My body can be digitized

Chapter 63 Resurrection Times

Chapter 63 Resurrection Times
a corner.

Taking the telescope away, Zhang Tianlong looked horrified.

Whether it's the nearly ten-meter giant monster or the even more terrifying heart, they are all incomprehensible existences!
Although he was afraid, his integrity as a soldier made him issue strict orders.

They can't retreat. Now it's not only a natural disaster, but even more terrifying is the man-made disaster in front of them.

Once they retreat, the billions of people behind them will be completely exposed to these monsters.

"Order, be sure to wait in full force, give Lao Tzu a hard hit, and those who take a step back will be dealt with by military law!!!"

Zhang Tianlong's voice was extremely solemn, with a trace of majesty that could not be refuted.

His eyes slightly diverted to the past.

Countless soldiers were waiting in formation. These soldiers were dressed in different colors. The majority were soldiers in military green coats, while the rest were of all kinds.

There is also a small part, even called weird.

But no matter what kind of dress.

The eyes of these soldiers are all directed towards one place, without taking their eyes off.

Finally, on the distant horizon, some black dots suddenly appeared, and then these black dots were connected into a line.

These black dots rushed towards them, and the ear-piercing roars came one after another, like a symphony of death circling around the ears of the soldiers.

These black dots are none other than those infected people who attacked again.

Facing the flesh and blood, they refused to give up and chased after them.

Looking from a distance, it is so dark that you can't see the edge at a glance...

Getting closer, getting closer, until the outline of the infected person could be vaguely seen, the heavy artillery finally couldn't bear their temper and opened fire first.


Hundreds of heavy cannons were like giant dragons spouting flames one after another. After bursts of deafening explosions, countless huge pits with a diameter of more than ten meters were blasted out of the army of infected people not far away. Countless infected people were blown up into the sky, and then fell freely to the ground. The black blood splashed like rain in an instant, and the stench spread rapidly in this area. The gaps made by the artillery were filled by the infected who rushed up later. These existences, which were similar to low-level zombies, would only run away from the city with their mouths wide open, like fearless thugs, fearless and fearless. rushed to...

The firepower of the cannon only stopped the group of infected people for a moment, and then they gathered together and continued to charge. This kind of reckless charge made the soldiers feel a little overwhelmed and at the same time terrified.

They don't know how many infected people like this have been killed, and they don't know how many comrades in arms died in this huge battle.

And the scariest thing is yet to come, the giant monster tens of meters high and the huge beating heart.

No matter which one it is, it has far exceeded human imagination.



Su Ziqiong swore that he was definitely attracted by the gunshots.

Pure curiosity killed the cat.

"Huangmao, pinch me, are you sure... you're not making a movie?"

In the armored vehicle, Liu Qi patted the back of Huang Mao's head, and said with an uncertain expression.

"This this……"

Han Ziang also had a look of disbelief.

His lips kept moving, as if he wanted to express something, but due to lack of words, he finally chose to express his mood at the moment with expressions.

Su Ziqiong was not much better.

Apart from the scene in front of him, there was another main reason.

"Could it be that the plot has changed?"

Su Ziqiong's eyes were deep and she muttered to herself.

When did these hideous monsters appear in the original plot?

At this moment.

He had a very heavy question in his heart——the source of those monsters.

It is impossible to just appear so inexplicably, there must be a reason for everything.

"Could it be because of some genetic experiment being carried out by the country, which was accidentally leaked?"

Su Ziqiong thought about it, but the next moment, he immediately rejected his idea.

This is too unrealistic. Now let alone a single country, the federal government of the entire world is struggling with whether the earth can reach the Proximity System. There is simply no time, no ability, no energy to conduct other experiments.

Among them, the manpower, material resources, and financial resources required are simply not affordable by the current government.

"What exactly happened!"

Su Ziqiong frowned. He carefully hid behind the combat vehicle, showing his head from time to time.

Ahead, about a few hundred meters away from him.

The war seemed to be reaching a fever pitch.

The soldiers who ran out of ammunition had already started to engage in hand-to-hand combat with those monsters, with white knives in and gray knives out, it was extremely tragic.

"Brothers, for the sake of the country and the collective, go for me!"


Wang Lei's voice suddenly sounded, waking Su Ziqiong awake.

His face was flushed, his veins were bulging, and he rushed up with the submachine gun in his hand.

And behind him.

Gangzi, Liuzi, Zhou Qian and others also roared and followed closely.

"Oh, wait!!!"

Su Ziqiong froze for a moment, then quickly grabbed Wang Lei.

"what are you doing?"

Wang Lei's eyes cracked, and he said angrily.

"You're crazy, rushing up and looking for death at this time, do you know what those monsters are?"

Su Ziqiong was also furious.

This Wang Lei can really find something for him to do, so he doesn't know how to develop insignificantly?

"I'm mad?"

Wang Lei roared and shook Su Ziqiong's hand away: "Are you blind? Countless soldiers from the country in front are desperately throwing their heads and spilling blood. As a majestic man, you are so timid. He is simply a coward through and through, so I, Wang Lei, misunderstood someone and was blind!"

Wang Lei was heartbroken and looked at Su Ziqiong with disdain in his eyes.

After all, regardless of Su Ziqiong's reaction, he rushed out.

"You are taking them there to die!!!"

Su Ziqiong clenched his fists tightly and roared angrily.

He didn't follow up, his intuition told him that if he rushed over, he would definitely die.

Su Ziqiong doesn't mind saving the crisis ahead, but the premise is that he must ensure his own safety.

It is definitely not a wise move to die before leaving the teacher. Not only will you not be able to save others, but you will also catch yourself.

Although he can use the exchange points to resurrect again, the exchange points needed for each resurrection are not a small amount. With his current savings, it is only two or three times at most.

He didn't want to waste it easily.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

Xin Min grabbed Su Ziqiong's clothes tightly, his clear pupils were full of uneasiness.

Growing up so big, she had never seen such a bloody scene.

"Get out of here quickly, it's not suitable to stay here for long!"

Su Ziqiong didn't even think about it, and said directly.

It's not too far away from those monsters, and it's very likely that they will find it. Su Ziqiong doesn't dare to bet his life on this.

However, fate seems to prefer to joke with him.

The moment he rushed into the armored vehicle, a monster that was more than three meters high and full of tumors rushed over.

(End of this chapter)

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