Chapter 140 Artifact!
She fled all the way and the artillery exploded all the way behind her, but in the end she still couldn't escape the powerful artillery cover.


With a scream, she was blown out.

[Victory! 】

A female voice came from the system, and at the same time, a firework shot straight into the sky.

Private chat channel:

Su Yunyi: I don't understand pity and pity at all.

Han Xing: I'm sorry, I'm red-eyed.

Su Yunyi: Originally, I was just joking with you.

Su Yunyi: If I plan to end the battle, I will trade the battle pet card to you. After all, I have an extra Monkey King.

Su Yunyi: Hmph, I didn't expect you to be so stingy.

Su Yunyi: She actually killed a little fairy.

Han Xing:......

Han Xing: If you don't tell me, how do I know it's a joke?
Su Yunyi: What a straight man.

Han Xing: Don't care if I'm straight or not.

Han Xing: Since you agree, let's make a deal.

Han Xing: Don't worry, I won't treat you badly.

Han Xing: In order to make up for your spiritual loss, I will give you an extra 10 ocean coins.

For Han Xing's net worth at this time, an extra 10 is just drizzle.

Su Yunyi: Don't think you can buy me off with money.

Su Yunyi: My butt was blown away just now, and now it still hurts.

Han Xing: What do you mean?
Su Yunyi: I'm in the tomb of the great mage, if you want the battle pet of the god race, come and find me in person.

Han Xing doesn't want to go to the Tomb of the Archmage for the time being, he still has a lot to do.

The first thing to do is to find a way to achieve mass production of happy water.

He looked at the dungeon details of Dragon's Tomb.

There was a war with the heavens in the Dragon's Tomb, and every inch of soil here was soaked with the blood of the dragons and the heavens.

That's why it's so magical, producing colorful mushrooms.

Han Xing exited the dungeon, watched the phoenix fly into the air, and observed the whole dungeon.

Dragon's Tomb is in a cloud of mist, and some small boats are parked at the door.

Although it is an advanced dungeon, it occupies a very small area.

There are three or five players digging soil nearby and putting it on the auction house at a price of 100 ocean coins per ton.

If you work hard enough, you can earn hundreds of ocean coins every day.

Although it is not as good as some big players, it is still better than most players struggling for survival.

This is the reason why many players like to dig the soil. They can make money without using their brains and willing to endure hardships, without much technical content.

In fact, at the entrance of large-scale dungeons like Bloody Beach, some players have already started digging with engineering equipment, which is a hundred times more efficient.

Many players on the wealth list are players who can use machines.

He looked at it with the perspective ring, and the entire island has 30 tons of soil.

According to the market price of 100 ocean coins per ton of soil, the entire copy is worth 3000 million ocean coins, which is not a small amount.Han Xing looked at his wealth value.

3 ocean coins

1100 million auction house shares
6 million live studio shares
"3000 million may seem like a lot, but it's actually quite acceptable."

"As long as we mass-produce Happy Water, we will be able to recover our investment in a short time."

After some calculations, Han Xing decided to evacuate the entire dungeon.

Of course, he didn't need to organize the digging by himself.

There are tens of millions of digging players on the ocean, and some people have specially organized a digging guild.

He only needs to release the news of the acquisition of the soil here, and the digging players will gather here soon.

As long as there are enough funds, not to mention small islands like this, even large islands like the Lost Land can be evacuated in a short time.

Now in charge of Vale is Xiaoliu, the right-hand man of Youlesheng.

He decided to hand over this task to Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu is a person who has withstood the test of life and death and is trustworthy.

The last time he narrowly escaped from the looters was very clever and capable enough.

Private chat channel:
Han Xing: Xiaoliu, there is a new task for you.

Xiao Liu: Führer, I am waiting for your orders.

Han Xing: I am going to mass produce happy water
He listened and explained his plan to Xiao Liu in detail.

Han Xing: 3000 million ocean coins, can you build a production base?
Xiaoliu: It’s okay to build it, but I’m worried about safety.

Xiaoliu: When we produce ordinary fresh water, we attract looters.

Xiao Liu: If we produce happy water with higher value, we don’t know who will attract it.

Han Xing: Don’t worry about this.

Han Xing: The navy of the Ocean Empire is already under construction, and it will guarantee your safety when the time comes.

Han Xing: You just need to do a good job in production.

Han Xing thinks that Water King's surface troops, of course, is more appropriate to call the water army.

Xiao Liu: Follow orders.

Xiaoliu: As long as the funds are in place, I promise to mass-produce Happy Water within three days.

Han Xing: Okay, I will transfer the money to you immediately.

Han Xing then transferred 3000 million ocean coins to Xiao Liu.

He glanced at the wealth value, and there were 3 ocean coins left.

Building a navy army is urgent and must be done.

From a distance, the interests of protecting the entire ocean empire are gone.

After all, in such a big city, there will definitely be people coveting it.

Looking closer, he remembered the scene of the naval battle battlefield being besieged by the skeleton army.

Because the tonnage of the smart battleship is not enough, it is almost suppressed.

In the end, it was he who desperately managed to get rid of Yun Feiyang, the vice president of the Skeleton Legion.

"When I meet these rotten Skeleton Legion guys again, I want to give them a surprise.

He looked at the system store, and a destroyer of more than 1 tons sold for 1100 million ocean coins.

Equipped with powerful firepower, especially 120 missiles, it can be said that it can block and kill gods and Buddhas.

But Han Xing was not very satisfied.

"No, the tonnage is too low."

Han Xing felt that it was not just about defeating the Skeleton Army.

It's about completely crushing this group of rotten people psychologically.

If the tonnage cannot suppress the opponent, even if they win, this group of rotten people will not be convinced.

He directly pulled to the aircraft carrier interface of the system store, all of which were first-class aircraft carriers.

The smallest tonnage is 11 tons, and the largest is [-] tons!
"I rely on 36 billion ocean coins, tsk tsk."

A 11-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is simply too expensive.

His current financial resources are not enough to buy this top aircraft carrier.

"It's better to buy a 4-ton ship first, after all, the super battleship produced by the Skeleton Legion last time was only 2 tons.

"A 4-ton aircraft carrier is cruising around the Lost Land, who would dare to mess around?
As the center of the maritime empire, the Lost Land must be protected by force.

Han Xing looked at the attributes of this light aircraft carrier, and it was very eye-catching.

[Modern light aircraft carrier]

Displacement 4 tons
30 carrier-based aircraft

60 missiles

1 near anti-aircraft gun

1 heavy cannon

The size is 238 meters long, 62 meters wide and 8 meters draft.

power routine
Crew 1200
(The sharp weapon to dominate the ocean consumes 200 million ocean coins per day.)
If this kind of tonnage appears on the battlefield of naval battles, just crush it all the way.

Strictly speaking, aircraft carriers mainly rely on carrier-based aircraft to attack, and other firepower is only auxiliary.

In fact, many aircraft carriers are no longer equipped with these additional firepower.

This is why Han Xing decided to buy this ship.

Because there is no strength to engage in an aircraft carrier formation, the configuration of this ship is very compatible with the requirements of going it alone.

"Where is a sharp weapon, it is a divine weapon at all!"

"It's just that it consumes 200 million ocean coins every day, which hurts a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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