Chapter 128
"No, I can't calm down." She put down the book and shook her head vigorously, as if she wanted to shake off the heavy feeling through this movement.

She is not the only one who feels heavy, almost everyone is venting the pressure in their own way.George and Weasley taunting Slytherin in more exaggerated tones than usual, Angelina, Arya and Katie laughing hysterically at every laughable thing, Wood crouched in a corner, wielding his wand Direct the players in a Quidditch model into various tactical formations.But Hermione saw that the one in the red had knocked the one in the green off the broom dozens of times.

"You're going to win, Harry," said Ron, who sat in the corner and calmed Harry's agitation. In fact, he was very agitated himself. "You have a Firebolt."

"But I still lost to Ravenclaw last time!" Harry muttered somewhat depressingly.

"That's all that Andre's fault! I'm sure he told Malfoy and them to dress up as Dementors, or you would have caught the Snitch!" Ron growled, startling Harry. .

"Actually, Qiufei is no worse than me." He scratched his head and explained.

"She's as bad as Andre!" Ron amplified his voice further, and glanced at Hermione contemptuously.

"Weasley, how can you be so sarcastic about others!" Hermione raised her brows, "We are all classmates, competition comes second, friendship comes first!"



Compared with the Gryffindor common room, the atmosphere of Ravenclaw's lounge is a hundred times better.Anyway, the team has already won the championship ahead of schedule, so there is no pressure on everyone.Everyone is busy with the homework in front of them and working hard for the final exam.Especially the students who have to face OWLs and NEWTs, they even put forth 120 points to achieve a satisfactory result.

Su Ziqiong hid in a corner and looked at the little book in his hand casually. With their academic performance, the final exam really couldn't be a challenge.What they are concerned about now is the arrangements for tomorrow's game.

vertical day.

The weather is good, the sun is bright but not dazzling, a little windy, it is a good weather for playing Quidditch.

Su Ziqiong sat in the stands early, because it was the junction of the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor stands, so their red accessories were not very conspicuous, which made Su Ziqiong very satisfied.He saw Harry throwing a glance here from afar, so he nodded too.



"Gryffindor is coming!" shouted Lee Jordan, who was acting as commentator as usual. "Potter, Bale, Johnson, Snappint, the Weasleys and Wood. It's generally accepted that this has been the best team at Hogwarts for a number of years—"

It was obvious that his assertion was not universally accepted. Not only were there boos in the Slytherin stands, but even Ravenclaw was full of dissatisfaction.

"How dare you call yourself the best when you are defeated?" Su Ziqiong heard Stuart Ackley muttering indignantly in the front row, and patted Hermione's arm, and Hermione smiled softly at him.For Hermione, Quidditch really has nothing to do with her
"Now, get on the broomsticks, one-two-three-" Mrs. Hooch gave the signal for the start of the game, and fifteen broomsticks began to circle the field.The huge sound wave immediately shook the entire sky of Hogwarts, and the crowds of red and green were undulating, cheering for the teams of their respective houses.

"Who do you think will win, Cho?" Hermione asked curiously.She didn't know anything about Quidditch, but these two were top Hogwarts players.

"Gryffindor can't win, after all, with me...and Andre here." Qiu looked a little abnormal, shook his head slightly, and gave a helpless look.

Hermione didn't ask any more questions. She originally thought that Andre and Qiu were in a relationship, but she didn't expect that Andre would reject Qiu, a goddess-like figure.

Su Ziqiong did not hear their discussion, because about ten minutes after the game started, his attention was completely diverted.

high in the air.

Harry was making a dive towards the Snitch, only to be sabotaged by Malfoy.He regretfully picked up the broom, ready to fly higher and search for the snitch again.But at this moment, his broom suddenly jumped up uncontrollably, reminding him of what Quirrell did to him in the first grade.

"Oh!" he exclaimed.Obviously, the audience below also noticed his abnormality, and the professors looked for the person who cast the curse or prepared to catch him with the levitation spell.But this time the attack was clearly well-prepared, launched quickly, and powerful. Before everyone could react, the Firebolt had already started to accelerate on its own, and slammed into the broom that was leaning over to pull Harry to them. The Weasley brothers went up, and the strong impact caused the three of them to fall at the same time.

A few floating spells were fired at them, but the Firebolt seemed to have consciously hit the three of them again, instantly speeding up their fall and also avoiding the effect of the floating spell.The next moment, they fell heavily to the ground, and the pain of fracture made them unconscious in an instant.

"Ah..." All the audience exclaimed.

Su Ziqiong was no exception. He couldn't figure it out, but who couldn't help but do something to our savior, little Harry.



"This broomstick is filled with the power of black magic." Dumbledore squinted his eyes, his blue eyes staring at the burnt remains of the broomstick in his hand.For him, the world's top white wizard, no trace of black magic could escape his eyes.

As soon as the Harry broom incident happened, the culprit had already been sent to Dumbledore, the most knowledgeable old man.

He frowned tightly, and his already furrowed face became even more wrinkled.

If he remembered correctly, this broomstick should be a gift from him to little Harry. At that time, he checked it carefully, and there was no problem.

Besides, he probably never heard of anyone using hands and feet on a broomstick, after all, it's not a magic wand.

"Can you find out who cast the spell?" Professor Minerva McGonagall asked softly.She was wearing a wizard hat, but it was tilted to one side, and the tight bun on the back of her head showed signs of loosening. It was obvious that what happened just now made her flustered for a while.

"I'm afraid not, Minerva." Dumbledore put down the wreckage of his broomstick and turned around with eyes as deep as the sea.

"A very careful person, very careful, leaving no traces that can be traced. Even the detection equipment used by Muggles is of no use. I even doubt now that the traces of black magic left on this broom will be That person wouldn’t have left it for us to see on purpose.”

(End of this chapter)

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