All right.

Han Xing: Boss, turn the bow and drive behind the treasure chest.


Beaver manipulated the large motor ship skillfully, as if he was already an old captain.

Han Xing noticed that there was a pool of dark water behind the treasure chest, and it seemed that the skeleton monster was most likely underneath.

Han Xing: Get ready for battle, I'll start the monster.

He was holding the Gatling card in his hand, and with a thought, he held Gatling in his hand.

"Tut, chug, chug..."

After shooting randomly for a while, the water surface began to move.

Suddenly, there was a thick fog around, and the entire motor ship was plunged into the mist.

Xue Shanshan: Boss, it's up to you.

Ou Yunting: We support you behind the scenes.

Han Xing: You guys protect yourselves later, and run away if the situation is not good. I don't know how powerful the skeleton monster is.

Han Xing reckoned that this kind of skeleton monster guarding the treasure chest should not be weak in combat power.

"Uh! Uh!"

Suddenly, a strange sound came from under the water.

Suddenly, two skeleton hands reached out of the water and stood up together.

This is a giant skeleton, half a head taller than a large motor ship.

Holding a rusty iron sword in his hand, he slashed at the large motor ship without any explanation.

"What a big sword!"

Han Xing didn't dare to bear it, and dodged it deftly.

"biu~ biu~ biu~"

Xue Shanshan continuously fired magic bullets at the skeleton monster.

Unfortunately, the skeleton monster only drops one drop of blood each time, and it has a full 5 points of blood.

"Oops, I'm immune to magic." Xue Shanshan instinctively took two steps back.

"Boss, I can only watch your performance."

Han Xing took a deep breath and said, "No problem, as long as it's not physically immune."

"If magic and physics are both immune, it would be too perverted."

As he spoke, he pulled Gatlin.

"Tut, chug, chug..."

Sparks fly.

Shell case 'clank blah blah! ’ fell on the bow of the ship, and some fell directly into the sea.

The expressions of the three suddenly became a little embarrassed.

Han Xing: I'll go, physical immunity.

Han Xing: Double immunity to magic and physics, how to fight this!
It was the first time he encountered such a difficult problem.

This treasure-protecting skeleton monster is not only immune to magic and physics, but also has a very high attack power.

When the sword came down, the entire motorized ship shook.

Han Xing glanced at it, and saw that the motor ship had lost more than 1000 points of blood.

Han Xing only has a total of more than 1000 blood now. It would be unimaginable if this sword fell on him.

The only good thing is that he did not blindly bear the sword and chose to avoid it just now.

Han Xing: Boss, get the boat out first.

Xue Shanshan: Boss, no, the treasure box is right in front of you.

Han Xing: OK, you carry it in front.

Xue Shanshan:......

Ou Yunting: Let's go out first, and come back after thinking of a way.

Ou Yunting: Anyway, the treasure box is here, and no one will take it away anytime soon.

The three of them were talking, and Beaver had turned the bow of the boat and drove out of the fog.

The skeleton monster originally wanted to chase it out, but the fog seemed to restrict it.

The three people narrowly escaped death and stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the fog, and gasped.

Xue Shanshan: Boss, I'm sorry, I didn't know this guy is immune to both magic and physics.

Han Xing: Don't say that, it's the first time for us to come into contact with this game.

Ou Yunting: I know that only doctors can deal with skeleton monsters.

The two looked at her at the same time, wondering if what she said was true.

Doctors have always been just auxiliary occupations, and no one has ever thought of letting doctors fight monsters.

Ou Yunting: The career instructor said that we healers can add blood to such death-type creatures, but it will cause them to deduct blood.

Han Xing: So that’s the case, and it makes sense.

Han Xing: Now that you have learned the second-order healing technique, you can add more than 500 blood at a time.

Han Xing: The skeleton monster has a total of [-] blood, which means that you can add it to death within a hundred times.

Ou Yunting: Yes!
Ou Yunting: It's just that someone needs to carry it forward.

Ou Yunting: It seems that the boss's defense may be a little worse.

Han Xing: Don't carry it.

Han Xing: I have a way, we can use guerrilla tactics.

(End of this chapter)

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