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Chapter 124 Wild Dogs

Chapter 124 Wild Dogs
It's a dementor.

Suddenly three appeared.

There were not many dementors this time, but they were the elite of the elite, and they appeared very abruptly. Since Dumbledore was not here today, he was called to the Ministry of Magic. Therefore, there were no immigrants present who lacked thighs. People react.


There is one person.

To be precise, it was a small figure.

Harry Potter.

As the protagonist, maybe he is not strong in textbooks, but his magic comprehension is much better than others, while others are still studying for second-year magic.

When the headache was endless, as a Patronus spell that even the teacher couldn't even master, Harry had already mastered it initially.

The instant the Dementor appeared, Harry's Patronus spell was triggered.

In an instant, a dazzling white light burst forth.

The three dementors fled immediately.

The teachers and students seemed to have suddenly lost the fear of the dementors, and surrounded them one after another.

"You did well enough, Harry!" Wood flew over and patted him on the shoulder, "We still have a chance!"

"That's right!" Fred waved his club in the air a few times angrily, "Harry would have caught the Snitch if it weren't for those dementors!"

"But the dementors didn't affect me at all today!" Harry finally found something to be happy about, "My head is very clear!"

"Uh...Harry..." Angelina Johnson was in a higher position than them, and she had been paying attention to the development of the situation in the middle of the field. "Maybe it's because... those guys are not dementors at all..."

"What?" Harry was dumbfounded.

They landed on the ground and walked towards the center of the field.The students consciously made way for them to squeeze into the center of the crowd with ease.Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Slytherin captain Marcus Flint lay in a pile on the ground, scrambling to free himself from the entanglement of his black robes, the head of Gryffindor House said. Professor McGonagall was watching them with a furious expression.

"Despicable means!" she cried. "Conspiracy to frame the Gryffindor Seeker. Obscenity and cowardice! You will all be punished and fifty points from Slytherin house will be deducted! I will take this Tell Professor Dumbledore about it!"

There was chaos on the Quidditch pitch, and everyone was forming a group to watch the four of Malfoy, including the entire Gryffindor team and most of Ravenclaw—except Andre and Cho.Of course, no one cared to pay attention to them at this time.

"Qiu, help me bring the Firebolt back to the dormitory later." Andre squeezed closer to Qiu's side. "I have to go first."

Qiu nodded, instead of following Felius and the others to squeeze into the center of the venue, he walked with Andre towards the castle.The two turned the corner, and the huge shadow of the castle completely covered them.There was no one around, and the hustle and bustle of the Quidditch pitch seemed to have suddenly quieted down.



The Forbidden Forest seems to have maintained the same quietness and mystery since Hogwarts was founded, and the school's no-entry policy has led to various rumors among students.Even the Weasley brothers, known for their disobedience, don't seem to have much understanding of this mysterious area.Probably in the entire Hogwarts, Hagrid knows the Forbidden Forest best.

Of course, Su Ziqiong is now added.His knowledge of some special magical creatures and plants in the Forbidden Forest is even higher than that of Hagrid. This part is due to the rich collection of books in the family, and the other part is a gift from Ms. Rowling.

When he descended from the sky just now, the corner of Su Ziqiong's eyes caught a dark shadow on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.He didn't say anything, but used the Animagus form to find each other.

The Forbidden Forest has dense trees and many obstacles, which is not suitable for the rapid movement of ground units.Even the centaur and the agile werewolf, who are known as the sons of the jungle, are also unable to exert their highest speed in this jungle that has grown for hundreds of thousands of years.The flying unit has a great advantage. The raven skims over the top of the treetops, and with the help of the cover of the shadows of the tall and low trees, it flexibly walks through the interior of the Forbidden Forest.

The raven stopped, perched on top of a holly tree.In front of him was the famous Whomping Willow in Hogwarts. Harry's Nimbus 2000 was completely shredded by it in the first round of the Quidditch Cup this school year.

Su Ziqiong didn't wait too long. After a while, there was a rustling sound in the Forbidden Forest, as if some animal was moving on the ground full of fallen leaves.The next moment, a big black dog jumped out of the jungle and appeared in front of him.

This is a huge black dog, far exceeding the size of common dogs, and judging by its ferocity, it can even be compared with Tibetan mastiffs.It's just that the body is thin and the fur is dirty. Obviously, the living environment is not good.It's just the cold light in the eyes, which makes people not look down on him at all.The dog seemed to have a sense of something, and looked straight up at the top of the treetop.

"Hello, Sirius." Andre released the transformation of the Animagus, and jumped down from the treetops, "I'm Andre Gunter, we met in Azkaban."

The figure of the big black dog twisted for a while, and a man appeared in front of him.

This is a bum, if he is to be admired.

In fact, the man looked exactly like a living skeleton.The shriveled skin clings tightly to the bones, and the matted black hair hangs down to the elbows.The eye sockets are sunken, and the nails seem to have not been cut for several months, and they are as sharp as Cixi wearing finger gloves.Of course, it may also be deliberately reserved to enhance the lethality of the claws in the Animagus form.

An image named Brother Sharp appeared in the memory of his previous life, and Black was obviously even sharper than Brother Sharp.

"Gaunt? That poisonous snake?" Black's voice was extremely hoarse, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time, and he was trying to regain the feeling of speaking with his vocal cords. "How do you know it was me?"

"For the Gaunt family, it's not too difficult to find you from Professor Remus Lupine's identity as a werewolf." Su Ziqiong brushed off the topic without entanglement. "I came to look for you, naturally I want to make a deal with you."

"Deal?" Black sneered, but the voice was a bit like pulling a broken bellows, "What can you offer me? Help me kill Harry Potter?"

"Don't turn the corner, Senior Black," Andre waved his hand, "I know exactly what you want, that mouse is hiding in Harry Potter's bedroom, you can't catch it like this .”

"You know about mice?" Black narrowed his eyes. "But I have my own solution. I'm not stupid enough to talk business with a Gaunt. I don't want to sell my soul for now."

"No, no, senior Black, you probably misunderstood me." Su Ziqiong laughed.

"What the hell do you know?" Black couldn't keep his composure any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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