Heavens database

Chapter 48 Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo Appear

Chapter 48 Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo Appear

Aizen Soyousuke: "That's a good suggestion."

Orochimaru: "This suggestion is really worth considering."

Tony Stark: "This suggestion is indeed worth considering. However, let the infinite gems continue to flow in other planes. I am still worried about losing them, after all, people will be careless."

Men Yashi: "You can put it in the database. The database should be able to pay points to open up a private storage space for you. Although I haven't tried it, you can try it."

Tony Stark: "That's a great idea! @Zero, can the boss please?"

"System, is this okay?"

Zero asked the system when he made this suggestion.

"A host that is ok. According to the amount of points paid, a space of a corresponding size will be opened. You can pay more points in the future to increase the size of the space. One hundred points corresponds to one cubic meter of space."

The system replied.

"Then there is no problem."

Zero nodded in satisfaction.

Zero: "Yes! As many points as you give, you can get the corresponding space, and you can increase the points to expand in the future. One hundred points corresponds to one cubic meter of space."

Tony Stark: "The price is acceptable, and the confidentiality and security are very high."

Kadoya Shi: "This solves the storage problem. The key is how you get the Infinity Stones. God, Hydra, and Shield will not let you take the Space Stones, and the Supreme Mage will not let you get the Time Stones. The Mind Stone hasn't come to Earth yet, and other gems are scattered all over the universe. What are you going to do?"

Zero: "That's a good question. What are you going to do, Tony?"

Orochimaru: "How to take away gems without anyone noticing, this is a troublesome problem."

Aizen Soyousuke: "I think the space gem is the most likely to be obtained at present. At the same time, it can also prevent the Chitauri from invading the earth."

Orochimaru: "No, on the contrary, I think the best time is when the Chitauri invade. As long as the time comes, Tony, please invite one or more of the three of them, Senior Menyashi, Boss, and Broly. If you make a move, you can successfully win the two gems of mind and space."

Tony Stark: "What you say makes sense, I will think about it. But first, let me ask, @zero, boss, can I ask the people in the group to help?"

Zero: "Okay, as long as you have a good talk with the other party and tell me, I will open the time travel permission."

Tony Stark: "OK! The biggest trouble now is solved. The next step is to make a detailed plan. At that time, I will discuss it with you. @蓝滑惣友友, @大蛇丸."

Orochimaru: "No problem!"

Aizen Soyousuke: "Happy to help!"

Little master: "In the complex world of adults, I will still be a good cook."

Pikachu: "Fortunately, I'm an elf, not a human. The human world is too complicated."

Broly: "It's so complicated, it's better now, you can play everywhere."

Bulma: "I'm still young."

Alu: "That's why I am a food hunter, staying away from high-level personnel, they are too complicated."

. . . . . .

Seeing these people, discussing and complaining about the complexity of the adult world, Zero silently withdrew from the communication group.

If you want to ask who in the group knows the complex world of adults best, it may be Orochimaru, Tony Stark.Because of his status, he just happens to be in the upper echelons of society, and he is used to seeing the upper echelons stumbling his opponents and dragging his own people down everywhere for their own status and interests.

And zero can feel the most, because of the decision of the high-level personnel, the bitterness of the bottom-level personnel who has been squeezed infinitely.

Because of the decisions of high-level personnel, the bottom-level personnel are squeezed out of labor by the company every day for various reasons (for example: 996 and the like).In order to get rid of the fate of being squeezed, it can be said that the bottom employees are desperately expressing themselves every day, even by unscrupulous means.

These zeros have all been seen, and the high-level personnel will cover it up for the sake of face.People at the bottom don't care about this at all, they are all naked.

That's why Zero's past life will always stay at the bottom, because the world of adults at the bottom is more complicated and dirty.


In this way, Zero spent his days chatting with group members while building magical artifacts.

Until the night of August [-]th, there were two strange breaths, one from outside the Shaolin, and one from the back, entered the Tibetan scripture pavilion.

"Hey! Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo are here, the fun is about to begin."

Sensing that a stranger had entered the Sutra Pavilion, Zero stopped what he was doing and walked towards the Sutra Pavilion.

After arriving at the Sutra Pavilion, Zero discovered that many monks were hiding in the darkness.Probably to prevent Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo from escaping.

"Tsk tsk, Xuanci has spent a lot of money! I want to keep the two of you."

Zero sighed.

Afterwards, he went straight into the Sutra Pavilion.


Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo, who were peeping at the secret books of martial arts inside, were startled by the sound of the door opening of the Sutra Pavilion.

Hastily hid in the shadows, covered the figure, and looked at the door vigilantly, ready to evacuate at any time.

"Ha ha!"

Zero looked at the actions of the two and laughed disdainfully.Zero, who has night vision and clairvoyance abilities, can see things at night just like during the day. Zero can clearly see the expressions and movements of the two of them.

"Xiao Yuanshan, Murong Bo. It doesn't take much, I've already seen you, come out obediently!"

With a faint smile on Zero's face, his eyes wandered around the place where the two were hiding, and said.

"Could it be that he really found me? Impossible, this kid is only in his twenties, and his martial arts can't be that high. He must be trying to trick me."

Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo were first startled by Ling's words, then reasoned about the situation with common sense, and refused to come out.

"Tsk, why are you kidding yourself?"

Zero shook his head slightly, raised his hands, and pointed in the direction of the two of them.

Invisible Sun Sword Qi.

Chirp, chirp!
Two colorless and invisible sword qi shot towards the place where the two were hiding.

"Dangerous!" 2
The two were horrified, seeing the colorless and formless sword qi, which was so hot that it distorted the air, flying towards the place where they were hiding, they didn't care about anything, and just left to avoid it.

poof, poof.

The sound of two sharp objects piercing into wood sounded.Murong Bo and Xiao Yuanshan subconsciously glanced at the place where the sword energy was pointing just now.

Four index finger-sized holes glowing red were found on the wooden pillars and the marble floor respectively.

"What a deep internal force, what a domineering fingering."

This scene made their scalps tingle. If they couldn't avoid it just now, there must be two holes in their bodies now.

(End of this chapter)

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