Chapter 119
"Because the heating and cooling effects of the Ice Sealing Curse and the Fiery Curse are extremely strong and completed in an instant, the speed and range of expansion and contraction of the skin area can no longer meet the needs. In this case, mechanical damage will inevitably occur on the surface of the skin. Sexual wounds—just like this monster, the skin seems to have been pulled apart forcefully."

A group of students under the stage murmured admiration, as if admiring the ingenuity and unexpected effect of this combination of spells.

"This kind of skin has basically lost its anti-magic effect. Whether it is a stun spell, a magic blade, or a crushing spell, it can effectively kill it. Well, from Hufflepuff students Start, come up in groups of ten." Professor Eastwood added next to him.

Under the arrangement of Professor Eastwood and Professor McGonagall, groups of students began to take turns to ravage the trolls inhumanely, and the students who were familiar with Gryffindor directly surrounded Hermione In the middle, "forced confessions" began.

"My genius student master, if you have any good combination spells, please share them honestly." Felius patted her shoulder with a "kind" face, and the force was definitely not out of kindness.

"Yeah, with such a vicious method, with your 'erudite' head, it's impossible to know only one, right?" Collins' bright smile flickered in front of his eyes.

The training of the school nursing team is already in full swing. You can always see a group of training madmen walking in the corridor, waving their wands, chanting, and casting ice spells and fire spells on the walls next to them.Although the walls of Hogwarts are specially made and protected by countless spells, they are constantly being damaged in battle under the ravages of rounds of combined spells.As a result, Mr. Filch's work on repairing the wall increased greatly, and he didn't have much energy for a while to deal with other violations of the students.This made the Weasley brothers very happy.

The following Hogsmeade weekend still became a holiday for the students.Although there are painful lessons from the last werewolf riot, countless students who have received combined spell training are already eager to try the power of the new spell with a few blind werewolves.As a result, thousands of students still walked out of the campus energetically and came to Hogsmeade that day. The only difference from last time was that their spirits were more tense, and they all carried their wands with them.

Of course, this does not include Su Ziqiong.

He had little interest in those children with runny noses.

He didn't even want to get together to practice some combination spells. After all, he learned it when he first learned magic.



It's mid-November, and there are still two months until Quidditch.

Apart from the fact that most of the students were practicing combined spells in full swing, the school cafeteria was also extremely lively, especially the Gryffindor long table, which became a sea of ​​jubilation.

Harry and Ron held up the Firebolt together, like Muhammad accepting the pilgrimage of believers, which caused the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs to cheer like a tsunami.There was silence at the Ravenclaw table, and the Slytherins were as indifferent as puppets.

"See Malfoy?" Ron called excitedly to Harry, otherwise Harry would have been unable to make out his voice amidst the noise. "He couldn't believe it! That's great! Look Andre! He didn’t even dare to look at us!”

Su Ziqiong sat at the Ravenclaw long table and didn't look at them at all.

"They're scared!" Oliver Wood was also very satisfied with the powerful deterrent effect shown by the Firebolt, and he followed Harry and Ron and nodded reservedly towards the supporters. "Harry with the Firebolt is invincible!"

"Just put it here!" Wood said, they just walked to the center of the Gryffindor long table, and other students consciously vacated a large row of seats for them.Harry placed the Firebolt on the table as carefully as if it were made of glass.At the same time, place the label facing outward so that people around can see it clearly.

"It's the best broom in the world, isn't it?" Cedric Diggory came up to look at it, carefully touching the gold-inlaid serial number.For him who can only sweep the Seven Stars, the Firebolt is definitely an unattainable dream. "Harry, you're sure to win."

"Harry, you must win!" Pretending to be visiting the Firebolt, Percy Weasley leaned over and whispered, "I bet ten Galleons with Penello, let's see the result of the game." ! I can't afford it!" He smiled, patted Harry on the shoulder, and walked away.

"So, Potter," said the characteristic drawl, unmistakably Draco Malfoy, "are you sure you can handle this broom?"

There was an inexplicable light flashing in his eyes, and Ron felt like a monkey locked in an iron cage being visited, and he was a little angry:
"This is the best broom in the world, Malfoy! Your Nimbus 2001 is no match for a branch of it!" Ron's face was as red as his hair, as if it had been cooked.

"Um...yes...the best..." Malfoy was rarely angry, and stared at them meaningfully for a while, "Then I'll just wait, the best broomstick show!"

He gave a smile that wasn't stiff at all, seemed genuinely happy.Harry was at a loss for what to do with Malfoy's sudden transformation.

"He's holding on, Harry!" Ron encouraged him from the sidelines. "Just kill Andre and his girlfriend with Firebolts, and see how arrogant he is!"

Harry nodded hesitantly. In fact, he felt that he couldn't deal with that gentle girl with fluttering black hair.

Su Ziqiong wanted to make a complaint, but if he sat here and had a good meal, he would be watched, so he was not so unlucky! ! !
He didn't bother to care about what they were thinking, and started to think about his next plan.

He suddenly remembered that he seemed to be going to ask for a leave of absence.



The Hebrides, a small island located in the center of Taiping Bay, is located in the ocean, with abundant water vapor and a warm climate.Even during the Christmas period, there is not much cold wind.The evergreen forests on the island are layered on top of each other, interweaving into a huge and dense vegetation system. If Su Ziqiong didn't know that he was in the North Atlantic Ocean, he would almost have thought that he had moved to the Amazon River Basin in an instant.

His body is blessed with a magic spell, like the best camouflage uniform, making it extremely difficult for people or animals to spot their silhouette flexibly shuttled through the forest.This time when he came out, his body was sprinkled with the McFasty family's special "Beyot powder", which allowed them to cover up their body odor and protect them from attacks by some beasts with a keen sense of smell.

(End of this chapter)

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