Chapter 21 The Mysterious Merchant
Wen Hanfei: It’s okay, boss. If your bid is higher than mine, I can give it to you.

Han Xing: Forget it, I haven’t thought about which career to choose.

Situ Hong: Boss, the boxer punches very hard, and the damage is extremely high, trust me.

Han Xing: Well, I believe you, but I haven't thought of a career yet.

The players exchanged glances with each other.

"Since there is no competition, then the captain will be cheaper, and the base price of 5000 will be taken away."

"No, I suddenly felt that the profession of warrior is actually quite good, I don't want 5000."

"Captain, what should we do?"

"Don't look at me, just ask the boss if you want it."

Three black lines fell from Han Xing's forehead. These guys really wanted to forcefully sell unwanted things to him.

He looked at the golden card.

[Rakshasa gloves. 】

+Attack 67
+Speed ​​31
+ Agility 93
+life 200
Special ability: Increase critical hit damage by 300%
Special ability: Increase hit rate by 100%
Special ability: Increase skill damage by 55%.

(A boxer once smashed a shark while wearing it.)
It does look awesome.

And the price of selling it directly to the store is indeed as high as 2500.

You must know that the blue brave suit worn by Han Xing is only 500 ocean coins in the most expensive store.

From this point of view, it can also be seen that this piece of equipment is indeed very strong.

The only drawback is that this is not a suit.

Without the powerful set attribute blessing, it is instantly inferior.

Han Xing: Sorry, I don't really want this piece of equipment.

Han Xing: Just throw it in the store.

Wen Hanfei: Boss, it’s a waste to throw it away in the store. We paid for it with our lives.

Situ Hong: That's right, boss, you won't be short of this money, will you?
Long Dayu: Boss, we all count on you to pay our wages, so give us some strength.

Xue Shanshan: My robe is damaged, at least a few hundred ocean dollars need to be repaired, and the salary this time may not be enough to repair it.

Ou Yunting: How is that possible? There are also those materials that can be sold for a lot of money. Don’t worry, the repair cost will definitely be enough.

Zhu Qitong: If the boss doesn't want this equipment, our trip is really a bit of a loss.

Everyone looked at Han Xing eagerly.

Han Xing shrugged and said, "I don't want the equipment."

"But you are the first team I met, so I decided to give you a big red envelope of [-] ocean coins. I hope you don't think too little."

For Han Xing, spending [-] ocean coins to buy happiness is indeed capable.

Everyone: ! ! !
Situ Hong: A big boss is a big boss, this handwriting is magnificent!
Xue Shanshan: Hee hee, boss 666666, my repair fee is finally settled.

Wen Hanfei: Otherwise, if you follow the boss and have meat to eat, everyone will be happy now.

Long Dayu: Boss, where are you going later? Remember to call me if you want to download a copy.

Ou Yunting: This is why I like to form teams with big guys.

The team members were all very happy.

Although Han Xing said he didn't want Rakshasa gloves, he gave a big red envelope after all.

So Wen Hanfei still gave him the Rakshasa gloves.

The remaining wood, plastic sheets, metal sheets and other conventional materials are much easier to separate.

When the battle was over, Han Xing took out the card of the motor ship and placed it on the sea with a thought.

When the team members saw the boat, they all expressed their salivation.

The captain Wen Hanfei has the best warship in this team, but his small ship has only been slightly upgraded to an ordinary large ship.

After all, they are not commercial players. Although the equipment seems to be valuable during the battle, the consumption is also very high.

Battle players are actually very poor if they do not engage in commercial activities.

Of course, there are also some luckier players who accidentally obtained very valuable equipment and became rich overnight.

However, there are only a few such chosen ones.

After leaving the team, Han Xing continued to swim on the sea.

He decided to find the professional temple first and complete the professional tasks first.

Otherwise, if you don't choose a career, you will be disgusted by others.

You can't spend Gatling's money every time you fight.

Regional Channels:

Han Xing: Who has the coordinates of the professional temple, 100 ocean coins to buy.

Xue Shanshan: Hee hee, boss, we happen to have one here.

Xue Shanshan: I don’t want the money. You gave us such a big red envelope, so how can I ask for your money?

Xue Shanshan: Wait a minute, I've sent you the coordinates.

Guo Tianbao: How many red envelopes did Water King send you?
Ou Yunting: Ten thousand ocean coins!

Everyone: ...

Jiang Keer: I really want to make the leg pendant of Water King.

Han Xing clicked on the email sent by Xue Shanshan, and the first thing he saw was a selfie, and then the coordinates.


He had a vague feeling that this girl was probably interested in him, otherwise why would she have posted a selfie.

Private chat channel:

Tang Churan: Water King, where have you been?

Han Xing: It's floating on the sea, I don't know where it is.

Han Xing: What is the sales volume of Lucky Water today?

Tang Churan: It’s sold out already.

Han Xing: Is the sales volume so good?

Tang Churan: That's right, it's not that you are famous as Water King.

Tang Churan: It's a pity that the output is so large.

Han Xing: No way, Vale is a colored card, and you can't buy it at all.

Tang Churan: I really want to go sailing with you.

Han Xing: Sailing is not as easy as you think. I just met a wild boss, and the mage almost died.

Tang Churan: Is there any equipment?I want.

Han Xing: It’s out, [Rakshasa Boxing Gloves], I’ll sell it to you for [-].

Tang Churan: A profiteer, it's too expensive.

Han Xing: You have to look at the attribute, it is better than the auction house.

Han Xing: If I didn't need it, I wouldn't sell it for [-] yuan.

Tang Churan: Profiteer, I don’t believe what you say.

Han Xing: Buy it or not, that's it, I'm going to the Temple of Occupation.

Unexpectedly, Tang Churan suddenly played a video.

She was surprised to see the beaver sailing the boat.

"I really want a battle pet of the same style."

"[-] for your beaver, will you sell it?"

Han Xing: It’s a beautiful idea, but I won’t sell it!
He couldn't help but hang up the video.

Han Xing took a look at the coordinates sent, and drove the motorized boat over there.

"Hey, mist."

He saw a mass of fog, covering an area of ​​about several hundred square meters.

It may contain a dungeon entrance, a wild BOSS, various temples, various NPCs, or it may directly be a treasure chest.

Han Xing, who has already fought the wild boss once, already has some understanding of this situation, and has enough understanding of his own strength.

Even if you can't fight, there is no problem in escaping.

So he didn't hesitate and rushed in with his large motor boat.

It was all gray inside, and it looked like there was nothing.

Suddenly, he saw a bound man hovering over the sea.

It's really a strapping man, much like a mummy in a pyramid.

However, the figure of this strapper is more slender, and the body surface also exudes a faint blue light.

It seems that there is some kind of energy in the body, which should have a strong fighting power.

Han Xing stopped the boat, stood on the bow and asked, "Who are you?"

The strapper said in a hoarse voice: "I am the mysterious businessman Amul, and I have good things here."

"Congratulations on finding me, I will have a mysterious card to sell to you every time."

"However, you can only judge by intuition whether it is what you want."

(End of this chapter)

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