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Chapter 4 Entering the World of the God of Cookery

Chapter 4 Entering the World of the God of Cookery
After chatting for a while, everyone didn't say much. Everyone has their own things to do, and Zero understands very well.

Zero also begins to choose, the next world to go to.

"Which world should I go to?"

Zero looked at the world information table, looking for the world he was interested in.

"Ah! There it is, The World of the God of Cookery (Stephen Chow movie version)."

The timeline of the God of Cookery world, in the 90s of the twentieth century, there were martial arts in this world, cooking skills using martial arts, and hidden immortals and gods.It's a rather mysterious world, but for the lazy Ling, as long as the other party doesn't mess with him, Ling won't be so bored as to make trouble in heaven.

"The world of the God of Cookery is great. You can gain special cooking skills, broaden the horizons of the little master, and speed up his cooking growth. You can also get things like fairy family secret books and panacea. It is a world of high value, and his The plot timeline is only three or four months, but the harvest is huge. The next world to go to will definitely be you."

Zero summed up the valuable things in the world of God of Cookery, and decided to go to this world next.

"System, let's go." Zero said to the system.

"The world must be the God of Cookery World (Zhou Xingchi movie version)." The system repeated and confirmed to Zero.

"Confirm, you can go." Zero nodded to confirm.

"No problem, count down for three seconds before departure. Let's go!" After the system received zero confirmation, it started the countdown.



"One. Teleport!"

After the system counts down, the zero disappears.


"Sir, you have a bright light on your forehead and an aura in your eyes. Immortals are reincarnated and immortals descend to earth. I'm finally waiting for you."

A woman in her 30s, wearing glasses, knelt in front of her, subconsciously raised her foot, and wanted to walk away.

"Don't move. Although I leaked the secrets, disasters are inevitable, but this is my destiny. Even if I want to take great risks, I will show you the whole picture."

The woman saw that Zero was about to leave, and hurriedly pulled on Zero's pants to prevent him from leaving.

"This person should be the fortune teller played by Yuan Qiongdan. Then, this is the place where the hero and heroine meet."

Zero looked at the layout around the street and said thoughtfully.

"Sir, sir."

The fortune teller glanced around at Zero, ignoring herself, and couldn't help but open her mouth to attract Zero's attention.

"What's the matter?" Zero didn't hear what the fortune teller said just now, so he asked.

"Sir, I see that your face is rosy and your seal is full. I can see that your life must be smooth and prosperous. But there are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have good fortune and misfortune. I want to show you the whole picture. "

The fortune teller saw that the other party hadn't heard it, and didn't know whether it was true or not, so she used another set of excuses, intending to fool Ling to go to her for a look.

"Okay, don't say any more, I'm afraid I won't be able to help but beat you up if you go on."

Zero looked at the fortune teller and couldn't help but say.

"Uh, I'm sorry, sir, I'm sorry."

The fortune teller hurriedly got up, apologized repeatedly, and then walked away.

"Hey! Stable food is hard!" Zero watched as he walked away, and immediately found a new target to flicker, shaking his head and sighing.

I think back then, I was busy with my three meals just like the other person. If it weren’t for luck, I would still be like a robot, going to work on time, working overtime, and leaving get off work every day, and the cycle went on and on day after day.

After a brief exclamation, Zero wandered the streets, feeling the unique cultural atmosphere of Hong Kong in this era.

There are all kinds of vendors on both sides of the street selling things, including clothes, trinkets, snacks and so on.

In a stall selling snacks, Ling discovered a woman with a long scar on the corner of her right eye and buck teeth, who was selling "chicha noodles".

"Double-knife turkey", the woman who almost gave her whole life for Stephen Zhou, is also the woman who changed Stephen Zhou.

"Hello, let me have a bowl of Chi Cha Noodles."

Zero came to the booth and sat down, and said to the turkey very politely.

"Wait a mininute."

Turkey looked at the well-dressed, approachable man in front of him, and took a curious look.

Then I ignored it and started making Xicha noodles.

"Pretty sister, how long have you been doing business here?"

Zero felt that sitting was boring, so he opened his mouth to chat with the turkey.

"It's been more than ten years."

Turkey said casually.

"Doing business here, I don't know what the rules are."

Zero continued to ask.

"The boy is very good at talking. I have been here for more than ten years. If I want to do business here, I have to pay a deposit first, and then see if those things are monopolized by others to avoid conflicts. Basically, these two points, I don't think you look like someone who is short of money, why are you asking this?"

Although Turkey is a young and confused girl, she is very loyal, and will not beat people or treat people with cold eyes when she has no hatred for her.So, when Zero asked her a question, she didn't hide anything, she just came out.

"Oh! So that's the case. In fact, I have a lot of money, which is enough to squander my whole life. So, I want to find something that I am interested in doing, otherwise I will be muddled all day long and have no meaning in life."

Zero serious nonsense talking to turkeys.

"Tsk, I really don't understand you rich people, isn't it good to live comfortably every day? You have to come out and suffer."

Turkey responded with a slight sarcasm in his tone.By the way, put the prepared Xicha noodles in front of Zero.

This bowl of noodles contains soup, alkaline water noodles and ingredients. The ingredients are fish eggs, beef balls, pig skin, pork red, and radish.

Noodles with such ingredients are very common, and they are the most basic configuration of street noodles.Of course, rich people can add more money to upgrade the ingredients, but people who eat noodles on the street are low-income people, so such people are hardly seen.

Zero picked up the chopsticks and started eating.However, the quality of this bowl of noodles is really mediocre, the same as Stephen Zhou's evaluation.

However, because waste is a shameful act, Zero still finished the bowl of noodles.

Zero: "How much?"

Turkey: "23 yuan."

"Where is the administrator, I want to talk to him."

Hand over the change to the turkey, by the way.

"If you trust me, I'll help you negotiate. You pay the money tomorrow night, and you can set up a stall the night after tomorrow."

Turkey thought for a while and said to Zero.

"of course can."

Without any hesitation, Zero immediately agreed to Turkey's suggestion.

"I'll go first, see you tomorrow morning."

Turkey: "Yeah! See you tomorrow morning."

On the second night, Zero came to the turkey stall as promised.

At this time, Turkey talked with a middle-aged man, and when he saw Zero coming, he briefly told Zero and the man about the other party's situation.


(End of this chapter)

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