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Chapter 53 True Longevity Ramen 2

Chapter 53 True Longevity Ramen 2
"However, if the soup base is simmered for too long, some proteins and amino acids will deteriorate, and nitrites will also increase, which is unhealthy for the human body."

Zero first made everyone understand the dangers of boiling the soup base for too long, and then explained how to brew the soup base correctly.

"Next, I will show you how to cook the correct soup base."

Zero took out a large earthenware pot, placed it on the stove, and put the watered pork bones, beef, beans, mushrooms and an appropriate amount of water into the large pot.

Then mobilize the energy in the body, put the Fire Cloud Palm on the bottom of the pot with one hand, and press the lid of the pot with the Cloud Pai Palm with the other hand.At the same time, he used two different palm techniques on the cauldron.

"As you can see now, using Fire Cloud Palm instead of firewood for heating, you can adjust the temperature freely. The temperature of Pai Yun Palm I use now is about 2500 ℃ ~ 3000 ℃. High temperature can promote the analysis of nutrients in pig bones. Then there is Paiyun Palm. Paiyun Palm is a palm of the water attribute. It has no inner strength and is round and continuous, as smooth and unimpeded as water flow. It can well force out the nutrients in the bones. Let a pot of rich and delicious pork bone soup be completed within 15 minutes. If the skill is not enough, you can increase the cooking time appropriately, and generally do not play for more than two hours."

While making pork bone soup, Zero explained to everyone. If anyone asked questions, he would also give corresponding answers.

In the midst of small talk, 15 minutes passed quickly.

"Look, a pot of rich and milky bone soup is ready like this."

Zero lifted the lid of the pot, revealing the fragrant pork bone soup inside.

"so amazing!"

The little boss watched as Ling only used 15 minutes to make a pot of bone soup that would normally take a day to cook.

"It seems that I have to let Xiaosong start to practice."

Ah Lu looked at Zero's operation, and thought of his exclusive chef Komatsu, and couldn't help but think.

"The energy control was a little wasted at the beginning, and then it was superb in the end, without wasting a single cent. The boss is practicing. This pot of bone farming soup is just for practice."

Aizen's focus is different from that of ordinary people, seeing things that others cannot see.

"You saw it too."

Orochimaru looked at the slightly pensive Aizen and said.


Aizen nodded, indicating the same.

"Everyone. When I come to my senses, I'm going to make the real soup base next."

Zero said with a smile.

"it is as expected."

Orochimaru and Aizen looked at each other and said in their minds at the same time.

"Boss, what do you mean by that?"

The little boss asked suspiciously.

Except for Orochimaru and Aizen, no one else knew why.

"This soup is used for kneading noodles, and the real soup base is medicinal soup base. The ingredients are 500-year-old ginseng, 300-year-old angelica, and a pair of Pu Siqu snake gall."

"Let's cut the medicinal materials first."

Zero threw all the medicinal materials into the air, and then took out a handful. When making the magic weapon, he relieved boredom with the kitchen knife he made himself, and slashed at the medicinal materials in the air.

Among the crowd watching, a faint light flashed from top to bottom.

The medicinal materials fell from the air and when they hit the chopping board, each medicinal material turned into particles of the same size.

"Hiss, what a powerful knife skill."

Ah Lu looked as a gourmet hunter with great fighting power, and the zero knife just now made him feel scared.If it was a fight, he thought he would not be able to defend against this knife.

"What a strong knife skill." The little head said with a flushed face.

"True love show operation." Kadayaji joked.

"It's terrible." Orochimaru's pupils tightened.

"Great." Aizen said with a smile.

"Gulu!" The others were too frightened to say anything.

"Okay, after the medicinal materials are cut, we can start making the medicinal soup base."

Zero looked at the cut herbs and nodded in satisfaction.

"First, add the fountain of life into the pot, then add ginseng and other ingredients, and simmer over high heat. Then, add... Finally, add a pair of Bodhisattva snake gallbladder, and simmer for 10 minutes. One pot of medicinal soup base is complete."

While operating, Zero explained to everyone, then lifted the lid of the pot, and a phantom dragon shadow floated out, which dissipated after a few seconds, and then revealed a pot of clear medicinal soup.

This pot of medicated diet zero uses the method of alchemy and is carefully crafted.Its effect is not bad at all compared to pills, even better.

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw such a scene. They could see that the phantom of the dragon shadow just now showed a curious expression, and it only dissipated after looking around.

"The next thing is to meet."

Zero raised his own voice, calling back the wandering people.

But at this time, the eyes of everyone looking at Zero have changed, becoming very respectful, adoring, curious, fiery and so on.

"We mix flour and bone broth in a ratio of five to three."

Zero puts the flour on the cutting board, forms the flour into a volcano shape, leaves a space in the middle, and pours the puree.

"Spiral pills."

A light blue, clockwise rotating energy ball appeared in Zero's palm, and then approached Tang's position.

The flour and thick soup are perfectly mixed under the action of the spiral pill, just like in a blender.

"Using Rasengan to knead noodles. If the Fourth Hokage knew about it, he would probably be so angry that he would hit someone."

Orochimaru smiled as he looked at Zero who was kneading noodles with spiral pills.By the way, thanks to Orochimaru's help, none of the three members of Namikaze Minato's family died.

"After the dough is mixed, cover the dough with a cloth to let it rise. We will make side dishes during the time."

Remove the boneless saury, wash off the viscera, and bake it with Huoyun palm.

For pork, choose pork belly. Use the yin and yang power of the yin and yang Bagua hands to smash the tendons and fat inside, and then marinate it with seasonings.

Then fish out the beef, beans, and mushrooms in the bone broth.

Slice the beef, remove the stipe of the mushrooms and set aside.The beans are crushed, mixed with flour, kneaded, pressed and then fried.

After finishing these, the noodles also woke up, and then pulled the two ends of the dough and started to shake it.

The dough is continuously stretched and twisted by zero to increase its toughness.Finally, a tough noodle is formed.

Boil the water, boil it, place the noodles, after boiling for 3 minutes, pick up the noodles, use Tianshuang fist to cool down the spring of life, put the noodles in the cold spring for a few seconds, and serve them in a bowl.

Finally, roast pork belly with fruit wood to make fruit wood char siew.

Put the ingredients on top of each bowl, and finally pour in the herbal soup base.

The ramen is officially done!
Everyone watched Zero complete the last step, and swallowed involuntarily.

"Hey! Everyone, the noodles are ready! It's ready to eat."


to be continued
(End of this chapter)

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