My body can be digitized

Chapter 32 Big-Budget Horror Movies

Chapter 32 Big-Budget Horror Movies

As soon as I opened, all kinds of investment information came into view.

"Recently, I'm going to shoot an ancient costume suspense fantasy fairy tale romance movie in Hengdian. Is there any boss who has money, invest in it, friendly reminder, the heroine is super beautiful!"

"Hehe, you're still in costume suspenseful romance fairy tale, why don't you say you're omnipotent!"

Su Ziqiong grinned and ignored the first one.

"Liu Tianyu, who once directed "Salute", "North Wind", "Fifty Below Minus", and "Fifty Below Minus" won the Best Director Award at the 19 Chinese Awards, and now plans to direct a police and gangster movie. 2000 million investment, interested filmmakers can call me."

"This second one is quite reliable!"

After Su Ziqiong roughly finished reading silently, she couldn't help but nodded.

There are also phone numbers below, as well as video links to three movies that Liu Tianyu has directed.

It is very convenient and can be watched directly online.

"However, logically, there are already three films that have been completed, and one even won the Best Director Award at the Chinese Awards. There shouldn't be a lack of investment."

Su Ziqiong suddenly felt a little puzzled.

He has heard of the Chinese Awards, it is not a small film event that is not popular, on the contrary, it is the highest level of the three major film events in China, the trophy contains a lot of gold, and it is the highest palace in the dreams of many filmmakers.

Su Ziqiong couldn't believe that a director who had won the Best Director Award at the Chinese Language Award would be short of investment.

Almost subconsciously, he entered the three words Liu Tianyu on the phone.

Soon, all the information about this person appeared on Somao Encyclopedia, which was almost the same as what the filmmakers described online. The only difference was that there were comments on Somao Encyclopedia, which specifically commented on Liu Tianyu, saying that his director ability is quite good , but I have always liked to shoot some secularist themes. The themes are particularly depressing and heavy, which caused the works to be well received and not popular. I once directed the highest-grossing movie "Fifty Below Minus", which was only 600 million.

The comments are well-spoken, analyzed from various aspects, and there is a screenshot of the Maoyan movie box office at the bottom, Su Ziqiong can't help but believe it.

"What I want is a blockbuster movie, not a business that loses money."

At the first moment, Su Ziqiong directly crossed Liu Tianyu out of his heart.

He has only one purpose in investing in movies, and that is to make money.

Although this Liu Tianyu's personal directing ability is good, but for Su Ziqiong, at least it is not of much use right now.

He browses on.


A name caught his eye.

Li Mingzhuang.

A director of niche horror films, he doesn’t have any outstanding works, but the Virgo “Home”, which was filmed at 10 RMB, earned more than 500 million at the box office, and also received a 7.5 points of praise on .

This time, we need to raise 500 million yuan, and we are going to shoot a big one.

Don't choose, that's all.

Su Ziqiong thought for a moment, and clicked directly on the investment column.

Gritting his teeth, he chose the highest 500 million yuan, expressing his reluctance to let the child catch the wolf.

After the payment is successful, an electronic contract is sent from the website, and two copies need to be printed, signed and stamped.

Su Ziqiong took a quick glance at some details that need to be paid attention to in the transaction. At the same time, he also clarified the investment share that can be obtained by 500 million.

500 million, 40.00% five.

He didn't know whether he had won or lost.

Su Ziqiong didn't waste too much time on this matter. After quickly choosing a target, he directly quit



at the same time.

"Aya, can you please don't go, don't leave me!!!"

Jinsha City, inside a dilapidated rental house.

A man with glasses was full of weeping, and was holding the young woman in front of him tightly.

The man's face was full of stubble, his eyes were red and swollen, and his hair was fried like a chicken coop. The 26-year-old looked like he was in his 40s.

"I said Li Mingzhuang, do you want to show some face? How much effort has been wasted by my mother on you? Tell me about you. You graduated from the Capital Film University. You are a well-rounded student, but now you are a mess, and you haven't even graduated from high school. Can’t keep up!!!”

The young woman had heavy makeup on her face and a gorgeous appearance, and she looked at the man with glasses with undisguised disgust.

"My mother is right. You are a waste. Follow you. Someday I can live the life I want. I might as well tell you now. Just three days ago, someone has already pursued my mother, and I have agreed to it." , we went to open the room that day!!!”


As soon as the beautiful woman's words left her mouth, the bespectacled man felt as if he was struck by lightning. He held the woman's hands tightly and slowly lowered them, without replying for a long time.

He vaguely remembered that three days ago, the woman really didn't come back. At that time, he was still worried that the woman had met a bad person, so he called frantically, but the other party never answered, and occasionally he answered, and he seemed to vaguely hear the woman's groaning.But later the woman explained to him that she was celebrating her birthday at her best friend's house.

Ha ha!

Can't answer his phone on his birthday?
For such a lame reason, he actually believed it at the time.

"Aya, we have walked together for so many years..."

The male voice in glasses seemed to be sobbing.

"So, I'm going to find my own happiness. I've had enough of you."

The beautiful woman gave the man in glasses a hard look, then pushed open the door and walked out.

The high-heeled shoes, which were a full seven or eight centimeters long, stepped on the ground, and there were constant sounds of crunching and crunching sounds.


The man with glasses didn't seem to be reconciled, and immediately chased after him.

But the next moment, he stopped his steps.

As far as he could see, he saw a middle-aged bald man who was less than 1.5 meters tall, got down slowly from the car, and then hugged the beautiful woman's buttocks and squeezed her...

On the other hand, the woman's attitude was full of enjoyment.

The two were very fast, and went directly into the compartment of the fat bald man.

Next, needless to say, the man with glasses knew what was going to happen.

this moment.

He felt that his chest was like a pressure cooker, but he couldn't cry, he could only cry...

"Li Mingzhuang, you are trash, not just a woman!"

The man with glasses slapped himself hard, and kept murmuring.

His eyes were bloodshot, as painful and helpless as a child who couldn't find a home.

The man with glasses put his head in his hands and slowly collapsed in the corner, crying silently.

"Ding, 500 million yuan has been credited to your movie network reserved bank card. If you have any doubts, please call the bank hotline: 111222333."

at this time.

A crisp electronic tone suddenly came from the bedside mobile phone, interrupting him abruptly...

(End of this chapter)

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