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Chapter 134 Forbidden Forest

Chapter 134 Forbidden Forest
Lockhart hopped into the classroom, his classmates staring at him in surprise.Every other teacher at the school looked more serious than usual, but Lockhart seemed light-hearted.

"Well, well," he said, looking around beamingly, "why are you all so long-faced?"

Exasperated glances were exchanged, but no one answered.

"Don't you see," Lockhart said, speaking more slowly, as if they were both a little slow, "that the danger has passed! The criminal has been taken away."

"Who are you talking about?" Dean Thomas said loudly.

"My dear young man, the Minister of Magic wouldn't have taken Hagrid away if he hadn't been [-] per cent convinced Hagrid was guilty," said Lockhart, in that tone, as if someone was explaining that one plus one equals two like that.

"Oh, that's not necessarily it," said Ron, louder than Dean's.

"I'm confident I know a little more about the truth about Hagrid's arrest than you do, Mr Weasley," said Lockhart in a smug tone.

Ron was about to say he didn't think so, but stopped when Harry kicked him hard under the table.

"We weren't there, you forget?" Harry whispered.

But Lockhart's disgusting glee, his confession that he had long thought Hagrid was no good, and his saying that he believed the whole thing was over, irritated Harry so much that he wanted to read the book. The book Walking with Ghouls was thrown at Lockhart's stupid face.He wrote Ron a scrawled note:

We act tonight.

Ron read the note and swallowed hard.

The Gryffindor common room was always packed these days, as Gryffindor students had nowhere else to go after six o'clock at night.And they always had a lot to talk about, and as a result, the common room was often occupied well after midnight.

After dinner, Harry took the Invisibility Cloak out of the trunk and sat on it all night, waiting for the room to clear.Ginny looks on as Fred and George challenge Harry and Ron to a game of Crackle and Blast.She sat in Hermione's usual seat, feeling down.Adams looked at her coldly from the sidelines. His appearance made Ron very annoyed, because Ginny was his sister after all. Adams sat for a while and then left.

Harry and Ron kept losing on purpose, trying to end the game early, but even then it was past midnight by the time Fred, George, and Ginny went to bed.

Harry and Ron waited for the closing sound of the dormitory door twice in the distance, then grabbed the Invisibility Cloak, put it on, and crawled out through the portrait hole.

The journey through the castle is also very difficult, and you have to do everything possible to avoid the teacher.At last they reached the hall, slipped behind the locks of the two oaken doors, squeezed their way through the crack, trying not to creak, and out onto the moonlit grounds.

"Of course," Ron said suddenly, as they strode across the dark grass, "we might have nothing to follow when we get to the woods. Those spiders probably didn't go there at all. I know , they seemed to be moving in that direction, but..."

He didn't go on, leaving Harry with a little hope.

They came to Hagrid's cabin and looked at the dark windows sadly and sadly.Harry pushed the door open, and Fang was ecstatic when he saw them.Fearing that its deep, deep barking would wake the castle, they hastened to feed it syrupy taffy from a tin on the mantelpiece, and stuck its teeth together.

Harry put the Invisibility Cloak on Hagrid's table.It is useless in the dark woods.

"Come on, Fang, let's go for a walk." Harry said, patting its hind legs.Fang happily followed them out of the hut, toward the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and crossed a leg beside a large sycamore fig tree.

Harry took out his wand and murmured, "Lumos!" and there was a thin beam of light from the tip of the wand, just long enough for them to watch for any spiders in the path.

"Great idea," said Ron, "I wanted my wand to shine too, but you know it's going to explode..."

Harry patted Ron on the shoulder and pointed to the grass.Two solitary spiders were scurrying from the wand's light into the shadowy shadows of the trees.

"Okay," Ron sighed, looking as though he had to accept the worst, "I'm ready. Let's go."

So they went into the Forbidden Forest, Fang bouncing around them, sniffing roots and leaves as they went.By the light of Harry's wand, they followed the spider that continued to crawl across the path.They walked for about 10 to [-] minutes, and no one spoke, but listened carefully to see if there were any other sounds besides the snapping of branches and the rustling of leaves.Then the trees grew thicker, and the stars overhead were no longer visible.Harry's wand was glimmering alone in the endless darkness when they noticed that the spider guides had strayed off the path.

Harry stopped in his tracks, trying to see where the spider was moving, but beyond the range illuminated by the faint light, there was darkness beyond reach.He had never ventured so deep into the Forbidden Forest before.He vividly recalled Hagrid telling him not to stray from the forest path the last time he was in the woods.But Hagrid was thousands of miles away at the moment, probably sitting in Azkaban's cell, and he had said he would follow the spider.

Something touched Harry's hand, and he jumped backwards, stamping on Ron's foot, which turned out to be Fang's nose.

"What do you think?" Harry asked Ron.He could just make out Ron's eyes, the dim light of his wand reflected in their pupils.

"We've come this far," said Ron.

So they followed the shadow of the spider galloping into the bushes.They could not go very fast now, and there were roots and stumps here and there blocking the way, barely visible in the near-black light.Harry could feel Fang's hot breath on his hands.They were forced to stop more than once, and Harry crouched down, looking for signs of spiders by the light of his wand.

It looked like they had been walking for at least half an hour, their clothes often getting caught on low branches and thorny vines.After a while they noticed that the ground seemed to be sloping down, though the trees were still as thick as before.

At this moment, Ya Ya suddenly barked loudly five times towards a certain place.

The sniffing echoed through the woods, almost scaring Harry and Ron out of their wits.

(End of this chapter)

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