Chapter 453

Morgana felt angry, wronged and helpless instantly.

Angry that he was deceived by Karl, a pervert, and felt aggrieved by his stupidity, and at the same time felt helpless for the current war.

I definitely have no way to defeat Keisha, and because Hua Ye put a black hole in Melo Heaven, it is impossible to go back and solve it in a hurry. Now that I am being attacked by her, I can only use the demon Wrapped in the claws, avoiding the harm of the silver blade is already exhausted.

His own devil brother was constantly killed by angels. Although some angels were beheaded by his own brother, the ratio between the two was five to one, or even ten to one.

Generally speaking, it is because of the absolute disadvantage on my side that it is only a matter of time before I am killed.

"Mad, Karl, I will never let you go even if I am a ghost."

Morgana said fiercely in her heart.

"Damn it, Morgana can still hold on."

Kesha looked at Morgana who had shrunk into a turtle shell, thinking anxiously.

Not a minute or a second can be wasted now, or the little angels in Melo Heaven will die because of it.

"I can only use a big move, Judgment Angel."

Seeing this, Keisha didn't hide it, and directly took out the big killer she made to deal with Morgana.

An angel with only the upper body thought, being summoned from a space wormhole.


Seeing Keisha summoning such a hair thing, Morgana, who has been doing whatever she wants, directly exploded.

"Kesha, you fucking, really want to kill me? Don't you miss our sisterhood?"

Morgana said to Kesha.

"I don't have time to play with you now. Hua Ye put a black hole in Melo Heavenly Court. I have to go back in a hurry. I believe Karl will tell you the news. Since you chose to stop me here, then You should be ready to be killed by me, don't blame me, goodbye forever."

Facing Morgana's question, Kesha chose to answer Morgana's question for some unknown reason, but her movements were not slow at all.

Controlling the angel statue, he picked up the giant flaming sword and slashed at the devil's claws surrounding Morgana.


Undoubtedly, in the face of the huge flame sword attack, the defensive power of the Devil's Claw was not enough at all, it was broken in an instant, and Morgana was also beaten out by a powerful force, and was severely injured.

"Farewell, sister!"

Keisha didn't show mercy because of Morgana's serious injury and the relationship between the two. When Morgana was sent out of the turtle shell, she was ready for the next blow.

The huge angel seemed to be holding a huge flaming sword and poked at Morgana.

"I'm going to die, hehe, there's still no way to win the fight, and that perverted Karl made me feel bad, I won't forget it, and I'm sure I won't let him go."

Looking at the flaming sword that was getting closer and closer to her, Morgana didn't have any fear, because this was her choice and she would not regret it.

call out!
At the critical moment, an orange light ball bombarded the giant Raging Sword. Seeing that it changed the trajectory of the attack, the Raging Sword and Morgana barely passed by.

"This is, it's not dead! Who did it?"

Morgana had the question running through her mind at the moment.


Startled and furious, Keisha looked towards the source of the attack.

It was found to be a middle-aged burly man wearing an ancient general's armor, with hair tied up on top of his head and a beard.

Next to the man are two other men and a woman in the same dress.

"Pan Zhen, are you here to stop me too? Very good, then you two will die together."

Keisha recognized the person and said angrily.

"Queen Keisha, we Lieyang have no intention of being enemies with the angels. We just want you to allow us to develop. The current resources of the Lieyang galaxy have been severely reduced and we are in urgent need of new supplies. As long as Queen Kesha agrees, we will retreat immediately."

Pan Zhen cupped his hands to Kesha and said.

"Hmph, taking advantage of the fire to rob? You are too naive to think."

Seeing Pan Zhen's pretending performance, Kaisha regained her previous composure, arrogance, and domineering.

"Queen Keisha, please think twice."

Seeing Kesha's expression change within a few seconds, Pan Zhen frowned slightly, unable to figure out what Kesha was thinking.

According to Carl's information, Keisha should be in a hurry, and she should be in the Heavenly Court of Melo as soon as possible. He saw Kesha's anxious appearance just now, but why did she suddenly change again?

"Could it be an act?"

Pan Zhen couldn't help thinking in his heart.

"Huh, your idea is very good. Then Hua Ye's hand made Melo Heaven go to the crisis first, and then stopped me on my way back, let Melo Heaven be wiped out, weakening the power of our angels, and then it can be realized." Your expansion ambitions. But, have you underestimated our angels?"

Keisha glanced at Morgana and Pan Zhen contemptuously, and said unhurriedly.

"Morgana, ask Karl now, how is Hua Ye's fate now? Answer me later."

Then he said to Morgana, with undisguised arrogance and contempt on his face.


Morgana was upset, and I couldn't help but see Kesha writing with confidence.However, in order to be able to figure out why Kesha suddenly changed back to that arrogant and confident appearance, she still followed Kesha's words and initiated a communication with Carl.

"Karl, Karl, if you're here, tell the queen if you're here."

Morgana shouted.

"Liang Bing, I know, just now, King Huaye was captured alive by King Tianji Hexi, to be precise, he was the object of protection of King Tianji, the mysterious person you mentioned. Just now Hexi and him... ...Finally, he split the black hole, and the powerful annihilation energy of the black hole completely wiped out King Hua Ye's army, and he was also seriously injured and captured."

Karl has been paying attention to the battle between Merlot Heaven and the angels and demons in the Red Crow star system through the big clock.

He knew about Hua Ye's situation, and Keisha knew what she was doing, so he didn't hide anything. After refining the situation, he told Morgana, and at the same time sent a copy of the details to Morgana.

"Damn it! Is He Xi's old sweetheart so powerful?"

It took Morgana a few seconds to read what Karl sent him, and then she couldn't help being rude again.

Because this was too surprising and incomprehensible to her.

"Bichi, what kind of shit luck is there, Hexi's old friend can control the formation and destruction of black holes so easily, this is one of the unsolved problems of the known universe."

Morgana thought in her heart.The goblin face with heavy makeup can hardly conceal her sad expression now.

"It seems that you already know!"


to be continued! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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