My body can be digitized

Chapter 143 Memory Reappearance

Chapter 143 Memory Reappearance
"I don't know what I did, but a cat was killed and my chest was covered in paint. Dear Tom, Percy always told me I looked bad and looked strange. I think he Might be suspicious of me... There was another attack today and I can't remember where I was. Tom, what should I do? I feel like I'm going crazy... I feel like I'm the one attacking all these people. , Tom!”

Harry's fists clenched, his nails digging deep into his flesh.

"It took a long, long time for silly little Ginny to stop trusting her diary," said Riddle. "At last she got suspicious and tried to throw it away. But it was caught by that little wizard named Adams." Well, to tell you the truth, the soul power of that little wizard is really powerful, as if two souls are superimposed. Although this can make him cast magic more smoothly, I still want to know how such a useful method is. I did it." Riddle's eyes were full of greed and desire.

"What about Hagrid? Everyone says that he was the ultimate murderer who caused the accident 50 years ago." Harry took the opportunity to ask his doubts.

"Oh?! Do you want to know, then you might as well go and see for yourself what the process I went through, after all, this is why I exist as a memory." Riddle said with a meaningful smile.

Harry wanted to refuse at first, but everything came so suddenly, the diary seemed to be blown by a strong wind, the pages flipped and stopped at a certain page in mid-June.Harry stared dumbfounded at what seemed to be a miniature TV screen on the thirteenth of June.With slightly trembling hands, he raised the book and put his eyes on the small window; before he could realize what was going on, he fell forward; the window was getting bigger, and he felt his body leave the bed , fell headfirst into the gap in that page, and entered into a swirling color and light and shadow.

He felt his feet hit solid ground.He stood still trembling, and the blurry scene around him suddenly became clear.

Although Harry was led to his memory world by Riddle, the others didn't know what happened. Caesar only saw Harry disappear abruptly and then reappear abruptly. The time seemed to him to have experienced a long time.

Seeing him standing where he disappeared just now with his mouth wide open, Ron couldn't help waving his hands in front of him and said, "Harry, what's the matter with you, nothing happened?"

Harry turned his head after being stunned for a while, and he said slowly, "You can't imagine what I went through just now."

He slowly told what he saw and heard, and Riddle didn't stop him. He just looked at these little wizards with cold eyes.

When Harry entered the memory world, he knew where he was in a second.This circular room with sleeping portraits on the walls was Dumbledore's office - but it was not Dumbledore sitting behind the desk at the moment, but a wizened wizard with a frail, bald head. There are only a few strands of white hair on her head, and she is reading a letter by candlelight.Harry had never seen this man before.

"I'm sorry," he said in a trembling voice, "I didn't mean to intrude..."

But the wizard didn't even look up.He continued to read the letter, frowning slightly.Harry approached his desk and stammered, "Oh - I'm going then. Okay?"

The wizard still ignored him, as if he hadn't heard him at all.Harry thought the wizard might have bad ears, so he raised his voice.

"Sorry to bother you, I'm leaving." He literally shouted.

The wizard sighed, folded the letter, stood up, walked past Harry without even looking at him, and went straight to draw the curtains.

The sky outside the window is full of red clouds; it seems that it is sunset time.The wizard returned to the table, sat down, twiddled his thumbs absently, and looked at the door.

Harry looked around the office.No Phoenix, no whirling silver baubles.This is the Hogwarts that Riddle knows. In other words, this wizard he doesn't know is the headmaster, not Dumbledore, and he, Harry, is not much better than a ghost. People 50 years ago would completely ignore it. Not seeing him.

There was a knock on the door of the office.

"Come in," said the old wizard in a feeble voice.

A boy of about sixteen came in and took off his pointed hat.A silver prefect badge gleamed on his chest.He was much taller than Harry, but also had shiny black hair.

"Ah, Riddle," said the headmaster.

"You want to see me, Professor Dippet?" said Riddle, looking nervous.

"Sit down," said Dippet, "I've been reading that letter you sent me."

"Oh," Riddle said.He sat down and clasped his hands tightly together.

"My dear boy," said Dippet kindly, "I cannot keep you at school for the summer. Surely you would like to go home for the holidays?"

"No," said Riddle immediately, "I'd rather stay at Hogwarts than go to that—that—"

"You live in a Muggle orphanage during your holidays, don't you?" Dippet asked curiously.

"Yes, sir," said Riddle, blushing slightly.

"Are you Muggle-born?"

"Half-blood, sir," said Riddle, "Muggle father and wizard mother."

"Your parents both—"

"My mother died just after I was born, sir. They said to me in the orphanage that she only had time to name me: 'Tom', after my father; middle name 'Marvolo', after me grandfather."

Dippet clicked his tongue sympathetically.

"Here's the thing, Tom," he sighed, "we originally wanted to make some special arrangements for you, but under the current circumstances..."

"Are you referring to all these attacks, sir?" Riddle asked.

Harry's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he leaned closer for fear of missing a word.

"Exactly," said the Headmaster. "My dear boy, you must see how foolish I would be to allow you to stay in the castle after term. Especially after the latest tragedy... that The poor little girl is dead... you'd be much safer in an orphanage. To tell you the truth, the Ministry of Magic is even talking about closing the school. We're still at the - oh - root cause of all these unfortunate events. There's no talk of closing schools. We don't have a clue as to the -- oh -- the source of all these unfortunate events..."

Riddle's eyes widened.

(End of this chapter)

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