Heavens database

Chapter 42 What Happened in One Year

Chapter 42 What Happened in One Year

During Zero's nearly one year period, when relics and ancient tombs were excavated all over the world, many things happened and grew up among Zero's employees.

First of all, it was Xiaodangjia. Before setting out to excavate the relics and ancient tombs, he sent him the exercises that he promised Xiaodangjia, which attracted the attention of most people in the group.

Zero: "@小头家, your skills are ready, come out and receive them. If you don't know how to practice, use points to help."

"Drip, Zero will send a designated red envelope to Xiaodangjia."

"Drip, Xiaodangjia accepts the designated red envelope."

Little boss: "Good boss! Thank you boss!"

After the little boss took out the red envelope, a white light appeared out of nowhere and entered his mind.This sudden scene frightened everyone who was around Xiaodangjia at that time.

"Little boss, are you alright?"


The little master prevaricated for a long time before letting them calm down.

Then, the little master began to check the exercises in his mind.

This exercise is called "Kitchen Art", which includes inner strength and heart method, knife method, palm method, boxing method, and kitchen utensil forging method (three-in-one refining tool, formation method, and talisman).

Internal strength promotes the evolution of the body, but it requires sufficient nutrition; knife skills include many moves, which require the use of knives in cooking, and can also be combined with personal knife skills, frying skills, etc. Ingredients; kitchen forging method, used to make the kitchen utensils you need.

After practicing for a period of time, Xiaodangjia found that his physical fitness became better and better, his height reached 1.8 meters, and his cooking skills improved rapidly.

This change of his surprised everyone, especially Tony, the physical change of the young master made him even more eager to practice.

Finally, after struggling for a few minutes, Tony bought a copy of "Yin and Yang Complementary Skills", a dual cultivation method, and started his career as a courtesan.

Perhaps, it was because of starting to practice. Not long ago, when Tony was attacked secretly by the traverser Ivan Fanko, he successfully killed the opponent.

Yes, that's right.Ivan Fanko is a time traveler, he replaced the original soul of Ivan Fanko.

The traveler knew that he had come to the Marvel world, and the first thing he wanted to do was to stay, but the obsession of the original owner disagreed.

In the end, in order to survive the disaster in the future, the traverser had no choice but to act according to his obsession.

The traveler is familiar with the plot, and in order to completely solve the obsession, when he was making the weapon whip, he increased the power of the current whip to the level that could cut titanium alloy.

However, on the day of the attack, he was dumbfounded.Damn it, Iron Man can actually kung fu, he didn't even need to wear a steel armor, so he was KO'd with a single shot.

Then there is Alu. After the cooking skills of the young master improved, the quality of his food also improved in a straight line, his strength increased steadily, and the quality of raw materials also gradually improved, forming a virtuous circle.


Then, Aizen and Orochimaru, why should we talk about these two people together?Because of these two guys, the cooperation made a big deal.

Aizen and Orochimaru, two scientific madmen, have a lot of common topics.

Then, one day, Orochimaru chatted with Aizen privately, planning to cooperate with them to conduct body reconstruction experiments.

Note that this body is a complete body, but without consciousness.

For this experiment, the two fooled Tony and Bulma one after another, telling them to develop a genetic enhancement drug to greatly improve physical fitness, self-healing ability, and endurance.

For these two ordinary people, this statement is very attractive to them.Tony wanted to make himself and his lover stronger, while Bulma was afraid that the earth would be full of disasters in the future, without electricity, and she was very guilty.

Therefore, the four of them had their own goals, starting from the Orphnoch factor fusion column cell experiment before Dashewan.

On the way, he joined the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan, and the Saiyan cells.After ten months, the genetic enhancement medicine was finally produced.

After the potion is used, the physical fitness of the user will increase by three to ten times depending on the physical condition of the user.

His stamina has been significantly enhanced, and he can run wildly for three hours at a speed of ten meters per second.As long as there is enough food afterwards, you can recover within half an hour.

The same is true for self-healing ability. Having enough food can shorten the recovery time.


During this year, Pikachu has gained a lot of points through the sale of elves and other world specialties.

Then, he exchanged for Wuleihua Jishou from the mall, Lingbo took small steps, and strengthened his strength.It is convenient to capture wild elves in the future, and by the way, help his master Xiaozhi get a good result in the Silver Conference of the Chengdu Alliance.

After that, it is Men Yashi. Since Zero discovered the existence of the non-timeline at the beginning, he has used this as a condition to issue corresponding points.

Monyashi started his excavation in Fengyun World (comic version).

The level of Fengyun World (comic version) is higher than that of Tianlong Babu World, and the excavated things are much higher than Tianlong Babu World, and there are even many high-level magic weapons.

Let Kato Yashi get a lot of points, this incident is like turning on a switch for Kato Yashi.

After searching Fengyun World, he returned to his own world, and began to wander among various relics and ancient tombs that were born or not.

Finally, there is Broly. After Zero left, he almost entered a state of round-the-clock training.I eat fairy beans every day to transform energy and strengthen "qi" and S cells.

Even when going to bed at night, the body is subconsciously eating celestial beans.

Although he was practicing around the clock, he was actually just eating and eating. Usually he was the maid of Lingjiu Palace, taking him around and playing around.Life is very carefree and happy.

After a year, he successfully transformed himself into a Super Saiyan.

This made Zero a little shocked. You must know that the system gave it at the beginning, and it would take at least two years for Broly to reach Super Saiyan.

Zero also specifically asked the system for this.

"The legendary Super Saiyan itself has a lot of uncertainty. Coupled with the practice of evolution, this uncertainty becomes even greater. Previous predictions can only be used as a reference. Isn't the host the same?"

This is the answer given by the system.

Zero recalled his own growth this year, and also acquiesced to what the system said.

(End of this chapter)

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