Heavens database

Chapter 76 Heavenly Sword 9 Forms

Chapter 76
"I see. It seems that Mr. Ximen also has his own plan."

Song Que looked at Ling meaningfully and said.

A master-level expert with peerless lightness kung fu and sword skills not weaker than himself, what he plans will definitely not be simple.

However, Song Que didn't think about it now, he just focused on fighting against Zero.When Zero showed that his sword skills and cultivation were not weaker than his own, this was no longer a sparring, but a battle, allowing him to fight further.

"Vertical slash--breaking sky slash."

Ling struck Song Que with a quick, powerful slash from bottom to top. Although it seemed ordinary, once it hit, even masters like Song Que would be devastated.

After fighting against Zero, Song Que would not think that this was just a simple one-up challenge.Facing this slash, Song Que didn't have the slightest intention of underestimating it, and quickly used the Heavenly Saber's eight moves to fight back, because Zero still had another move.

The huge force generated by the collision of the two knives bounced the two of them away. The center of the huge force generated the earth was shaken to pieces, and stones splashed out in all directions.

Song Lu looked at the flying stones, and immediately found a bunker to hide.

On the other side, those who followed secretly were also shocked by the situation of the battle.

"This guy is actually as strong as Dad."

Looking at the shattered field beaten by the two, Song Yuzhi thought in surprise.

"Brother Ximen, I see that your saber technique is only vertical, horizontal, and oblique. Your moves are all based on these. This is a very high requirement for a saber user. "

The confrontation just now separated the two, and Song Que had the chance to talk to Ling normally.

"Master Song, please give me a prize. Martial arts training is based on internal strength and true energy. When competing with others, internal strength and true energy are the foundation, fighting awareness is second, and moves are the last. Therefore, I just practice the sword skills by myself. Anyway, I can't get used to it. How come."

Zero explained with a smile.

"Really? Come again."

Song Que said excitedly.

Because this battle might give his sword a qualitative leap.

"Okay! Diagonal cut - the Sun Knife."

Zero raises the knife, and then concentrates the energy of the whole body on the hand and the knife.Then, with a strong wave from top right to bottom left, a red scorching crescent-shaped saber air flew towards Song Que.

"It's good to come."

Looking at the fiery saber energy flying towards him, Song Que didn't feel the slightest bit of fear, instead his fighting spirit was agitated.

Facing the oncoming sword energy, Song Que also used his strongest sword, the eighth sword of the Heavenly Sword.


An invisible saber aura was swung by Song Que, and collided with Ling's scorching red saber aura.

Two streams of knife air shattered and splashed, and the hot and sharp knife air on both of their clothes cut gaps emitting sparks.The originally tattered ground was once again ravaged by the saber energy flying around.

The ground seemed to have been plowed, and not a single piece was complete.

Unfortunately, some buildings were hit by the scattered knife energy, and they were easily crushed like tofu.

"Brother Ximen, you are very good. You can make me use my full strength. There weren't many people there originally, but today there will be another one. Hahaha!"

Song Que looked excited and said in a high tone.

"The chieftain of the Song Dynasty is the master, the sword is not old, it is really admirable."

Zero responded with a smile.

"Lord Song, from the eyes of my subordinates, after you swung that knife just now, there seems to be a feeling that you are still unfinished, as if there is a move that has not been completed."

"Little brother has good eyesight. It is true that the old man has indeed gained some understanding of the ninth type of heavenly knife in recent years, but he has always been unable to comprehend it."

Song Que said without hiding anything.

"I see."

Zero nodded and said.

"Little brother, let's continue. I have a feeling that I can understand the breakthrough of the ninth knife from this battle."

After Song Que finished speaking, he raised his knife and attacked Zero.

Every cut of Song Que's sword technique has been tempered on the battlefield, and the sword is deadly.

Facing Song Que's aggressive attack, Ling used his quick reflexes to fight him.

Zero hoped that Song Que could comprehend the Ninth Heavenly Sword, so that he could gain more this time.

The fight between the two lasted for an hour, and their clothes had become tattered, like beggars' clothes.

The difference is that Song Que has a lot of stab wounds on his body, but Ling has no wounds on his body except for his tattered clothes.

This is due to a strong body. The physical strength, endurance and recovery power of the fourth level of body training are all amazing.

The two collided again and then separated.

"Little brother, the next blow will determine the outcome, go all out!"

Song Que panted, and after he calmed down, he said to Ling.

Over the years, although Song Que's strength has improved, he is still old and has lost his former style, so he can't drag on any longer.Therefore, he intends to take risks, use the stimulation of life and death to stimulate his potential, and comprehend the ninth style of Heavenly Sword.

"it is good!"

Ling was unequivocal and immediately prepared a move that could put Song Que in a life-or-death crisis.

"Blazing three styles."

Zero quickly waved the knife in his hand, and slashed out three sword qi that were sharper than the Sun Slash, hot and dazzling.

These three sword auras from Ling made Song Que feel the breath of death.

"It's so strong. Each of these three swords is stronger than the eight heavenly swords. If you can't comprehend the ninth sword, you will die here today."

Song Que faced these three saber auras with unprecedented dignity, because he couldn't avoid them and was locked by the saber auras.

As the saber qi approached, Song Que felt more pressure, and his mind became more concentrated and his brain started to work quickly.

Suddenly, Song Que felt that the world was white, and everything except himself disappeared.

Then, a vague figure suddenly appeared in front of him, holding a knife and waving it continuously.

"Eight Swords of Heaven!"

Song Que stared blankly.

That's right, the fuzzy figure was using the Eight Swords of Heaven, and he waved the knife in his hand over and over again.

Every time after performing the eight knives, Zhong You tended to swing the ninth knives, but he couldn't do it anyway.

So, the figure waved again and again, constantly repeating, tirelessly.

And Song Que was also watching from the sidelines.

I don’t know how many times I swung it, but finally the ninth sword was successfully swung.

There was a flash of white light, and an incomparably domineering saber aura swung out, cutting through the pure white space in front of him.

Song Que's vision went dark. When it recovered again, he saw three blazing sword auras coming to a place one meter in front of him.

Without any hesitation, Song Que hastily slashed at the three sword qi in front of him according to the method of using the ninth form of the heavenly sword with a blurred figure in the pure white space just now.


to be continued
(End of this chapter)

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