My body can be digitized

Chapter 70 Spring Chapter 2 Rings

Chapter 70 The Twelve Rings of the Spring Festival

There is no room for Su Ziqiong to be careless.

The position of the Sulawesi steering engine is too important to allow the slightest mistake.

Those mutated humans are second, after all, there are numbers there, and, so far, they don't seem to have invaded this place.

Overall, the top priority is still the super-strong magnetism emanating from Jupiter.

Once the ground and the wood collide, human beings will lose all and only hope of survival in an instant.

Since the beginning of human beings, the torch has been passed down from generation to generation, and the hardships and hardships involved cannot be summed up in three words.

Su Ziqiong is also human, and he will do everything to stop this.

Liu Qi can do it, he can even more!
Between life and death, there will always be a few heroes who stand up. Su Ziqiong doesn't want to be a hero, he just wants to live, that's all.

In fact, throughout the whole movie, Su Ziqiong has always had some doubts in his heart that cannot be solved for a long time.

The first one, in 2075, scientists suddenly observed that the core of the sun was aging rapidly, and it would turn into a super huge red giant star within 100 years, and it would go from its peak to its own end in an instant, and within 200 years, the sun that turned into a red giant star would engulf the entire The solar system, at this point, the solar system will cease to exist.

But in fact, everyone knows that the sun in the main sequence has at least 50 billion years of life.

However, within 500 years after the earth wandered, a helium flash occurred...

How did the sun lose 500 billion years of life in just 50 years?
In other words, what caused the internal time of the sun to accelerate a million times... or the reaction speed to accelerate a million times...

Naturally, it cannot be explained,

Then one possible situation is that it has been interfered, and the laws of physics inside the sun have been modified...

And this may be the "light particle attack" of super civilization on the earth...

For example... the Trisolaran who later fought against humans for 500 years.

And what accident caused Jupiter's gravitational surge?

In the movie "The Wandering Earth", Jupiter's gravity surges, but there is no mention of any accidents on Jupiter in the original book.

Su Ziqiong pondered, this might be a foreshadowing of a dark forest.

Because so many scientists on the earth, as well as the strong artificial intelligence Moss, have not found any signs and possibilities of Jupiter's gravitational surge before, so they will follow the established orbit and prepare to borrow Jupiter's gravity to accelerate the ejection.

But the strange thing is that when approaching Jupiter, within the safe zone, the gravitational force surges...

Then the planetary thrusters on the surface of the earth failed on a large scale...

Neither Moss nor global scientists anticipated the problem
The point is, in any way,
The probability of the earth being saved is 0
Is it a coincidence, or is it a coincidence?

Presumably, there can only be one answer - Trisolaran.

This is equivalent to the pyramid conclusion in nature, except that the pyramid conclusion in the universe is more stringent and terrifying.

In the universe, there can only be one person at the top of the pyramid. The appearance of human beings may make those species at the top of the pyramid feel a sense of urgency and a sense of foreboding.

Therefore, that group of species intends to destroy the entire solar system to destroy humanity.

But they never expected that human beings would flee for their lives with their home planet, and in a haste planned to collide between the earth and Jupiter.

This conjecture may be a little scary, and a little beyond ordinary people's imagination, but Su Ziqiong feels more and more correct.

But sometimes, the nature of things is like this, the more cruel it is, the easier it is to be true.

Behind the truth, most people often cannot believe it.



Sulawesi Steering Engine is also known as KS Steering Engine.

One reason is that Sulawesi is part of KS territory and is the capital of KS, and the other reason is... um... Su Ziqiong didn't think about it for the time being.

Of course, he doesn't want to pursue this in detail, it's just a name, you can call it whatever you like.For him, the focus now is on restarting the Sulawesi steering engine.

To be more precise, it is the Sulawesi III steering engine.

Here, will be the last stop to save the earth.

Here, more than 90.00% of the other [-] engines.

On the equator, there are a total of 24 steering engines and their associated dungeons, all using the original geographical divisions.

If there are at least two steering engines in the same geographical area, add the number after the noun of the geographical area according to the direction from east to west, such as "Sulawesi 1" engine, "Indian Ocean 1" engine, "Atlantic 3" "Engine etc.

Among them, the steering engine ranked No. [-] is the most important.

They often play a connecting role, once damaged, it will have a considerable impact on all nearby steering engines.

In addition, there are two steering engines that are as important as the Sulawesi No. [-] steering engine. One is the Xinjiapo No. [-] steering engine, and the other is the Yajiada No. [-] steering engine.

Su Ziqiong needs all three steering engines to be started.

As for why you have to come to Sulawesi, the reason is actually very simple. The first is because it is the closest to him, and the second is because the movie only introduces the method of restarting the engine in Sulawesi. Compared with others, I am more familiar with this one.

At the very least, he knew which wires in the control room could be unplugged.

There are only a few people around him now, and Liu Qi's situation is not even a bit worse than that of Liu Qi in the original movie.

Su Ziqiong must give full play to his advantages within a limited time.

However, before officially restarting the Sulawesi steering engine, he still needs to find someone, and that person should be nearby at this moment. ''

"Xin Min?"

Su Ziqiong pressed the helmet three times and turned on the private frequency band.

"Boss, it's me!"

Xin Min's voice came suddenly, full of surprise.

"How are you doing over there now?"

Su Ziqiong said slowly,
"Everything is going well, the second gray line has just been cut short!"

"very good!"

Su Ziqiong nodded: "Next, I need you to send the last broadcast to the whole world, and help me find someone..."

"People? Looking for someone? A man or a woman?"

Xin Min's tone suddenly became a little unhappy.

"What are you thinking? What I'm looking for is a man, to be precise, a man with glasses, the man with glasses who invented the twelve-ring system for the Spring Festival."

Su Ziqiong couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry.

"Men with glasses, the twelve rings of the Spring Festival?"

After hearing that it was a man, Xin Min's attitude softened, but the only difference was that his tone was full of doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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