My body can be digitized

Chapter 111 Snatch (2)

Chapter 111 Robbery ([-])

Harry and Hermione were placed in detention, disheartened.

Of course, what they didn't know was that the young dragon they had tried so hard to let go had been kidnapped halfway.

The one who made the move was naturally Su Ziqiong, to be precise, his subordinates.

After so many years, he has already had a strong team on hand, proficient in all kinds of black magic.

In fact, his team began to be active a year ago.

They will not attack the White Wizard. According to Su Ziqiong's account, they have only one goal - to grab the dragon.

Go to various circuses in the wizarding world to grab dragons.

Not all circuses will have dragons, but there are a few large ones that have a bit of heritage.

As of now, Su Ziqiong's subordinates have snatched no less than three adult dragons for him.

Together with the baby dragon he just got, he has a total of four dragons.

Among them, two are fire dragons, one is a thorn dragon, and the other is a wind dragon.



early morning.

Hogwarts, which has abandoned the hustle and bustle of the day, is exceptionally quiet and has a special flavor.

Two o'clock.

Su Ziqiong woke up directly from her sleep, cast an invisibility spell on herself, and cast a drowsiness spell on the other two roommates, before disappearing into the dormitory.


He has big things to do.

Counting the time, he should go get that thing.

Chamber of Secrets.

As one of the restricted areas of Hogwarts, it is not open to students.

Of course, it doesn't work for some bad students, such as Su Ziqiong.


It seems whenever.

The wooden doors of the secret room will be firmly closed, and it looks like a slight illusion of inviolability.

But Su Ziqiong knew very well that the wooden door was not actually enchanted by any magic, and the real horror was behind the wooden door.


With a crisp door opening sound.

The wooden door was slowly pushed open by Su Ziqiong. Although he was careful enough, he was still heard by something behind the door.


A roar like a lion and tiger came, and a huge figure immediately caught Su Ziqiong's eyes.

It turned out to be a dog with three heads.

Its body is as huge as a mountain, with three pairs of heads, eyes that keep turning, three noses that are constantly twitching and shaking, three bloody mouths dripping with saliva, and yellowed teeth with a thread hanging on them. A slimy, clear liquid.

Not only that, but there was a burst of pungent stench in the air.

"I have to say, Hagrid sent you to guard the magician's first single level, which is definitely an incomparably correct choice!"

Facing such a giant dog that was staring at him eagerly, Su Ziqiong's face remained calm as usual.

There is a feeling that death is like the wind, and it is always with me.

The origin of this three-headed dog must be known to everyone who has watched Harry Potter.

Lu Wei, a magical animal specially used to guard the Sorcerer's Stone,
Like Yaya, they are all stray dogs adopted by Hagrid. Of course, compared to Yaya, Lu Wei's body shape is definitely several grades higher

If you want to successfully crack this first level, you must avoid the attention of any of Lu Wei's eyes at the same time, but this is really difficult. Even if you are invisible, there is no way. After all, the entrance is under this giant dog. .

Of course, besides this, Su Ziqiong knew another way.

Although Lu Wei is terrifying, it has a fatal weakness.

It cannot hear music, and when it does, it becomes drowsy.

Time was running out, and Su Ziqiong didn't bother to waste any more time, so he took out his harmonica.

From the rhythm of the first note, the eyelids of the three-headed dog began to droop, and the eyes were bleary.

As time went by, the three-headed dog's body became softer and softer, and its yawns became louder and louder. Finally, it lay down softly and fell into a deep sleep.

After doing all this, Su Ziqiong quickly ran under Lu Wei.

Just under the front legs of the three-headed dog, is a trap door.

Without saying anything, Su Ziqiong directly pulled the tab open.A deep black hole suddenly appeared under the trap door, and it was unknown where it would eventually lead.

"Sorcerer's Stone, here I come!"

With a sneer, Su Ziqiong jumped down in one step.

The room became calm again, only Lu Wei was still sleeping soundly.



Instead of falling all over the hard ground as expected, Su Ziqiong landed safely on a soft plant.The plant acted as a cushion, absorbing most of the momentum of his fall.

The turquoise plants covered the ground tightly, without even the slightest gap.

But Su Ziqiong knew very well that this seemingly harmless green vegetation was actually extremely terrifying.

This is not an ordinary plant, but a kind of magic vine - devil's net.

A mature devil's net can stretch out snake-like tendrils to entangle people close to it, and even cause the death of wizards. It likes a dark and humid living environment, and light and warmth naturally become its natural enemies. Therefore, once attacked by the devil's net, ignition is the Very effective way.

In addition, in some cases, the devil's net will also camouflage its own appearance, such as turning into a crab claw orchid, killing wizards invisibly.

Generally speaking, the devil's net is not scary. Like Lu Wei, it has fatal weaknesses. Once they are familiar with these weaknesses, even ordinary people can retire with success.

And this is the second checkpoint set by Dumbledore to protect the magician.

Fiery flames burst out from Su Ziqiong's wand.

With a bunch of golden-red flames that ignited quickly on the ground as the center, the devil vines quickly retreated into the surrounding darkness.

After doing all this, the tip of the wand in Su Ziqiong's hand flashed with a burst of peaceful fluorescence again, and he took the lead to walk towards a stone corridor-this was the only passage he could choose.

Through the damp corridor, Su Ziqiong came to a splendid hall.Countless flying objects shining with jewel-colored luster shuttle back and forth in the air, and there is a wooden door on the opposite wall, which is tightly closed together, which is obviously the way to move on.

"Looks like I need to grab the right key to open the door."

Su Ziqiong looked around, and he vaguely remembered that in the movie, the tools were around.

The hard work paid off, and he really found it at the corner.

There are several neatly arranged flying broomsticks, and inside these few flying broomsticks is a bronze-colored key,

Undoubtedly, no key could escape the combined attack of Hogwarts' best seeker and best batsman, and Su Ziqiong pressed the key into the lock on the door.

Next is a party of colorful rooms.

After passing through the colorful room, the scene around Su Ziqiong suddenly changed and turned into a space completely opposite to the previous one - so simple that only black and white remained.

This is a huge chessboard. The black and white chess pieces are each more than three meters high. They are incomparably distinct and have the same number. They face each other across the river...

(End of this chapter)

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