My body can be digitized

Chapter 132 Helpless

Chapter 132 Helpless
"The appointment - or suspension - of the Headmaster is a matter for the Board, Fudge," said Mr. Malfoy in a steady tone. "Since Dumbledore has failed to prevent these attacks..."

"But look, Lucius, if Dumbledore can't stop it—" Fudge said, his upper lip beginning to sweat, "I mean, who can?"

"We'll see then," said Malfoy, with a smirk on his face, "but all twelve of us voted—"

Hagrid stood up abruptly, brushing the ceiling with his big, shaggy, black head.

"How many people did you threaten and blackmail before they agreed, eh, Malfoy?"

"My God, my God, you know, this bad temper of yours will get you into trouble one day, Hagrid." Malfoy said, "I want to give you a piece of advice, don't tell Az
Caban's guard yelled like this.They won't like it. "

"You can't take Dumbledore away!" Hagrid yelled, making Fang the Hound tremble in the basket and whine in fright, "If you take him away, there will be no way for Muggles to survive! Soon! There will be murders!"

"Calm down, Hagrid," said Dumbledore sternly.He looked at Lucius Malfoy.

"If the board wants me to go, Lucius, of course I will give up my seat."

"But—" Fudge stammered.

"No!" Hagrid growled.

Dumbledore's piercing blue eyes remained fixed on Lucius' cold gray eyes.

"However," Dumbledore said very slowly and clearly, so that everyone present could hear every word he said, "I will only truly leave this place when everyone here betrays me. school. You will also find that at Hogwarts, those who ask for help always receive it."

At that moment, Harry was almost certain that Dumbledore's eyes had glanced towards the corner where he was hiding.

"Sentimental," said Malfoy, bowing, "we'll all miss your - oh - highly individual way of going about things, Albus, and only hope your successors can stop the - — Ah — the murder.”

Malfoy strode to the cabin door, opened it, and bowed to see Dumbledore out.Fudge played with his top hat, and waited for Hagrid to come in front of him, but Hagrid stood still, took a deep breath, and said cautiously, "If anyone's looking for something, they just have to follow the spider and they'll be there." Find the right direction! That's all I'm saying."

Fudge stared at him in astonishment.

"Well, here I come," said Hagrid, pulling on his moleskin overcoat.However, just as he was about to go out with Fudge, he stopped again and said loudly, "When I'm not around, I need someone to feed Fangya."

The door slammed shut and Harry ripped off the Invisibility Cloak.

"This is going to be troublesome," he said gruffly. "Dumbledore's gone. They're probably going to close the school tonight. There will be attacks every day when he's gone."

Fangya barked again, scratching at the closed door with his claws.

Early the next morning, the news that Hagrid was imprisoned in Azbanca spread in a small circle, but most of them were the well-informed forces in the family.

"I'm not surprised that big fool was taken away by Fudge. After all, someone will always be pushed out as a scapegoat, but it's not a wise decision for Dumbledore to leave Hogwarts at this time." Draco said with a frown .

"It's not surprising that such a big incident happened at Hogwarts, but the authorities of the Ministry of Magic did nothing to justify it. As for the Chamber of Secrets incident and Hagrid's arrest, it was just Dumbledore talking to Lucius. It’s just a victim of Adams’ arm wrestling!” Caesar said without raising his head, he was holding “Introduction and Brief Introduction to Magical Items” in his hand, and Caesar hoped to find something useful in it to explain Adams’s stolen notebook.

"What about the attitude of the Ministry of Magic and Fudge, is their meddling in Hogwarts' affairs a signal! It means that the Ministry of Magic has begun to get involved in the conflict between pure-blood wizards and Muggle wizards?" Draco asked.

"Don't worry, Fudge isn't that courageous yet. It's just that Uncle Lucius has a slight upper hand in this game, and our Minister of Magic must be worried about the Chamber of Secrets incident. Hagrid can barely stop being the scapegoat. From the words of the parents of the students, it would have been more appropriate to use Harry, but Dumbledore couldn't bear it, so he had to sacrifice our poor Forbidden Forest guard!"

Su Ziqiong was taken aback by the overwhelming news of this kind, for he forgot that such a thing would happen.

To Su Ziqiong's surprise, Harry found him that afternoon.

When Harry saw him, he couldn't help but visibly cheered up. "I've been looking for you two everywhere. The current situation is really unexpected. I really don't know who to talk to." Harry said eagerly.

Harry couldn't care less about the pleasantries at the moment, he got straight to the point and said, "Hagrid was taken away by the Ministry of Magic last night, and even Professor Dumbledore was dismissed from his post as headmaster."

Su Ziqiong motioned Harry to sit down first, and then said: "We already know about this, look here, there is a family member of the 'planner'!"

Draco shrugged nonchalantly, ignoring Harry's angry eyes.

Harry saw that Draco didn't mean to explain, so he could only continue on his own: "If Dumbledore is expelled from the school now, the situation will only be worse, and the situation of Muggle-born wizards will be even more dangerous. I don't understand what the school board thinks!"

Draco said helplessly: "You don't have to worry about Dumbledore. He is not to blame for so many attacks. The current situation of stepping down is just the result of compromise between the two parties. This old trick of retreating into advancement is played by Dumbledore." Very familiar!"

Harry couldn't accept Su Ziqiong and Draco's casual attitude towards Professor Dumbledore, like two people talking on an equal footing, rather than a relationship between a student and a teacher.

"I know Harry, you have a very good feeling for Professor Dumbledore, but Harry, Dumbledore represents Muggle wizards and white wizards after all, and he still wants to speak out for the forces behind him. Things are not as simple and kind as you seem on the surface!" Su Ziqiong said the last question after a long time.

"I admit that sometimes I am too idealistic, but now that the incident of the Chamber of Secrets and the attack on the students has not been resolved, it is not appropriate to transfer Dumbledore away!" Frowning tightly.

"Now, what should we do?" After a while, Harry raised his head and asked with difficulty.

"It's not us, Harry!" Su Ziqiong raised his eyebrows: "This matter can only be relied on by you and your friends. The interest group represented by Draco and I does not allow us to participate in what you want. It's a very helpless thing, I hope you can understand us."

Draco said without the slightest scruples: "After all, Andre and I both represent pure-blood families. If we intervene in this matter, we will be criticized by other pure-blood families. In other words, we can only use Your private identity will provide you with limited help, otherwise——my family’s reputation in the interest groups will plummet!”

Su Ziqiong nodded, and glanced at Malfoy again. From a certain point of view, Draco's temper is actually not too bad.

(End of this chapter)

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