Chapter 23 God-given opportunity
When Han Xing heard this, he confirmed his conjecture just now.

Informed that the location of the temple is false, mainly because I want to hug my thighs, eat and drink.

Han Xing: Sorry, the three of us may not be able to deal with a field boss.

He didn't want to bring two oil bottles with him.

If you find an artifact blacksmith and equip the Water God Trident with a vampire gem, there will be no need for a healer to add blood.

As for the mage Xue Shanshan, she is really too crispy.

Seeing that Han Xing was unwilling to take him in, the two finally showed their cards.

Xue Shanshan put a [Treasure Map] card on the table.

【Treasure Map】

As long as you find the coordinates on the map, you can find a huge treasure chest.

But you have to be careful, there is a fierce skeleton monster guarding it, you'd better bring a few good friends.

Xue Shanshan: This is the treasure map that Tingting got in the lottery.

Xue Shanshan: We don't want too many people to share this treasure chest, but we are worried that we won't be able to beat it, so we hope you will form a team with us.

Ou Yunting: Well, please help us.

Han Xing looked at the treasure map, which glowed with golden light.

"I can promise you."

"But of the things that come out of the treasure chest, I want to take one thing first, and the rest will be divided between the three of us."

The two girls were overjoyed when they heard this.

Xue Shanshan: No problem.

Ou Yunting: OK.

In this way, the three of them reached an agreement and formed a team of three.

Beaver was a good hand at the helm, and drove towards the location marked on the treasure map, but the distance was a little far.

Calculated at the speed of a motorized ship, it will take about a day or two to arrive.

When night fell, suddenly encountered a large fog.

"Chirp!" Beaver slowly stopped the big boat.

The three of them stood at the bow of the boat and saw that the fog was obviously much larger than what they had seen before, and they didn't know what was inside.

Xue Shanshan: There are only three of us, and we don't know what's dangerous inside, so why don't we take a detour.

Ou Yunting: I also think it's better to take a detour.

Han Xing looked at the mist carefully, but didn't want to just take a detour and leave.

He was originally out to take risks, and of course he had to enter the fog.

"Well, you guys wait for me on the boat, and I'll row a boat in and have a look."

The two disagreed at first, but under Han Xing's insistence, they could only agree.

Han Xing took out the god rowing paddle that had not been used for a long time, and rowed the boat into the large fog by himself.

Before his eyes, a dark cave appeared.

He rowed a boat into the cave, and there were white skeletons all along the way, which looked a little scary.

From time to time, roars came from the cave, indicating that there seemed to be terrible creatures inside.

Suddenly, a dungeon vortex shining with mysterious energy appeared in front of him.

[Dear players, this is an advanced copy of Dragon's Tomb, it is recommended to enter in a team of 40 people. 】

"Holy crap, 40 people!"

Han Xing was taken aback, feeling that this dungeon must not be able to be played by himself now.

But if you just go back like this, you will definitely be ridiculed by the two girls.

"No matter what, you have to see what the monster inside is like, so you can blow it up when you go back."

He bit the bullet and chose to enter the copy.

As soon as I entered, I saw dragonmen patrolling with weapons.

These dragons look like just little monsters, each with a blood volume of over 200 million!

He thought of the crimson octopus, which only had more than [-] blood.

There are more than 200 million mobs in this dungeon, it seems that it is indeed not something that can be challenged now.

"It's better to practice before you come back."

Before leaving, he took away a colorful mushroom in the cave.

【Colorful Mushrooms】

If eaten by mistake, it will cause strange hallucinations and is a necessary material for making perfect hallucinations.

Han Xing then withdrew from the copy of Dragon's Tomb.

The scent of this mushroom is very strange, just smelling it will make people feel very pleasant.

It seems that those little monsters with more than 200 million blood are not scary, making people extremely brave and wanting to rush to fight.

Of course, strictly speaking this is not called bravery, it should be called crazy self-confidence.

Han Xing quickly turned the colorful mushrooms into cards and put them away.

Fortunately, I exited the dungeon in time. If I had smelled this mushroom for a while longer, I might have rushed up to die alone.

The ending is obvious, most of them will be instantly killed by the first mob.

Soon, he rowed the boat out of the fog.

"Han Xing is out! Great."

"He didn't appear to be injured."

The two girls were very happy to see that he came out safely.

After Han Xing boarded the ship, he briefly explained the situation inside to the two of them.

The two girls said they wanted to see what the mushroom looked like.

With a thought, Han Xing put the mushrooms on the table.

"Don't smell it for too long, it will cause hallucinations."

It's a pity that the two girls didn't take his words seriously at all, and the more they heard, the more addicted they became.

He even had the illusion that the whole ship was filled with two people, and they could do whatever they wanted on board.

Clothes, shoes, and various small parts were scattered everywhere.

"I'll go, what are you doing? Put your clothes on quickly."

Han Xing saw how powerful this mushroom was, so he quickly grabbed it and turned it into a card.

But the two girls smelled too many mushrooms, and their expressions became a little obscene.

The beaver danced excitedly on the table and applauded the two, seeming to be influenced by the colorful mushrooms.

Han Xing poured a few buckets of water down, unexpectedly, the two girls and Beaver became more excited instead of sobering up.

He felt a little unbelievable, looked at the [Colorful Mushroom] card, and did not expect this mushroom to be so powerful.

I continued to observe the two girls and Beaver for a while, but other than the uncontrollable dancing, there were no other side effects.

And it seems that they are really happy, but the dance is a bit wild.

After confirming that there were no other side effects, he began to think.

When he arrived in this world on the first day, he understood the truth that misfortune and good fortune go hand in hand. Could this time also be an opportunity?

"Actually, I feel that this mushroom is not entirely a bad thing."

"At least they're really happy."

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

"If the colorful mushrooms are processed into happy water, it will definitely sell well!"

30 billion players are facing the test of life and death every day, and disasters strike from time to time.

Either ocean currents or sea beasts, either storms or scorching sun.

Facing hunger and cold, friend's loss to enemy's plunder.

Sometimes watching the treasure chest drift by, but the hook is just a short distance away, it can really make people crazy.

It is not easy for everyone to live, and they all need to release the pressure and let the bad emotions in their hearts find an outlet.

Even Han Xing is always unhappy sometimes.

Therefore, there will definitely be a huge market for this kind of product that can generate happiness. This is simply a godsend opportunity!

After trying to understand this layer, he began to feel very excited.

Lucky water is more a kind of spiritual comfort, and it cannot really bring luck.

However, Happy Water is different, and this can be clearly felt.

In other words, once the product development is completed, it will definitely be sold out.

"Great, I'm sure I can make a lot of money again this time!"

Han Xing stood up from the stool excitedly.

The two girls thought he wanted to play together, so they held hands and circled around him.

The male hormones in Han Xing's body were secreted rapidly, but they were finally suppressed by reason.

He's not the kind of person who can't control his behavior.

(End of this chapter)

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