Heavens database

Chapter 418: Here Comes the Glutton

Chapter 418: Here Comes the Glutton
Ajie responded to Liu Junfeng's question very humbly. Before coming, Du Kao had already found out the identity of Liu Junfeng (false), one of the folk martial arts martial arts masters, the behind-the-scenes boss of China's top ten enterprises "Medicine Hall", and the military There is a cooperative relationship and the medicinal materials of the last year are provided.He has a sense of justice and a strong sense of patriotism. Five generations of his ancestors have been medicine merchants, and they contributed money and efforts to the party organization during the Anti-Japanese War.

Dukao didn't want to mess with such people, after all, they were in China now.

"Really? I hope you can do what you say. I won't hinder you from doing things."

Liu Junfeng said lightly, then turned his head and pretended to talk to Qilin.

"Let's go, Rose."

Seeing that Liu Junfeng didn't intend to embarrass himself, Ajie said to Qiangwei.


Then they took Ge Xiaolun away very smoothly, and then told the police to imprison Liu Chuang and let him suffer a little first, and then left.

"Look, what I said is correct. Liu Chuang is a person with a special status, otherwise he would have been beaten to death long ago."

Liu Junfeng said proudly to Qilin after Ajie and Du Qiangwei left.

"I know, but I didn't expect that Liu Chuang is related to people in the army. But what surprises me most is that your identity seems to be not simple. Even the people in the military are very polite to you."

Qi Lin didn't get entangled in Liu Chuang's matter. After all, she was not familiar with Liu Chuang. On the contrary, Liu Junfeng, an acquaintance, really opened her eyes today.

"Well, although I'm very powerful, I've always kept a low profile."

Liu Junfeng said with an embarrassed yet polite smile.

"The confession is finished, I should go too, goodbye!"

After saying that, Liu Junfeng left without giving Qilin time to react.

Qilin: (**||)

"Ajie, is it necessary to be so humble to that person?"

Du Qiangwei sat in the co-pilot's seat and asked indifferently while looking at the scenery receding from the window.

Du Qiangwei did not know the serious situation, but only knew Ge Xiaolun and others who were also super genetic warriors, so she was very confused about Ajie's attitude towards the warrior in the police station just now.

"Yes, and very necessary."

Ajie stared straight ahead, drove the car steadily, and responded to Qiangwei Du seriously.

"Liu Junfeng, the boss of "Medicine Hall", a strong martial artist, a patriot, a loyal supporter of the party, and a guest instructor of the Dragon Group of the Chinese Special Forces."

Ajie briefly told Du Qiangwei about Liu Junfeng's identity and attitude.

"Liu Chuang knows Chinese martial arts, but he uses it to bully Chinese people. Liu Chuang's Chinese martial arts was taught by us, so it is understandable that he has a bad attitude towards us. After all, this is our fault and we cannot throw it away."

"Gang Jin Warrior, that is to say, the first generation of super fighters?"

However, Du Qiangwei's focus was on Liu Junfeng's combat power.

"No, he just has the fighting power of the first generation of super fighters, and he has not reached the standard of super fighters in other aspects."

Ajie shook his head. This is true. The first-generation super fighters have been able to ignore conventional guns and hot weapons, but warriors can't.

"In the final analysis, they are just ordinary people, not super genetic fighters. The main force in the future will be you super fighters."

Ajie said.

In fact, there are still some things that Ajie didn't tell Du Qiangwei, that is, last night, Liu Chuang almost died, if it wasn't for Liu Chuang's super gene being activated by Lena, and Yuqin just happened to be on duty last night , to repair Liu Chuang's injury in time. When Liu Junfeng attacked Liu Chuang for the first time, Liu Chuang had a broken heart and died.


In the bright starry sky, dozens of gluttonous bullet-shaped small combat spacecraft are approaching the earth with great fanfare, and there is no concealment at all.

After a while, they entered the atmosphere and headed towards their target location.

Don't look at their unscrupulous appearance, in fact, they are all scared to death, because the earth has gods, at least the third generation of gods, but their main god Karl still let them attack and told them not to worry.

Although their trust in Karl was already blind, Karl believed everything he said without reservation.But believe it or not, you will still be afraid. After all, gods are not easy to mess with, so this time they teamed up to carry out the mission again, and brought powerful weapons.

With trepidation, the gluttons finally carried out their task smoothly.

North Star.

"It's almost done, it's almost done."

"Yeah, I'm finally leaving."

"It seems that my god Karl is really powerful. He can actually subdue the gods of this planet, so that we can conquer with peace of mind."

"Haha, who said no? We have been here for so long, but we haven't seen each other come out, and the level of technology on this planet is really low. It is impossible to create gods at all. It is estimated that people from the Super Seminary are bragging , to prevent people from other civilizations from invading. However, my god Karl has eyes like pearls and saw through their plots."

"Haha, what you said is not wrong, it must be so."

Similar situations continued to happen among the gluttons who participated in the investigation of the earth's information, from being cautious at the beginning, to calm, and finally to contempt.Just staying in the sky above the city, even if the people's army below has surrounded them, they don't care.

"The data exploration is completed, let's go."

"it is good!"

"Go? None of you can go!"

Just when Taotie was about to retreat, an abrupt voice sounded from their communicator.


"come out!!"

This sudden sound made the two gluttons jump, and they searched for the source of the signal.

It was finally discovered that the source of this communication was actually above them.


"How come?"

At this time, above Taotie, there was a mecha (explosive Faiz) wearing a red leather jacket, a silver metal breastplate, and a miniature air combat bag on the back.

"Invading China will only lead to death."

Before the two gluttons came to their senses, the operator in the form of a blaster cannon in his hand pressed the energy filling button on his belt, and the energy was poured into the blaster along the photon conduit.When the energy was filled to the limit, the operator pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the thick energy cannon contained destructive power, piercing through Taotie's spaceship mercilessly.

Like a firework exploding, the two gluttons who invaded China became part of the firework.

"mission completed."


to be continued! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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