My body can be digitized

Chapter 78 High Heels

Chapter 78 High Heels

The results speak for themselves.

The middle-aged man ignored Su Ziqiong.

Su Ziqiong also continued to not bother. Since the middle-aged man didn't say anything, he chose to leave here directly.

The days are long, and since we all live in the same place, there will always be time to meet.

In fact, the main reason why Su Ziqiong can be attracted is because he is idle.

After finally meeting a strange person, he naturally had to mutter a few more words.

But it seems that some Luo Hua intends to be ruthless.

Saying goodbye to the middle-aged man, Su Ziqiong wandered around aimlessly.

People's Park is very quiet and lively at night.

Not far from here, there is a well-known commercial street in ZH City—Xinghua Street.

The total length of Xinghua Street is more than 900 meters. It is difficult to see the camera at a glance. On both sides are all kinds of snack bars, restaurants, and the magnificent commercial buildings behind.

Before it even got close, the tangy aroma of rice hit my nose.

Su Ziqiong rubbed his stomach.

Uh... Two pancakes are really not enough to satisfy even a half-full meal.

Simply, Su Ziqiong walked directly along the road to Xinghua Street.

He likes noodles, but only the handmade ones.

There is a noodle shop near here that he likes very much, and he usually comes here again and again.

This is a noodle shop opened by people from Ningxia.

As soon as you enter the door, there is a gust of hot air blowing directly into your face.

In the warm restaurant, the fire is booming, and the raging flames drive away the severe winter cold, just like spring is coming.

In front of the stove, four chefs in white coats stood two behind each, holding a long lasagna in their hands, twirling the noodles with the index finger of their left hand, as the noodles continued to move from bottom to top, the thumb and index finger of their right hand were like chickens. As if pecking at food, he picked out square pieces of dough and threw them casually, only to see snowflakes floating in the air. The nimble little fish spins and floats in the pot.After a while, the noodles were cooked, and I saw the chef use an extra-large colander to scoop up the noodles in the noodle pot, pour them into a pot that had just been fried, and turn them up and down with the colander. , soon, the noodles and vegetables are integrated into one, and a pot of delicious and fragrant fried noodles is ready.

The noodles were brought to the guest table. Although the guests in the house were already hungry, they were reluctant to devour it when they saw this bowl of stir-fried noodles, so they tasted them slowly one by one. .The guests who were still waiting next to him cast greedy glances from time to time.

This is a characteristic practice of Ningxia.

Ningxia people not only like to eat noodles, but also eat them in different ways.The same simple noodles, Ningxia people can make it braised noodles, fried noodles, soup noodles, even pot noodles, dry noodles, lamb chop noodles, sour soup noodles, Spicy casserole noodles, etc., it can be described as a refurbishment, emerging in endlessly.And each form of noodles has its own unique flavor.

Stewed noodles, is to prepare the vegetable soup in advance, then take out the cooked noodles with a colander and put them into the pot containing the vegetable soup, stir them constantly with a spoon, and then you can eat after a while.Stir-fried noodles are similar to stewed noodles. The difference is that there are more vegetables in the vegetable soup pot and less soup. After the noodles and vegetables are mixed together, they are stir-fried with a rice shovel just like ordinary stir-fried vegetables, until the flavor of the vegetables has completely penetrated into the noodles. The slices are ready to eat.Lianguo noodles is to put the noodles directly into the boiled vegetable soup, and cook while pulling. After the noodles are pulled, put some leeks, spinach or Chinese cabbage, and cook for a while before you can eat them directly.Soup noodles are the opposite of Lianguo noodles. Take the prepared vegetable soup pot out of the way, put the cooked noodles into a bowl, and then scoop appropriate vegetable soup into the bowl to eat.

It is the easiest and most time-saving and labor-saving to dry the noodles. You don’t need to make vegetable soup, just put the noodles into the pot and cook, put some green vegetables, scoop them into the bowl, and then add the appropriate amount of spicy pepper, salt noodles and vinegar Sauce, etc., can be eaten after stirring with chopsticks.Lamb chop noodles, as the name suggests, is to use lamb chops and other vegetables to make vegetable soup. Because the noodles are small, it is not easy to pick them up with chopsticks, and you have to use a small spoon to eat them.Sour soup noodles, that is, more tomatoes or vinegar are added to the vegetable soup, and sauerkraut is also added to make the soup hot and sour. The taste is definitely much stronger than the old altar pickled vegetable noodles.Spicy casserole noodles, because it is cooked in a casserole, and the spicy hot pot base is put into the vegetable soup, which makes the cooked noodles and noodle soup spicy and spicy.In Ningxia, some restaurants do not use the hot pot base bought in the mall, but make the spicy base on the spot and mix it into the vegetable soup, so it tastes better. It can be called sour, spicy, spicy and spicy.

Su Ziqiong likes a wide range of tastes. Apart from the famous noodles in Ningxia, he also has many delicacies he wants to eat.

In the past, he was reluctant to eat when he had no money in his hand. Now that he has money in his pocket, he has to eat it no matter what.

He is just a small person, and he doesn't have any big ambitions. He just wants to guard his one-acre three-point land, eat meat and drink every day.

First, I bought a bowl of Ningxia's famous dry stewed noodles to pad my stomach. Then Su Ziqiong went next door and bought a large piece of pig's trotter.

This pig's trotter shop is said to be a century-old shop. From the Daoguang period until now, the entire pig's trotters are made of century-old soup and milk. Although the price is a bit expensive, the taste is really good, and it can be regarded as one of the best. Place.

Although I bought a big piece, the meat on the pig's trotters was really pitiful. After three times and five divided by two, the pig's trotters were completely wiped out by Su Ziqiong.

At the third stop, Su Ziqiong went to an authentic Korean fried rice cake shop.

The owner of this store is an authentic Korean. He traveled to China a few years ago and fell in love with this place at first sight. Since then, he has been looking back for a lifetime.

Although it cannot be said that the Korean-style fried rice cakes made by a certain Korean are the best, but in terms of the entire Zhuhai area, the fried rice cakes here are definitely the most authentic.

The taste that is different from Huaguo cuisine can be fully tasted as soon as it passes through the taste buds of the people of Huaguo.

The smell was weird, but overall it was pretty good.

It is the kind of master who wants to eat after eating.

Xinghua Street has a lot of Internet celebrity food, and among the ten restaurants in Lihu, there will be three or four restaurants that are very popular on the Internet.

It is precisely because of this.

Apart from delicious food, there are also many beautiful women on Xinghua Street.

Although the weather is getting cooler now, there are still bright white legs everywhere on Xinghua Street.

And just right.

I don't know when.

Behind Su Ziqiong, a pair of black high-heeled shoes that creaked suddenly quietly appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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