My body can be digitized

Chapter 30 Unfilial Son

Chapter 30 Unfilial Son
"This car is definitely old and expensive!"

Everyone was talking about it. In Daye Village, let alone sports cars, even ordinary cars are good things. No one has seen them!

"I think so too. It's the first time I've seen such a beautiful car!"

Most rural people are very simple and honest, especially those like them who have never been to the city, so they say whatever comes to mind!
"It's Mrs. Lan!"

At this moment, the car door suddenly rose slowly, and then, a thin-looking figure walked out from inside...

It was none other than Su Ziqiong who came back specially!

"You...are that boy from the Dazhuang family!!!"

The leading woman opened her mouth wide, with a shocked expression on her face...

"Sister-in-law Lan still remembers me, how is Miss Xinlan, have you been admitted to university?"

Su Ziqiong smiled slightly, with a confident light shining in her eyes!

"It's really your boy!"

After a long time, the woman whom Su Ziqiong called Sister-in-Lan came back to her senses: "Did you buy this car?"


Su Ziqiong nodded.

"It's not cheap, is it?"

"It's okay, not much money!!!"

Su Ziqiong scratched his head.

"Brother Ziqiong, don't be modest. I know this car, but a Bentley costs millions!"


A young girl wearing a thick black cotton coat was holding freshly pulled beef in one hand and waving hello to Su Ziqiong.

The girl is not too beautiful, but she is unpretentious and exudes a sense of familiarity that makes people want to get close to her.

"Sister Xinlan, have you gone shopping for the New Year?"

Seeing the girl, Su Ziqiong couldn't help but smile.

"Well, the beef tenderloin I just bought is fresh. Brother Ziqiong hasn't come back for so long, so I have to go to my house to eat dumplings later!"

Ye Xinlan smiled.

"I said good girl, how much did you just say this car is?"

Among the many women, the leader, Mrs. Lan, suddenly pulled Ye Xinlan over, her face full of disbelief.

"Mom, this car is called a Bentley, and it starts with a minimum of 200 million yuan!"

"What, the minimum is more than 200 million!!!"

Ye Xinlan said it very easily, but when everyone heard it, it exploded...

That's 300 million! ! !

Not to mention in the countryside, even in the city, it can be regarded as a sky-high price!

"I said Da Zhuang's boy, did you earn a lot of money outside, and you only bought a car for 100 million?"

Mrs. Lan couldn't help but ask. In her opinion, Su Ziqiong was simply too wasteful...

"No, I just made some small money!"

Ye Qiong said with some embarrassment.

"It's still modest, Xiaoqian can buy a car with so much money, no, I'll go back and talk about my kid, who only knows how to play all day long, compared with you, it's like one in the sky and the other on the ground distance!"

Sister-in-law Lan glanced at the blue Bentley beside Su Ziqiong rather jealously, and walked directly towards the door of her own house without saying a word.

A moment later, a pig-killing roar came from the door, and it lasted for a long time...

Su Ziqiong gave a helpless smile, and after exchanging greetings with the many elders around her, she walked straight towards the door of her house.

His speed is very fast, his eyes are constantly scanning the surrounding scenes, a feeling of familiarity and strangeness constantly fills his heart!

It was still the leaky bungalow, the half-broken wall, and the big black dog barking in the corner!
"I am back!"

Su Ziqiongqiong exhaled a foul breath, somehow, she felt a little nervous...

"My wife, my wife, don't scare me..."

At this moment, a thick and hoarse voice suddenly came from the bungalow not far away...


Su Ziqiong's heart suddenly tightened, and a bad premonition rose in his mind, and he rushed in without caring about other things...




On the only road leading to Zhujiang People's Hospital.

A blue Bentley galloped past like a bolt of lightning, closely following the white ambulance in front.

"Dad, I have contacted the doctor. He is the director of the hospital. He specializes in treating my mother's disease. He is very famous in this field. I guarantee that everything will be fine!!!"

"That's good, that's good!"

The muscular man sighed slightly...

"You don't know, your mother has an old problem. I didn't expect it to be so serious today!"

"Don't worry dad, my son is here!!!"

Su Ziqiong was choked up and didn't know what to say, so she could only keep comforting the strong man.

After all, it was his unfilial son who came back too late.


A few minutes later, there was a sudden sound of brakes.

The landmark building of ZH City People's Hospital naturally appeared in front of Su Ziqiong.

When Su Ziqiong arrived, there were already professional nurses waiting at the door!

Su Ziqiong doesn't have such a big face for the time being, all the people are found by Zhu Dachang!

In the whole Zhuhai, he seems to be the only awesome person Su Ziqiong knows!

Therefore, at the first opportunity, Su Ziqiong tentatively called Zhu Dachang.

The other party agreed without saying a word.

The speed of the hospital was very fast, especially the director, when he learned that Su Ziqiong had arrived, he ran over in a hurry without caring about other things.

Zhu Dachang's friend, he absolutely dare not slack off!
Otherwise, his job as director may be over!
With the help of this director, the operation went extremely smoothly!
Su's mother has an old problem, and the doctor suggested surgery a long time ago, but because the family has no money, she keeps putting it off!
On the first day after the operation, Su's mother woke up. When Su Ziqiong came to the ward, Su's father and Su's mother were half-sitting and chatting with each other.

Su Ziqiong opened the door very quietly, but they still heard it.

"Son, is it really you?"

Mother Ye looked at Su Ziqiong, was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously wanted to get off the hospital bed.

Su Ziqiong hurried to her side, then knelt down with a "kuang..."

"Mom and Dad, your son is not filial. If it's because of your son, how can your two elders suffer like this?"

Su Ziqiong's tears could not be restrained at all, and instantly soaked his clothes.

In front of her parents, Su Ziqiong cried like a child for the first time!
He found that he had been really selfish all these years and only cared about himself.

I owed more than 10,000 yuan in business, and I was so scared that I didn't even dare to go home.

If it wasn't for the system, he might not even see his mother's last face.

How does this make him not sad, how not uncomfortable.

After all, it's not too late, it's still too late, he, an unfilial son, still has a chance to make amends! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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