My body can be digitized

Chapter 84 Hogwarts Enrollment Letter (1)

Chapter 84 Hogwarts Enrollment Letter ([-])

"Okay my dear, it's good that Andre wakes up, and Merlin blesses you!" Steven Gunter patted his beloved wife on the back softly, comforting him.


Irina Carmichael responded softly, a little scared.

"I'm fine now, I feel fine, I'm just a little hungry."

As soon as Su Ziqiong opened her mouth, she spoke with a smooth London accent.

He entered the role in the shortest speed.

After drinking the hot porridge from Depree and seeing off her caring parents, Su Ziqiong fell into a deep sleep again.

Although he said he was fine, his head was still a little swollen.

It is estimated that it is a sequela left by the original owner of this body.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Su Ziqiong woke up from his sleep.

He completely absorbed the original memory of this body, and they fit together perfectly, and the spiritual power of the two souls seemed to be fused.

It can be said that his mental strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, he only feels that his spirit has never been fuller and more sensitive, as if all the movements within ten feet around him cannot be hidden from him.

According to previous memory, Su Ziqiong yelled softly into the air.


"Bang", the house elf appeared without any delay.

"Help me get some casual clothes."

Su Ziqiong rubbed her head and ordered.

"Yes, little master. I'm glad you're fully recovered."

Depree's face was full of excitement, but after a while, he immediately lowered his head. "I'm really sorry, little master. Depree was negligent and didn't prepare suitable clothes. Please punish Depree."

"Is there anything I can wear right now?"

Su Ziqiong frowned.

"I have a black suit, but you always like to wear it!"

"Bring it here first, I'll make do with it!"

"As you wish, my respected little master!"

Depree was extremely respectful, and suddenly pulled out a slender gray wand in his hand.

The gray wand waved towards the air for a while, and the next moment, a neatly folded black casual clothes appeared in front of Su Ziqiong.

"By the way, young master, according to the arrangement this morning, the master and his wife will have breakfast in the dining room first, and then handle family affairs in the living room. You can go to the dining room first."

"Okay, Depree, you can go to work."

Su Ziqiong opened her mouth slowly, took the black casual clothes, then combed her soft blond hair meticulously according to her memory, put on the casual clothes, smoothed the folds on the front of the clothes carefully, and carefully arranged her appearance in front of the magic mirror.

Su Ziqiong has seen Harry Potter, but he only remembered the general plot and the general characters.

In Harry Potter, a word that cannot be avoided from beginning to end is pure blood family.

The term "pure-blood" refers to a family or individual who has no Muggle blood.

At the earliest, it can even be associated with Salazar Slytherin, one of the founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.His distaste for educating Muggle-borns eventually led to his schism with the other three founders and his departure.

Wizarding perceptions underwent a change after the International Statute of Secrecy came into force in 1692, when wizarding communities voluntarily went into hiding from Muggle persecution.These were dark times for wizards, and intermarriage with Muggles was at an all-time low, largely because of the fear that it would inevitably lead to exposure and therefore serious breaches of wizarding law.

Amid such turmoil, terror, and resentment, Purity began to gather believers.

Voldemort is the most representative one.

In Harry Potter, there are 28 top pure-blood families, and his Gaunt family is one of them.

The Gaunts are descendants of the Slytherin family and the family of Voldemort's mother.

The origin is quite deep, and if you really want to count, Voldemort and him are actually a family.

"The system is definitely intentional!"

Su Ziqiong raised her eyebrows, and without thinking about it, she tidied up and went straight to the restaurant.

This is the tradition of the Gunter family. As the future sole heir of the Gunter family, he must always be by the side of the previous head of the family, and he has to learn from it since he was a child.



It is said that there is no time in the mountains, in fact, it is the same in the world of Harry Potter.

Time flies, like a white horse passing by.

During the two full years after her body recovered completely, Su Ziqiong spent day and night in the family library, absorbing knowledge eagerly.

Especially witchcraft.

His memory is far beyond the level of ordinary people, almost reaching the level of photographic memory.At the same time, he also has the comprehension ability to match it.

With such mutual assistance, his magic comprehension ability can be called a monster.

But all this, the Gunters did not know.

In their eyes, their son was just reading crazily, increasing rapidly at an incredible rate of one book a day.This includes not only the most basic enlightenment books in the wizarding world such as "Standard Spells: Elementary" and "A Thousand Magical Herbs and Mushrooms", but also "Detailed Explanation of the Principles of Black Magic" and "Powerful Potions". Advanced advanced magic tutorials for understanding.

But two years later, as their son passed the age of eight, the Carmichaels gradually began to worry.It's not because of his eagerness to learn, but because during the two years when he was six to eight years old, which was the most important period for the awakening of a little wizard's talent, Andre Gunter didn't have a single magical runaway.

Generally, a talented little wizard will have his first magical outburst in the past two years, proving that he has the talent to learn magic.If not, this means that Andre is very likely to become a squib!
As sole heir to the honorable Gaunt family, Andre must not be a Squib.Otherwise, it means that the Gunter family will inevitably decline.In the wizarding world, it is impossible for a squib to take on the glory of a family no matter what!

And, more importantly, this also means that it is difficult for his son to be admitted to the Slytherin house in Hogwarts.

As a descendant of the Slytherin family, this is undoubtedly a very heavy blow.

In the world of wizards, what is valued is not the knowledge in textbooks! ! !

this day.

Su Ziqiong was buried in the library reading "Analysis of the Principles of Animal Metamorphosis", when suddenly there was a "pop", Depree suddenly appeared beside him, and he buried his head deeply.

"Little master, the master and madam invite you to the living room and say that there is something important."

Despree's voice was as awe-inspiring as ever.

"I'll go"

Su Ziqiong raised her head slightly, holding the unfinished "An Analysis of the Principles of Animal Metamorphosis" under her arm.


In the Gunter family drawing room.

Irina waved to him: "Come here, kid, sit next to mom."

Putting the book on the small table, Su Ziqiong quietly sat down beside Irina, with complete etiquette and outstanding demeanor, no one could fault it.

(End of this chapter)

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