My body can be digitized

Chapter 47 I am Astronaut Liu Peiqiang

Chapter 47 I am Astronaut Liu Peiqiang
Shaking his head, Su Ziqiong decided not to talk to this silly girl.

Taking advantage of the fact that the meeting was relatively stable and nothing major happened, he planned to take a nap for a while.

Survival is the first priority, no matter at any time, any place, you must keep your physical strength absolutely abundant.

It used to be, and it should be now.

Su Ziqiong is familiar with the direction of the plot and knows what will happen to their group next.

Climbing the elevator with bare hands, without good physical strength is not a shame.

Outside the car, the cold wind howled, raging like tiny blades.

The environment was extremely harsh, with no signs of life except for humans wearing security suits.

Thousands of birds and all-rounders.

There seemed to be an aura called desolation in the whole air.

"Hurry up and open the road, let the team with the flint pass first!"

The convoy ran into trouble within a few hundred meters, and a pile of broken car parts blocked their way.

But fortunately, there are staff members in orange uniforms constantly shuttling through it, clearing the blocked road at high speed.

Su Ziqiong looked at him for a few times and then looked away. His eyes were like lightning, which seemed to be able to pierce the foggy and snowy air.



Time is like quicksand, flowing away from the fingers, melting one by one.

After an unknown amount of time, the sleeping Su Ziqiong was awakened by a violent bumping sound.

Slowly opening his eyes, he quickly looked around, the window was still as bright as day.

"Boss, you can really sleep!"

Xin Min took out a few wipes and wiped the corners of Su Ziqiong's mouth.

"what time is it now?"

Stretching a lot, Su Ziqiong's face turned a little red. Fortunately, no one except Xin Min saw it, otherwise it would be an embarrassment! ! !
"It's past eight o'clock!"

Xin Min glanced at his watch.

"It's so fast, it's already past eight o'clock!"

Rubbing his brows lightly, Su Ziqiong was in disbelief.

The sky outside looked like twelve o'clock at most, one or two o'clock, it was hard to imagine that it was already late at night.

"The thickness of the snow layer on the surface reaches thousands of meters, constantly refracting the light from the sun that has turned into a red giant star. The days last for a long time, the days are extremely long, and the nights are extremely short. Only after eleven o'clock, the sky will gradually turn black. .”

This time it was Wang Lei who spoke. Unlike the plot, after arranging everything, he returned directly to the combat armed vehicle, and Zhou Qian stayed in the transport vehicle driven by Han Ziang instead.

"Captain Wang, do you think we can transport Firestone safely this time?"

After looking away from the window, Su Ziqiong couldn't help looking at Wang Lei.

"There is no can or can't, only success and failure!"

Wang Lei paused for a few seconds before humming.

"Captain Wang, have you ever seriously thought about why as many as two-thirds of the planetary engines in the world stopped running this time, what's more, even the steering engines at the equator were paralyzed!"

"The broadcast has already stated clearly and clearly that the reason why the planetary engine fails is because of the strong gravitational force from Jupiter!"

After Wang Lei glanced at Su Ziqiong, he was a little impatient: "If you still don't understand, I suggest you listen to it again!"

"Captain Wang, I think you misunderstood what I meant. Of course, I could hear what was said on the radio clearly. I mean... even if all the fire is transported to a safe place, it would be nearly four thousand In front of more than 800 planetary engines, and they are successfully activated, and all the engines are running normally, can human beings really escape this catastrophe?"

Su Ziqiong frowned slightly, and stood up from his seat.

"Jupiter, the largest and fastest rotating planet among the eight planets in the solar system, is the fifth planet from the inside out. Its mass is one-thousandth of the sun and 2.5 times the mass of the other seven planets in the solar system combined. Jupiter Together with Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, they are all gas planets, so the four are collectively called Jupiter-like planets. Jupiter is a gas giant planet, mainly composed of hydrogen, followed by helium, accounting for 25% of the total mass and 70% of all planets in the solar system %, such a huge gaseous composition makes Jupiter's magnetic field strength 14 times that of the earth, ranging from 4.2 gauss at the equator to 10 to 14 gauss at the poles, with the strongest magnetic field in the entire solar system, within 6000 million kilometers from Jupiter The huge space in between is Jupiter's magnetosphere; while the earth's magnetosphere is only within 5 to 7 kilometers from the center of the earth. To put it simply, Jupiter is equivalent to a huge exhaust fan, and the earth, at best, is A tiny feather passing by the exhaust fan.

"According to Einstein's theory of relativity, it is speculated that the gravity around Jupiter will form a huge black hole. When the black hole is running, Jupiter itself will also rotate, which will generate a huge gravitational wave, so that the distance between the two black holes will become more and more. Close. This similar phenomenon also exists between the sun and Mercury, but the effect of the orbit of Mercury is not very obvious. For the OJ287 quasar, the gravitational field of the larger black hole is so large that the orbit of the smaller black hole appears The unbelievable 39-degree tilt, when the small black hole collides with the surrounding matter of the large black hole, this precession will change, so we should abandon the Hangzhou No. [-] engine and immediately go to the KS steering engine in Sulawesi .”

Su Ziqiong spoke eloquently, with an extremely serious expression on his face.

After watching this movie before, he was quite touched, and he went to check some information about the solar system and Jupiter's gravity.

"Young man, I can't understand a word you said, but I can solemnly tell you that Tinder is the last hope of human beings. It cannot fail, it can only succeed. We have only one mission - to restart Hangzhou No. [-] The engine, not the KS steering engine you said!"

Wang Lei turned around, his eyes were bloodshot, staring at Su Ziqiong closely, his face was equally serious.

"I swear, you will definitely regret it, Captain Wang Lei!"

Su Ziqiong's expression did not change, and she did not give in at all, tit for tat.

"I should like to see how I regret it, young man!"

Wang Lei narrowed his eyes slightly, and directly stuck to Su Ziqiong's face, and said in a cold voice.

"That's what you want!"

Su Ziqiong raised her eyebrows slightly, as if the tip of a needle pointed at the wheat.

After that, he turned around and returned to his original position.

Outside the window, at some point, the sky had already darkened quietly.

The inside of the armed vehicle fell into silence again, only the engine that was constantly beeping could be heard.


at this time.

A rapid electronic bell rang suddenly, interrupting the silence in the car.

"Captain Wang Lei, this is the space station, and I am astronaut Liu Peiqiang!"

(End of this chapter)

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