Chapter 137
Ron snorted loudly.Evidently, in his opinion, hatching Aragog in a cupboard had been a mistake.

The castle was getting closer, and Harry tugged on the Invisibility Cloak to make sure all four feet were covered, before pushing the creaking front door open a crack.They walked cautiously across the hall, up the marble steps, and, holding their breath, through patrolled corridors.At last they made it safely back to the Gryffindor common room, where the fire had been burnt out and only embers were still gleaming.They took off their invisibility cloaks, climbed up the spiral staircase, and returned to the dormitory.

Ron didn't even bother to take off his clothes, so he fell on the bed.But Harry didn't feel very sleepy.He sat on the edge of the four-poster bed, thinking desperately about every word Aragog had said.

That creature lurking somewhere in the castle, he thought, sounded a little like Voldemort - even the other monsters wouldn't say its name.But what it was, and how it turned the victim to stone, neither he nor Ron knew.Even Hagrid never knew what was locked in the Chamber of Secrets.

Harry swung his legs and got into bed, leaning back on the pillows, watching the moonlight glimmering at him through the castle windows.

He couldn't think of anything else they could do.They hit a wall everywhere and reached a deadlock.The heir of Slytherin ran away, and no one knew whether it was the same person or someone else who opened the Chamber of Secrets this time.There is no one to ask either.Harry lay back, still thinking about Aragog's words.

He was already drowsy, and a sudden thought, which made him sit up suddenly, seemed to be their only hope.

"Ron," he whispered in the dark.

Ron let out a Fang-like cry, looked around blankly, and saw Harry.

"Ron—the dead girl. Aragog said she was found in the bathroom," said Harry, ignoring Neville snoring in the corner. "What if she hadn't left the bathroom?" ? What if she's still there?"

Ron rubbed his eyes, frowning in the moonlight.Then he understood.

"Don't you think it's—it's Moaning Myrtle?"

"It's not that I think it is, but it is." Harry's eyes sparkled brightly.

in his hands.

At the moment, he is holding a slightly worn paper.

This is a page torn from a very old library book.Harry couldn't wait to unfold it, and Ron joined him, and they read together:
There are many terrible beasts and monsters roaming in our country, the most bizarre and lethal of them is the basilisk, also known as the king of snakes.The snake, which can become very large and often live for hundreds of years, is hatched from a rooster's egg by a toad.The Basilisk kills in surprising ways, as well as its deadly fangs, its stare can also kill.Anyone caught by its gaze is instantly killed.The spider will run away when it sees the basilisk, because the basilisk is the deadly enemy of the spider, and the basilisk will run away if it hears the crowing of the rooster, because the crowing of the rooster is also fatal to it.

Under this passage, there are two words: Guanzi.

Suddenly, it was as if someone lit a light in Harry's mind.

"Harry," said Ron, almost breathless with excitement, "that's it. Here's the answer. The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is the Basilisk - a giant snake! Not Hagrid's spider!"

"Anyone whose eyes the basilisk looks at dies. But no one died here—because none of them looked directly at it. Colin saw it through a camera. The basilisk took the film out of the camera. They were all charred, while Colin was just petrified. What about Justin... Justin must have seen the basilisk through Nearly Headless Nick! Nick was caught by the basilisk's gaze, but he didn't Might die a second time... Hermione and that Ravenclaw girl were found with a mirror next to them. And Hermione already knew the monster was a basilisk. I'd bet you anything, she reminded her The first person you meet has to use the mirror to look around the corner! The girl just took out the mirror--"

Ron opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"And Mrs. Norris?" he asked eagerly in a low voice.

Harry thought hard, remembering the scene before Halloween.

"Water..." he said slowly, "the one that overflowed from Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. I dare say Mrs. Norris just saw her reflection in the water..."

He eagerly looked at the page in his hand again, the more he looked, the more he felt his heart brighten up.

"...the basilisk will run for its life as soon as it hears the crowing of the rooster, because the crowing of the cock is also fatal to it!" he read aloud, "Hagrid's cocks are all killed! Once the Chamber of Secrets is opened Well, the heir of Slytherin would never want a rooster near the castle! The spider will run away when it sees the basilisk! Ah, every one fits the bill!"

"But how could the basilisk be crawling around?" said Ron. "A big ugly snake...someone must have seen it..."

Harry pointed to the two words scrawled beneath the sheet of paper.

"The pipe," he said, "the pipe... Ron, it's been running in the pipe. I keep hearing that voice in the wall..."

Ron grabbed Harry's arm.

"The entrance to the Chamber of Secrets!" he said hoarsely. "Maybe it's in a bathroom? Maybe it's in—"

"- Moaning Myrtle's bathroom," said Harry.

They sat there, overwhelmed with excitement, unable to believe it.

"That means," said Harry, "that I'm not the only one at this school who knows Parseltongue. So does the Heir of Slytherin. That's why they keep controlling the Basilisk."

"What do we do?" Ron asked, his eyes sparkling. "Shall we go straight to Professor McGonagall?"

"Let's go to the staff room," Harry said, jumping up. "She'll be there in ten minutes. get out of class will be over soon."

They ran downstairs.They didn't want Professor McGonagall to find them wandering another corridor, and went straight into the empty staff room.

But there were more than the two of them in the classroom lounge at the moment, "Malfoy, what are you doing here?" Ron saw the figure in the classroom lounge and asked loudly.

"Then why are you here?" Malfoy said lazily.

"We have important information to tell Professor McGonagall, it is—" Harry was about to say when Ron stopped him.

"He's a Slytherin!" said Ron, his eyes widening, and then he gave Draco a weird sideways look and said, "How can you trust him, he might have told his father himself first, What if something goes wrong then?"

(End of this chapter)

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