Heavens database

Chapter 62 First Arrival in Yangzhou City

Chapter 62 First Arrival in Yangzhou City

YZ City is located in the central part of Jiangsu Province, on the north bank of the Yangtze River and at the southern end of the Jianghuai Plain.It belongs to the transition zone from subtropical monsoon humid climate to temperate monsoon climate.There are four distinct seasons, abundant sunshine and abundant rainfall, and the prevailing wind direction changes significantly with the seasons.

Now, it is winter in Yangzhou, and the cold northerly wind is howling wantonly, and the faces of pedestrians on the road are like knives.Everyone subconsciously wrapped their clothes tightly, panted unevenly, and walked in a hurry with trembling steps.

However, under such circumstances, there is a person who is completely opposite to everyone on the road.

He is carrying a 1.5-meter-long, [-]-centimeter-wide weapon on his back, which is made of all metal in one body.The handle of the knife is engraved with a fine grid pattern, and there is a dark spherical gemstone on the collar of the knife, and there are three pieces of crescent-shaped metal on both sides of the gemstone.

Dressed in black clothes of a warrior, with a jade belt around his waist, his face with sharp water chestnuts is as cold as a sculpture, and a pair of extremely deep black eyes with an unpredictable light, he is extremely handsome but also reveals a trace of mysterious charm.

He walked alone on the solid marble road, watching the buildings on both sides of the road.Leisurely, it forms an illuminated contrast with pedestrians.

That's right, this person is our protagonist – Zero.

Why he appeared in Yangzhou, it starts with choosing the world.


"System, help me randomly draw a world!"

Zero said to the system.

A lottery turntable divided into five equal parts appeared in front of Zero.

"Host, in order to avoid blaming the system after extracting the world, you should extract it yourself!"

The system shamelessly blamed it.

"Bi, okay! Can't I do it myself? I'm so lazy."

After Zero complained, he turned the turntable.

The turntable rotates rapidly, and the five grids are all integrated into one.As time went on, the turntable slowed down.

"Legend of the Borderlands" passed, "Heavenly Sword Heroes" passed, "Thirteen Secret Killing Orders" passed, "Xia Ke Xing" passed, and finally the pointer barely stopped at the edge of "The Legend of Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty".

"Congratulations to the host for getting into the world of "The Legend of Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty"."

After the turntable stopped, the system opened the channel.

"The world of "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty". When I was still studying, I watched the TV series, and now I have almost forgotten it. Moreover, this is not the TV series version, which means that my knowledge of this world is basically zero. But good."

Zero nodded and said.

"Let's go then!"


Swish!The scene around zero changed immediately, from the comfortable database of the heavens to an ancient city with howling cold winds.

There are pedestrians wearing ancient costumes all around, wrapped in clothes, walking in a hurry.

"It's better to change your clothes."

Zero looked at his home clothes (short jacket, shorts and slippers), which were completely different from this era, and muttered.

With a wave of his hand, the image of a rich second-generation warrior in black appeared.

"That's about it, it seems that a weapon is still missing."

Zero looked at his own attire, and used the ability to reorganize matter to turn an iron brick into a gorgeous Tang Hengdao, which he carried on his back.

"Hmm! Perfect."


Going back to the present time, I walked around and looked around. Yangzhou is located at the intersection of the Yangtze River and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. In addition to being a transportation hub, Yangzhou is also a famous fireworks resort since ancient times. Whether it is a wealthy businessman or a literary talent If a romantic and self-proclaimed celebrity or a fencing swordsman has not visited this place, he is not considered a hero in the field of romance.

Therefore, there are a lot of sincerity in the romantic places here, and they are like ordinary restaurants and restaurants, forming a legal and characteristic industry.The decoration on the facade is very prominent, with red lanterns and conspicuous signs.

"Tsk tsk, it's really blatant. Thinking about the industry in the previous life, it was torn apart and there was no room for survival. Now it has formed a formal industry here, which is really funny."

Zero looked at Fengyue Place, which had not yet opened its doors to welcome guests due to time constraints, and said with a smile.

In a short while, I arrived, the largest restaurant in the entire Yangzhou City.

In ancient times, restaurants and teahouses were places where people from all walks of life gathered together.Because there are everyone here, there is no special news channel, and it is the most ideal place to collect news.

Zero has just arrived here, and he doesn't know much about the current plot time, and there is no news channel, so he came here.

"Guest officer, please come inside."

When the waiter in the restaurant saw Ling coming in, he immediately came in front of Ling and said respectfully.

From the first time this Xiao Er saw Ling, he knew from the clothes on his body that he was a martial artist from a rich family. As long as he served well, he would be rewarded greatly.

"Excuse me, guest officer, is it in the lobby or in the private room?"

Xiaoer asked while guiding Zero.

"Well! It's fine in the hall, it's more lively there, and you can hear a lot of news."

With a gentle and friendly smile on Zero's face, he replied cordially.

"Okay! Guest officer, this way please."

The second child called Ling is easier to talk to, he doesn't want to be arrogant and domineering like other rich second generations, and he can't help but feel a sense of relief.

"It's work."

Xiao Er took Ling to a table not far from the hall, the information gathering center.

"Guest officer, this position meets your requirements. The few people over there are bullies in Yangzhou City. Although they have a bad reputation, they are definitely well-informed."

After Xiaoer greeted Ling to sit down, he gestured with his eyes, and said to the several tables on the right.

"Thank you! Second brother."

Ling took out a piece of broken silver, and placed it in Xiao Er's hand discreetly.

"By the way, I would like to ask, where is the ashram of Shilong, the number one master in Yangzhou, 'Mountain Pusher'? I have admired Master Shilong for a long time, and I want to pay a visit."

Zero asked respectfully.

"Oh, it turns out that the young master also came to look for Master Shilong. In the past ten years, Master Shilong has seldom been in the venue to handle affairs. All business is handled by his disciples, and he hardly shows up. If you want to find Master Shilong, you can only Go to Shilong Dojo first."

Xiaoer heard that Ling wanted to find Shilong, so he told him everything he knew.

"So that's the case, thank you! Please help me with a good wine and three dishes of signature dishes, brother."

Zero showed a suddenly realized expression.

Afterwards, Zero didn't say much. While eating and drinking, he listened carefully to the words of those bullies, filtering out useful information from them.

After their bragging, Zero has been able to judge the current time from their words.

Shilong is not dead yet, but has been living in seclusion.Therefore, the formula of longevity, one of the four great books, is still in his hands.


to be continued
(End of this chapter)

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