My body can be digitized

Chapter 17 The Killing Night

Chapter 17 The Killing Night

Suppressing the anger in his heart, it was not easy for Ah You to regain his previous kindness.

"Little brother, it's better to be honest. You're an ordinary person, how could you beat such terrifying ghosts as the Skinner to death!"

After all, Ah You didn't believe Su Ziqiong's words.

"Believe it or not is up to you!"

Su Ziqiong didn't want to explain further.

"Next, I want to tell you something. Whether you believe it or not, I think it is necessary to tell you!"

Su Ziqiong said slowly with a stern face.

"what's up?"

A friend looked puzzled.

"You should know Uncle Dong from the 14th floor, right?"

"Not only know each other, but also very familiar."

Ayou frowned and said.

"That's easy to say!"

Su Ziqiong nodded: "Just last night, Uncle Dong was killed!"

"What did you say!!!"

A friend's face suddenly changed.

"It's not over yet."

After glancing at Ah You, Su Ziqiong continued.

"Just a few days later, that is, on Uncle Dong's first seven days, he will turn into a terrifying zombie, merge with the two twin female ghosts at No. 2442, and slaughter the entire Ping An Apartment!"

Su Ziqiong spoke very slowly, as if someone outside her body was telling a story, speaking eloquently.

But the content of the words is like dropping thousands of Hiroshima atomic bombs in Ah You's heart in an instant.

"Little brother, don't talk nonsense. If you are like this, it will easily make me think that you are mentally ill!"

Ayou's face suddenly became extremely serious.

"I knew you wouldn't believe it!"

Su Ziqiong shook her head: "I've already told you so far. Believe it or not, you can decide for yourself. If you think I'm mentally ill, you can go to Uncle Dong's house to confirm it yourself!"

Say it.

Su Ziqiong turned around and left without giving Ah You a chance to reply.

Ah You was stunned for a moment, not taking his eyes off it, until Su Ziqiong's figure disappeared from his line of sight before he came back to his senses.

"Whether it's true or not, I should make sure!"

In the end, he still decided to go to Uncle Dong's house in person.

Last night happened to be the time when he found the flayer.

And Su Ziqiong also said that Uncle Dong had been killed last night, and everything during this period was really too coincidental.


Fourteenth floor, room 1442.

Accompanied by a hasty knock on the door, Aunt Mei's voice sounded.


"It's my Aunt Mei, friend!"

"A friend, what's the matter?"

In the room, Aunt Mei was slightly startled, her voice flickered with panic, and she didn't open the door immediately.

"Oh, I'm here to find Uncle Dong!"

"Uncle Dong, he went to play mahjong with Old Wang next door, he's not at home!"

"That's it, then I'll come to find Uncle Dong tomorrow!"

"Something is abnormal!"

Ah You didn't leave, but came downstairs.

He lives on the thirteenth floor.

Pushing open the door, he sat straight on the sofa in front of him.

"Aunt Mei didn't open the door for a long time, and she seemed to avoid me everywhere. Something must have happened!"

Ayou is not a fool, at such a great age, his ability to read words and demeanor is naturally extraordinary.

"And the old Wang next door moved out three years ago."

"Did that young man really not lie to me? Uncle Dong has already been killed!"

Ayou frowned tightly.

"But if Uncle Dong is already dead, why does Aunt Mei still hide his body?"

"The mainland guy later said that Uncle Dong would turn into a zombie. Why is that?"

"Although it is said that if you are angry in life, your body will be dead but not stiff after death, but this does not mean that all people will become zombies after death!"

A friend kept pondering.

First of all, if the corpse wants to become a zombie, it must meet one of the most basic requirements, that is, there is breath in the chest of the corpse that cannot be relieved or not, and the corpse is not stiff after death. In addition, there is the most critical point , that is the horoscope of this person's birth date, not all people will become zombies after death, only those born in the cloudy year, the moon, the moon, the day, the hour, the hour, the hour, and the second can become a zombie after death.

Otherwise, if everyone could turn into a zombie after death, then the entire Xiangjiang would have been turned into a zombie country long ago.

"I've done the calculation for Uncle Dong before. Uncle Dong's December is a rooster, which is not a cloudy year. If this possibility is ruled out, then it's a sorcery!!!"

Ah You suddenly stood up from the sofa.

"Come on, it must be Xu Jiu who caused trouble from the middle!"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for having a certain impact on the plot, and the reward exchange value is ten (Ayou, the heir to catch Zombie, has changed from half-belief to initial belief in the host's words)."

It feels really great to be able to collect the exchange value while sitting.

Sitting on the head of the bed, Su Ziqiong couldn't help but raise her legs.

Today, his exchange value has reached a gratifying seventy points, in addition to that, he also has ten points of soul power.

It is worth mentioning that the system rewarded him with [-] points of exchange value for blocking Brother Nine's plan before, which made him excited for a while.

There is no way, who is the system to stipulate that if the exchange value is less than 99 points, it will be wiped out.

He currently has a total of 29 points of exchange value, and there are still 99 points and less than [-] points of exchange value. If he works hard, there is definitely hope.

"Ding: Ah You, the successor of Zombie Catch, intends to visit Uncle Dong's house at night, and the reward exchange value is ten points."

"The boss's last name is really, really happy!"

The corners of Su Ziqiong's mouth rose to the extreme, brows were beaming with joy.

"Bu Puppet is the heir of Catch Zombie's lineage, that's how decisive it is!"

"Ayou visits Uncle Dong's house at night, so I can't be idle, so I just burn Uncle Dong's body directly, so as not to endanger others after his corpse is turned into a corpse!"

Su Ziqiong showed a ruthless expression.

As for the sonorous and affectionate relationship between him and Aunt Mei...

Fuck him, he doesn't believe in feelings long ago.

Now, for Su Ziqiong, his own interests are more important than anything else.



Time flies, fleeting.

Unconsciously, the sky has quietly dimmed down.

The night is like a thick inkstone, too deep to dissolve...

In the sky, the curtain of navy blue is dotted with twinkling stars, which makes people deeply intoxicated.

Suddenly, right at this moment.

Under the night.

A figure flew past like a cat about to forage, breaking the rare tranquility of Ping An Apartment.

Tonight is destined to be the most desolate night, the ink-like twilight sky is like a deep and dark countercurrent, barren and exhausted.

The shadow of the moon is bleak, and the broken moonlight streaming shadow settles down, cold and sad, silently picking up the sigh of the wind, and the raving of the night, and then disappearing into the boundless vastness.

(End of this chapter)

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