Chapter 55

"Zhang Heng, did you already know that the planetary engine of Hangzhou No. [-] could not be kept!"

After pondering for a long time, Wang Lei looked at Su Ziqiong.

Not only him, but also Xin Min.

She vaguely remembered that when she was in the car, the boss mentioned more than once to give up going to Hangzhou No. [-] engine, but to change the itinerary to KS No. [-] engine.

"I'm not a fortune teller, so I don't know if the Hangzhou No. [-] engine will survive!"

Su Ziqiong would naturally not admit it.

He likes to be simple and quiet, and he doesn't like to ask for trouble.

Wang Lei didn't speak anymore, he was not a fool, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Su Ziqiong was perfunctory, but seeing it and saying it were two different things!
First, he has no evidence, and second, there is no point in arguing about it.

At best, in his opinion, Su Ziqiong is at best able to strategize a little bit.

However, seeing with his own eyes that the engine dungeon of Hangzhou No. [-] was destroyed, Wang Lei felt really uncomfortable.

As a soldier, he couldn't save the people he needed to protect. This deep feeling of powerlessness made him a little exhausted.

Su Ziqiong was lucky to say that he didn't have such a great sense of mission, he was just a common man with a flat head, but seeing more than 30 lives with his own eyes made him feel a little touched.

Strength, he has never been so eager to gain strength.

Shatter mountains and rivers with one punch, crack stars with one palm, live forever, and rest with the years.

Even just thinking about it makes me feel excited.

Su Ziqiong couldn't help but licked the corner of her mouth.

That's his habit, whenever he finds his purpose, he does it.

"Boss, where are we going next?"

Zhou Qian glanced at her captain worriedly.

"Where are we going? Heh, where else can we go? The engine of Hangzhou No. [-] is finished, and our mission is also finished. Where else can we go!"

Wang Lei laughed at himself.

"Boss, why don't we go to KS!"

Gangzi suggested, and while speaking, he glanced at Su Ziqiong.

It was Su Ziqiong who left a deep impression on him.

In addition to being strong, it is powerful, and it can also predict in advance that the Hangzhou No. [-] engine may not be guaranteed.

Regarding Su Ziqiong's words, he subconsciously chose to believe them.

The same is true for Liuzi.

"KS? KS is seventeen hours away from us, where are we going?"

Wang Lei's eyes were red, and he sat slumped on the snow, his previous fighting spirit gone.

"Captain Wang, I want to remind you very solemnly that the crisis has not been resolved, and the tragedy of the Hangzhou No. Waiting for you to rescue!!!”

Su Ziqiong spoke in a deep voice.

"Hehe, to put it simply, I can't even save a Hangzhou No. [-] engine dungeon, so why should I save the whole world!"

Wang Lei glanced at Su Ziqiong disdainfully, and struggled to stand up.


Zhou Qian yelled, and hurried forward to support Wang Lei who was shaking.

This man seemed to have aged ten years in an instant.


Su Ziqiong inexplicably had a headache. He wondered if the other party had the potential to talk back. In just a short while, his ability to retort has improved so much, making him a little speechless. This is the same as the silent man at the beginning. The gap is really too big!

Su Ziqiong frowned. Wang Lei won't be able to recover for a while. He can't wait here forever, after all, time waits for no one.

"KS is located near the equator. It is one of the few steering engines on the earth. At present, there are very few flints that can be sent to the equator. Wang Lei, if you feel guilty, this flint can completely make up for it!"

Su Ziqiong planned to fight for it one last time.

Although he is familiar with the plot, but the plot is the plot, the reality is the reality, he knows only a few characters, and there are very few characters that can be used.

If he had no choice, he still didn't want to give up on Wang Lei.

"Zhang Heng, how do you know that the equator lacks flint..."

Wang Lei's eyes were half-closed, aggressively: "I can't guess again!"

"That's right!"

Su Ziqiong said noncommittally
"Okay, if you can still guess correctly this time, I, Wang Lei, will leave for the equator without saying a word..."

The man sneered, and said harsh words directly.

"Let me tell you, there are a total of twelve Flint convoys dispatched near the equator. With such a base, the equator fire mission cannot fail no matter what!"

"I only have one question, whether the dignified Captain Wang of cn171--11 counts!" Su Ziqiong said.

"I, Wang Lei, of course say exactly what I say!"

"Beep beep... now playing the global frequency band."


Right now.

His voice was suddenly interrupted.

"We are the fifth and last convoy to go to the equatorial region. Unfortunately, our convoy was hit by a falling stair collapse while transporting flint," the equatorial region KS Sulawesi "Firestone" mission announced Failed, if there is a convoy with remaining Flint, please send it to Sulawesi as soon as possible!!!”

"Repeat, we are the fifth transport convoy heading to the equator..."



The matter of Wang Lei can only be regarded as a small episode.

At least he didn't continue to let himself fall, but fell into deep thinking, and looked at Su Ziqiong from time to time, with a sad face.

Of course, these problems are not what he should worry about.

Now that the human problem has been solved, the last and most serious big problem remains.

They don't have a transport vehicle, and it is simply unrealistic to walk over.

"The car problem is a bit difficult!"

Han Ziang shook his head. Each senior driver can only be equipped with one exclusive transport vehicle. Due to engine failure, almost all transport vehicles in the dungeon have been dispatched. Even if he is given three days of arms and six legs, Han Ziang will also Can't get it.

After hearing the news, Su Ziqiong couldn't help feeling a little worried.

For his grandma, it's a very difficult time, everyone is here, but when it comes to (liao), it's not the last place.

Su Ziqiong became a little angry for no reason.


at this time.

Suddenly his communicator rang.

When she saw the person she was talking to, Su Ziqiong couldn't help raising her eyebrows slightly, slightly shocked.

"Hey, brother one!?"

After Su Ziqiong froze for a few seconds, he connected the phone.

"Oh, it's me, Brother Heng!"

A slightly hoarse male voice came from the other end of the communicator.

Su Ziqiong is sure, he is really a big brother.

He was a little dazed, and didn't understand why the other party called him suddenly. Could it be that he was worried about his two sets of security suits?That one is too picky! ! !

Su Ziqiong kept muttering in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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