My body can be digitized

Chapter 115 New Models

Chapter 115 New Models

Su Ziqiong will never wrong himself, especially when it comes to things that can save his life at critical moments.

Not only is this broomstick the newest model, but it is also the fastest one currently flying.

But the price is extremely expensive.

Fortunately, Su Ziqiong is rich, and there are still hills of gold coins in his small treasury.

The Gunter family is richer. As far as he knows, one-tenth of the buildings and facilities in Hogwarts are all donated by his Gunter family.

In other words, the Gunter family is the number one shareholder of Hogwarts.

Su Ziqiong bought all the broomsticks of this type in the store in one go.

There were five handfuls left in total, which cost him a total of fifty thousand gold coins. After calculation, one handful cost a full ten thousand gold coins.

Almost half of his small coffers were emptied.

Such a price can no longer be said to be expensive, it is simply stealing money.

But after all, where is the craftsmanship, you get what you pay for, this type of broomsticks, the entire English magic world combined is only less than a hundred.

Su Ziqiong planned in this way, two of them were reserved for himself to replace, and the remaining three he decided to reward his subordinates.

Pick three from the list of those who do the best job.

A flying broomstick worth ten thousand gold coins is not something every wizard can try.

Like wands, broomsticks are actually a wizard's second life.

The wand is to choose the most suitable one, but the broomstick is to choose the best.

After paying the money, Su Ziqiong went directly to the exclusive train leading to Hogwarts through the nine and three-quarters station sign.

The experience of the first grade made him gain a lot. Not only did he become a senior magician, he completed the first branch task of the system, but also obtained the Sorcerer's Stone, one of the three legendary artifacts.

In the movies, the Philosopher's Stone's abilities don't appear to have any particularly prominent functions.

But Su Ziqiong knew it very well.

The Sorcerer's Stone is definitely an artifact. It can not only turn any metal into pure gold, but more importantly, the Sorcerer's Stone is also one of the most important materials for refining the elixir of life.

This alone is probably enough to make countless people crazy.



The first month of school was uneventful, and Qiu seemed to be completely planning to cut off relations with him, and didn't talk to him for a whole month, even if they met in person.

And after entering October.

The weather at Hogwarts took a turn for the worse and it got cold very quickly.The students put on thicker robes one after another, and the business of Su Ziqiong's crystal spherical magic heater gradually improved.Under his influence, Hermione also ditched her usual jam jar and replaced it with a special crystal ball that looks much better.

The weather has been bad for the past two days, with strong winds and heavy clouds.Many trees in the Forbidden Forest were blown down, and a giant like Hagrid needed to go to the field wrapped in a big scarf to defrost his broomsticks.Sitting in the library.

But no matter how bad the weather is, the annual Quidditch match will still not be postponed.

Since Slytherin applied for suspension, this round only had Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff.Cedric Diggory vs Harry Potter, it's definitely a heavyweight matchup.It is said that the Weasley Brothers have already set a price for this game. The Hufflepuff team wins [-] and pays [-], Gryffindor wins [-] and pays [-], and the game ends unexpectedly.

"Twenty Galleons, buy all of them to win Gryffindor." Su Ziqiong smiled and handed the money bag to Fu Furong. "Being a prophet is always a bad thing. Let's support our friends."

"Oh, you're trying to cover up."

Fleur shook her head helplessly, "Dumbledore won't see through?"

"It's all right for him to see through, as long as he can't find evidence, even if it's unwarranted evidence." Su Ziqiong took out a badge from his pocket, "Look, the waterproof and dehumidification badge is just needed when it rains tomorrow. It's enough to take back these two Ten Galleons." He smiled like a profiteer.

"..." Furong was completely defeated by him, why is this guy becoming more and more dishonest.



When I woke up the next day, the weather was as bad as expected.The strong wind and heavy rain poured down the sky and covered the sky, cracking the glass windows of the dormitory, blurring the vision.It was as if a gigantic rain curtain had been hung between the sky and the earth, making it impossible to distinguish things five feet away.Su Ziqiong's waterproof and dehumidifying badges were sold out in an instant, and Stuart Ackerley, who was afraid of chaos in the world, encouraged him to rush to make another batch and sell them in other colleges.

"This is a hobby! It's not a real business! Do you understand?"

Su Ziqiong grinned. For him, there was nothing more pleasurable than counting gold coins.

Walking into the restaurant, you can feel the majesty of the outside world even more.Since the door was about to be opened to let the owls in, the cold wind also took this opportunity to blow into the warm restaurant with damp moisture.Andre saw that many people shivered and hurriedly wrapped their robes tightly.More people are using various methods to keep warm and waterproof, and there are endless spells about props. Anyone who has the ability to summarize them can definitely write a "Basic Introduction to Warm and Waterproof Methods".



The Quidditch match came as scheduled.

"Today it rains heavily during the day, and the northwest wind is ten to eleven..."

Early in the morning.

Li Jordan's voice rang out.

And with his signature voice.

The Gryffindor players filed in and entered the arena one after another.

They were wearing scarlet robes, which were wet from the rain at this moment, and they were slightly damp, and they were tightly attached to their bodies, obviously very uncomfortable.

Especially Potter who was walking behind. Among all the Quidditch players, he was the petite in stature, but his red uniform looked a bit fat. The strong wind blew by, making a constant puffing sound.

And the Hufflepuffs wearing canary yellow robes opposite them were obviously not much better, the wind was too strong, and the rain was also heavy, although most of them had hoped that they could have a good time. Rain, after all, has been rising steadily at Hogwarts since school started.

But now, they don't want the scattered black shadows to feel like they are tottering in the wind.

It's not a good feeling, and no one likes it, especially players like them.

The captains of both sides shook hands, and after giving an order from the referee Mrs. Huo Qi, they controlled the broomsticks and rushed into the sky together - the rain was so heavy that even if they were so close, Mrs. Huo Qi's voice could not be heard.

The stands were full of people. As the first game of the Quidditch Cup this school year, all the students braved the storm to come to the scene.In contrast, the Ravenclaw students are the most relaxed, and the waterproof and dehumidification badges can effectively protect them from the blow of the rainstorm.As for the rest of the wind... well, for the people sitting in the stands, the wind really doesn't matter.

(End of this chapter)

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