My body can be digitized

Chapter 8 The Cat Eats the Mouse

Chapter 8 The Cat Eats the Mouse

It was noon outside, logically speaking, it should be the most yang time of the day, but Su Ziqiong didn't feel it at all in the apartment.

On the contrary, the whole body is still slightly cool.

This coolness is not the kind of comfort that comes with sweet dew after a long drought, but a bone-piercing coolness. The longer you stay, the more uncomfortable Su Ziqiong will be.


Messy stairway.

Su Ziqiong walked forward leaning forward.

As a typical apartment building, there is actually an elevator inside Ping An Apartment, but Su Ziqiong dare not take it.

Elevators are an absolute no-no when it comes to horror films.

Throughout the ages, countless supporting roles have died on it.

He didn't want to make fun of his own life yet.

The fourteenth floor is not high, but it is not low. For most of today, it is already a challenge.

Fortunately, Su Ziqiong's body has been strengthened by the system once, and his physical skills far exceed normal people. Otherwise, when he goes up, he will have to get down tired if he doesn't die.

"Phew, the fourteenth floor is finally here!"

ten minutes later.

At the corner of a staircase, after looking up at the two big red letters on the top of the wall, Su Ziqiong couldn't help but let out a long breath.

He didn't feel too tired, just a little nervous.

After all, it was the first time in his life to do such a thing, and he had no actual combat experience.

After looking around, Su Ziqiong didn't find any suitable hiding place, so he had no choice but to climb to the fifteenth floor again.

Looking down from here, although the line of sight will be much better, but there is a disadvantage, that is, it is inconvenient to move, and you cannot do it in time.

But compared to other locations, he can only choose the cat here.

Time passed slowly.

Through the dusty glass window on the side, it can be clearly seen that the sun that was originally high in the sky has begun to set slowly, and the sky outside is getting darker and darker.

The sky is gloomy, and I feel overwhelmed and dull. There is a piece of gray in front of my eyes, without any white, pure black, like a thick ink splashed on the horizon, without any secondary color .



next moment.

In the sky, a thunder suddenly passed, deafening.

Followed by.

The strong wind and heavy rain were like countless whips, and they were violently whipped against the glass windows.

The sultry night was suffocating, Su Ziqiong's little heart immediately rose out of his throat, bolts of lightning pierced the dark night, and the dull thunder was like the roar of a cannon, making him a little terrified.

"This ghost weather!"

Su Ziqiong muttered in dissatisfaction.

What made him even more speechless was that the corridor light on the fifteenth floor was destroyed at some point. After flashing for more than ten seconds, it went dark completely.

For an instant.

The surrounding darkness quickly covered him like a tide.

Su Ziqiong's eyes widened, and he looked towards both sides of the corridor, but he retracted his head.

It was too dark on both sides, and with his eyesight, he could barely see the general outline of the object.

It's okay to say during the day, but his sleep went straight to night, and coupled with the heavy rain outside at the moment, the already pitch-black sky became even more invisible.


"Dong dong dong..."


Strange sounds could be heard from time to time in the dark corridor.

Su Ziqiong tensed up, afraid that some monster would suddenly appear from the darkness.

This can't blame him for thinking too much.

In the original movie, the ceiling light on the fifteenth floor was not destroyed, and it didn't seem to rain that day, especially it was a heavy rainstorm.

There is a reason, there must be a difference!

What's more, he also met a ghost who wanted to kill him before.

Although he was rated as the lowest category by the system, he was almost strangled to death just like that!

All kinds of things, he couldn't tolerate him not cheering up a hundred thousand spirits.

"I said old man, come back soon!"

at this time.

Downstairs, a dull sound of opening the door suddenly sounded.


Su Ziqiong's face lit up.

The Lord has finally come, he can finally hide here without fear.

"Oh, I'll be back soon, don't worry, old lady!"

Fourteenth floor, door 402.

Uncle Dong waved his hand impatiently, and then suddenly took a big sip on Aunt Mei's forehead.

"You old man, you are so old!"

Aunt Mei was stunned for a long time before she came to her senses, her face flushed red like a little girl, and she ran back into the house shyly.

"My role model!"

Su Ziqiong was also taken aback for a moment, as soon as he raised his head, he happened to see this "spicy eye" scene.

After sighing a few words, Su Ziqiong hurriedly stooped down the stairs and sneaked down.

However, before walking halfway, his steps suddenly stopped.

Just now.

He vaguely saw the figure of Brother Nine, walked out of a room on the fourteenth floor, and followed Uncle Dong quietly.

"She showed up just in time!"

Su Ziqiong frowned slightly.

He doesn't intend to continue to follow them. Ninth Brother is the orthodox heir to catching zombies. At such a short distance, he may be discovered by the other party as soon as he shows his face. , stop him in advance.

With his body that has been strengthened by the system once, even if he can't successfully stop the opponent, he should be able to successfully hold him back for a while.

Su Ziqiong does not require any particularly important changes to the original plot of the movie, as that would be unrealistic, he only wants a little bit, as long as the exchange value is given to him.

Contentment leads to happiness.

Just do whatever you want, Su Ziqiong has never been a dawdling person.

The moment Brother Jiu closed the door, he had already rushed out.

Brother Ninth obviously didn't expect Su Ziqiong to suddenly show up late at night, and was stunned for a long time.

Su Ziqiong was not in a hurry, just stood there and looked at him eye to eye.

Anyway, the longer he procrastinated, the happier he was.

If he could keep looking at each other like this, then he would probably be able to laugh straight away.

"Little brother, it's such a late night, if you don't sleep well in the house, what are you doing out here?"

Obviously, Brother Jiu doesn't intend to spend any more time with him.

"Oh, don't mention it, there is a mouse in my room, it's very loud."

"The mouse is screaming, especially loud?"

Brother Nine's brows were tightly wrinkled, and then quickly relaxed, and he said with a chuckle.

"It turns out that the little brother is still afraid of mice!"

"No, no, I'm not afraid of mice. Later, I caught that mouse and gave it to my cat to eat."

"Catch it yourself and let the cat eat it?"

Brother Jiu was startled.

"Is that because something happened to the little brother's cat?"


Su Ziqiong shook her head quickly: "My cat is amazing. It ate the mouse in one bite. After eating the mouse, my cat went to sleep. I guess it was because it was full. sleepy!"


Brother Jiu raised his brows high: "This has something to do with your coming here at night, little brother?"

"No, I just wanted to talk!"

Su Ziqiong waved his hand with an innocent look on his face.

"Let me tell you, you don't know my cat..."


The veins on Brother Jiu's face popped out. If he couldn't guess that the other party was playing tricks on him, he would have to live for nearly half his life!
"Are you kidding me!!!"

Brother Nine's face was livid and he roared angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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