Heavens database

Chapter 82 The Witch and the Saint

Chapter 82 The Witch and the Saint

"Hmph ~ hum ~."

Ling hummed a ditty, and walked easily and freely in the mountains and forests. The uneven road ahead, in front of Zero, was like walking on flat ground.

"Hmm! Someone is here, and his strength is not bad, at the peak of innate talent."

Suddenly, Zero stopped and looked at the empty place in front of him.

Sure enough, after a while, there appeared a person wearing yellow clothes. Her appearance was too beautiful to be described in words. She had a holy temperament and the liveliness of an elf. She had three thousand blue hairs floating around and naked jade feet.There is a charming aura that touches people's hearts when walking.

This is a beautiful woman with many contradictory attributes.

"Oh! I didn't expect it to be a beautiful woman!"

When Ling saw the beauty in yellow on his face, he was also amazed by her.There's no way, having been to so many worlds, this woman is the most beautiful and attractive he has ever seen.In this era when plastic surgery has not yet appeared, what everyone shows is their own appearance, if there is no disguise.

However, after being amazed for three seconds, Zero came back to his senses, because this beauty is seriously inconsistent with the image of the old forest in the mountains. An ordinary woman will not appear here, and it is impossible not to wear shoes, but her feet are still Smooth as jade.

"Girl. You are here to find me!"

Zero said to the woman in front of him with eyes admiring the beauty.

"Huh? Young master, you're overthinking it. I just happened to pass by! I live near here, and when I came out to play today, I ran into you by chance."

The woman showed a charming smile and said in a soft and waxy voice.

"This seductive little fairy, I'll take care of her later. Well, it's such a happy decision."

Zero thought inwardly.

"Hehe! Girl, you have betrayed yourself. I believe you when you say you live near here, because there is a small village sixty miles away. I also believe you when you say you come out to play, although it is a bit far away from the small village. However, I lived in that small village for two days without seeing you. This is not normal. A fairy, no matter where she is, will shine brightly. How could I not be impressed. There is only one truth, and that is You are lying."

Zero pushed the bridge of his nose, and pointed at the beautiful woman in front of him, who appeared at some point in plain glasses.

"And, in order to avoid my whereabouts being exposed, I can only kill you, but before that, we can have a "deep communication". Hehehe!"

Zero continued, and at the end of the day, they were already driving.

"Hmph! Then it depends on whether you have the ability."

The woman took the lead and slapped zero.

"Heavenly Demon Dafa. The first form..."

"Heavenly Demon Dafa. The second form..."

. . . . . . .

While attacking, the woman spoke out the name of the moves she used, formulas and so on.

Zero used a ballpoint pen to quickly record in a notebook.

After 15 minutes, the woman demonstrated all the moves she knew herself, and Ling also recorded them one by one.

"OK! I'm done remembering. Beauty, next, we can "in-depth communication". To be honest, I have never seen a person with contradictory temperaments like you, but can perfectly blend together!"

Zero put away his notepad and pen and said to the woman.

Seeing Ling approaching from a distance, Wan Hou already knew that he had been hit by an illusion just now, and it was an extremely clever illusion.I am not the opponent's opponent.

"Run. Ximen Chuuxue is too powerful, and he hides too deeply. You must tell Master the information."

Without any hesitation, Hou Hou turned around and ran away immediately.She has never done it before, running light kung fu with all her strength.

"Hey! Can you run away?"

Ling also performed lightness kung fu, and at a speed several times faster than that of Wanhou, it only took ten breaths to catch up with Wanhou and force her to stop.

"Hey! Let's have a "deep communication"!"

Looking at Houhou's big panic-stricken eyes, Ling resorted to soul searching.

"Come on, beauty, let me introduce yourself first."

Looking at Wanhou who was in a sluggish state with blank eyes, Zero said.

"My name is Wanhou, and I am the direct disciple of the current head of the Yinkui Sect, as well as the saint of the Yinkui Sect... ([-] words are omitted here)."

Under Zero's order, Wan Wan revealed his identity and related matters.This is what Zero calls "deep communication."

"Hey! It turns out that her status is not low. Since this is the case, it will be easy to handle."

Zero thought, it would definitely take a lot of time to collect martial arts cheats and other materials, now there is a helper, why not do it?

Zero snapped his fingers, and the dazed Houhou instantly regained his sanity, looked at Zero who was close in front of him, and subconsciously slapped it.

"Young girl, you are dangerous like this, you know?"

Ling used Qinggong to easily avoid Hanhan's palm, came to her side, and said calmly.

Horrified, Hou Hou immediately backed away, opening the distance between the two of them.

"At such a close range, I shot suddenly. Although I didn't use all my strength, I still managed to dodge it. This guy is really scary."

Wan Wan looked at Zero vigilantly, thinking to himself.

"Girl, don't look at me like that. After some in-depth understanding just now, I think we can cooperate."

Zero didn't care about Houhou, with a look of vigilance and fear, he said with a sunny and kind smile.

Wan Wan: "..."

However, Hou Hou still didn't speak, and was still on guard.

"Oh! You made me like this... wait a minute, another hyena is coming."

Before he finished his zero words, he disappeared in front of Houhou with a "swoosh".

"So fast!"

Hou Wan's pupils narrowed slightly, and he let out a sound in surprise.

"At this speed, I have no chance to escape at all."

Thinking of this, Wan Wan was a little frustrated and wanted to give up resistance.However, she soon cheered up again.

"As the Saintess of the Holy Gate, how can I give up so easily. Although he is strong, he is not without weaknesses. As long as I find his weaknesses, I will find a solution."


On a tree 200 meters away, Zero felt an aura equal to Wan Wan's cultivation level.Moreover, she had been waiting there for a while, she and Wan Wan arrived almost at the same time, but they did not show up.

She is also one of the hyenas after such a long judgement.

So, zero decided to get rid of it all together.

"Yes, it was discovered."

Concubine Shixuan was shocked. Being discovered in such a situation would likely lead to misunderstanding, so she decided to leave first.

However, 500 meters is only a matter of a few seconds for zero at the peak of the fourth order.

As soon as Shi Feixuan turned around and took a step, she was pressed tightly by Ling Ling.


(End of this chapter)

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