Chapter 439


"Let's go in, and then we will know what's going on."

Du Qiangwei said, now that she is waiting for someone to catch her blind, it is better to go directly to someone who knows the situation, this way it is easier to get information.

"Qiangwei is right, let's go in quickly!"

After Du Qiangwei spoke, Ge Xiaolun immediately agreed.

Typical licking dog.

"Then, let's go!"

Reina also felt that Du Qiangwei was right, so she took the lead to the command room.


The automatic door opened, revealing the busy scene of people coming and going in the command room, fingers flying on the keyboard.

Ducao is talking with the commander of the Blue Sea Fleet.


Reina came in front of the two and spoke.

"Rena, you are here just in time. Now we have an urgent task for you."

Ducao saw that Lena brought all the people over, and there was still time for him to call.

"The war has begun. Taotie and their affiliated civilizations are really attacking famous countries and cities all over the world. In China, three places have been attacked. Beizhixing, Juxia City, and Tianhe City have now been attacked. A fierce battle is going on. Fortunately, people with space technology familiar with the Chinese civilization responded and evacuated most of the people in time, but the situation is still very serious. There are 800 armored troops in the North Star, and the problem is relatively good. Tianhe City has already dispatched a team of generals and a team of literati, and Juxia City has more than [-] battle armors, so you need to reinforce them."

Ducao briefly explained the situation and gave a big order to everyone in the Xiongbing Company.

"Understood!" 9
The nine members of the Xiongbing Company responded to what Ducao said in unison.

"Let's go now."

Ducao waved his hand and said.

"Yes." 9

Soon, the nine members of the Xiongbing Company boarded the express transport plane and headed towards Juxia City.

In the cockpit, everyone looked solemn and bowed their heads in silence. After all, this time they were actually on the battlefield. If they said they were not nervous, they would be lying.

"I didn't expect that the war came back so suddenly."

Really could not endure such a heavy atmosphere, Xin Zhao broke the silence of the crowd.

"Yeah, it was really sudden, but after we become a soldier company, we should be mentally prepared. We are the hope of the people."

Liu Chuang didn't raise his head, but just responded seriously, and stopped talking.


Woo, woo, woo~~~
Just as Reina was about to speak to comfort them, the cabin announcement sounded.Along with the announcement came a wobbly cabin.

"What happened?"

Xin Zhao said in a panic, gripping the back of the seat tightly.

"I do not know either."

"What's the matter, enemy attack?"

. . . . . .

"I'm sorry everyone, all the flight instruments suddenly failed. We have no way to control the plane now, and we are doing an emergency landing."

The pilot's explanation was carried over the radio.

Let them understand what is going on with them now.

"This is the latest product of the military, and it will be tested before departure. It is impossible for such a situation to occur. It is an enemy attack."

Du Qiangwei was not afraid in the face of danger and analyzed the situation rationally in her brain.

"That's right, I sensed a few powerful creatures in front of us, and they were responsible for the failure of the plane's instruments."

Through the dark energy analyzer, Monkey King found that there were three powerful dark energy clusters in the direction they were heading.

"What?" 7
Sun Wukong's words suddenly shocked the other seven people. They did not expect that it was really an enemy attack.

"It is indeed an enemy attack. The other party is the Triangular Civilization -- Mottled Blue. They have strong mental power and are good at mentally attacking other people by affecting the magnetic field. The aircraft's instruments are malfunctioning because of the magnetic field they unconsciously released."

At this time, a person that no one expected appeared in the cabin.

"Master Wang Yue!"

Seeing Wang Yue's appearance, Xin Zhao's panic eased a little.

"I will help you isolate the influence of the magnetic field first, so that you can go to Juxia City safely."

Wang Yue's eyes narrowed slightly, then widened in vain. A powerful momentum and energy came out of him, but it did not have any impact on them, and the plane slowly began to stabilize.

"Let them fly to Juxia City like this."

Wang Yue said to Leina.

"Oh, alright."

Leina nodded obediently and carried out Wang Yue's order.

"Brother Wang Yue, what's going on with the mottled blue? Are they Taotie's reinforcements?"

It was still Xin Zhao who asked.

"Mottled Blue, one of the Triangular Civilizations, has evolved to develop the brain. Their ancestors are similar to dolphins, with strong mental power and good at using magnetic fields to carry out various attacks. They are not Taotie's reinforcements. They are just like Taotie. They came to invade the Earth, and someone deliberately lured them here."

When Wang Yue said this, his eyes flashed with cold light, making everyone unconsciously feel a feeling of death hanging over their hearts, but this feeling went away as quickly as it came.However, everyone in the Xiongbing Company felt Wang Yue's power at this moment.

Just one look, can have such an impact, its strength can be seen.

"According to the information obtained by our intelligence agents, Mottled Blue was attracted by the demonic civilization, and the demonic civilization is the helper of Taotie. This time, the attack of Taotie came so fast and so urgently, it was the demonic civilization that fueled the flames. However, their gods did not take action, and our side is not good to act rashly. However, they have nothing to say after cutting off the miscellaneous fish under their hands."

Wang Yue continued.

"Wang Yue is right. They can't say anything even if they kill the miscellaneous fish under them. I will kill the Quartet when I get to the battlefield."

Xin Zhao nodded, agreeing with Wang Yue's words very much.

The rest of the Xiongbing Company: (ω`ll)
"Xin Zhao, where does your confidence come from? Just now, Mr. Wang Yue said that God's subordinates are all trash, which means that they are all trash if they don't become gods. You are a second-generation super soldier, and you are still far from God. gone."

Lena saw Xin Zhao's confident and slow look, and she looked like a dick, so she let the flow go.

Xin Zhao: (;_)
Lena: ()
Everyone: [┐'_'┌]

Rena's retort made her chatter to death. No one knew how to answer the question. It should be said that she was indeed a crazy woman. She did not speak or act in an unusual way.

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to be continued! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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