Heavens database

Chapter 370 Fighting the Defense Army Again

Chapter 370 Fighting the Defense Army Again


Although the principles of electromagnetic gun manufacturing are explained in detail in the college physics course.

However, everyone knows the weapon information that can be made public by Huaxia.

How can it be complete?It must be so incomplete that it cannot be incomplete, and there is no way to realize it.

Otherwise, why are the guns made in the countryside that have been shown on TV before so mighty and domineering in appearance, but compared with real weapons, they have silver-like pewter heads.

Therefore, the electromagnetic gun that Liu Junfeng made from memory is basically a model, and the energy conversion rate is only 1%, which is a waste of energy.

So, on the first day just completed, he successfully entered Liu Junfeng's collection warehouse.

Then, pick up the materials of electromagnetic guns and photon cannons that have been modified by scientists who have opened their minds in the world of One Piece.

After all, the science and technology in the world of One Piece is really deformed. Even the laser has been developed, but no automatic rifle was born.

If it weren't for Ontology's playful attitude, it would have given the Revolutionary Army, Germa Kingdom, Vegapunk, etc., organizations or individuals with a concentration of outstanding scientists, given them some ideas and materials, and given them new ideas. place to wave.

The results are also very gratifying. The electromagnetic guns and photon cannons they manufactured and improved are really good, with both portability and power.

Just a photon cannon the size of a bazooka can exert the power to destroy mountains and mountains.The same is true for the electromagnetic gun, and the electromagnetic gun is designed, and the structure of the gun body can be continuously lengthened, and the power of the electromagnetic gun can be roughly adjusted according to the actual situation.

The abnormal magnetic field detected by the guards was caused by Liu Junfeng fully launching the three-barrel electromagnetic gun in order to calculate the power of the electromagnetic gun.

Because of his lack of scientific knowledge, he didn't realize this, and he thought that everything would be fine with the signal jammer.

Now, he has not found that an unprecedented crisis is quietly approaching for him.

"Well, the kinetic energy calculation formula is: E=0.5MV*V, the air resistance formula is: F=(1/2)CρSV^2, and then there is the energy loss caused by frictional heat generation, and then there is the shape of the projectile... . . ”

Liu Junfeng looked at the data in front of him and kept calculating.

"Well, it's okay. This portable three-section (three-meter) barrel electromagnetic gun can already kill the first-generation super angels who are not wearing defensive equipment."

With the data calculated by Liu Junfeng, as well as the physical data of the super soldier, he nodded in satisfaction with his achievements in the past five days.

"Then, let's make a few more electromagnetic guns in case of emergencies."

Just do it, Liu Junfeng uses alchemy to transform the stones into corresponding alloy parts and electronic chips, and then manually assembles them.

Not long after, two three-barrel electromagnetic guns and a photon cannon were produced in about 10 minutes.

"Well, this feeling. Two teams of angels have come, and they are not good!"

Liu Junfeng suddenly felt a strong sense of danger, so he unfolded his knowledge and arrogance, and observed the surrounding situation.

It turned out that there were two pairs of ten angels, fully armed and heading towards where he was, and Liu Junfeng knew without even thinking that the other party was coming for him.

This place is so remote, it is impossible for two teams of fully armed angels to wander here.

"It's just that I was exposed. The signal jammer is a product of the system. There must be no problem. By the way, the electromagnetic field will change when the electromagnetic gun is working, and I was still running at full power just now, no wonder."

At this moment, Liu Junfeng suddenly thought of the reason for his exposure, and couldn't help feeling annoyed, but he quickly became firm.

At present, the most important goal is to escape. Such a team, without revealing their hole cards, has no way to leave in a frontal battle.

"Hey, it looks like I'm going to expose one of my trump cards."

Liu Junfeng thought helplessly that there are only two cards that can be used as the trump card at this stage, the ability to move in short-distance space, the ultra-fast speed of Mach [-], and the corresponding reaction speed.

"Now, what can be used as weapons are three-barrel electromagnetic guns and three rods, but they are all in a state of insufficient power, and can only fire one shot; two photon cannons, but they are not powerful enough to kill the first generation of super soldiers. The interference effect, and the energy is not at full value, it is not very useful at all; then there are two standard long swords obtained from those two angels before."

Liu Junfeng thought about what he had now.

"It seems that we can only use the old method."


"We have arrived at our destination soon. When we brace ourselves, Angel A and Angel B who died before were killed because they were carelessly attacked and lost the opportunity to take the lead. They were frustrated and unable to show their strength."

Howe said to the people around him.

"Haupe is right. Be careful. I don't want to lose one person when I go back."

Ling Lu also said to the people behind him.

"Yes, Captain." 8


However, just after the words were finished, an angel was decapitated.

"Enemy attack."

"Group three to prevent enemy attacks."

As Tong Ji's subordinates, Hao Pu and Ling Lu are veterans who are good at fighting and have rich combat experience. They are also angel fighters who have been upgraded to the second generation of super fighters. When an angel was beheaded, they took the correct response. Way.

"Being assigned this task, I don't know if we are lucky or unlucky."

Hao Pu said to Ling Lu beside him.

"Heh! Let's think about how to arrest the other party, the other party is not easy."

Ling Lu calmly said to Hao Pu.

"That's what you said."

Howe responded.

Then the three groups were wary of Liu Junfeng who would suddenly appear again, and at the same time Ling Lu also began to send back news to the defense team.

boom! boom! boom!

With three sudden explosions, another super soldier died, this time his head was beaten into pieces.

"Damn it, it's an electromagnetic gun."

Hao Pu analyzed the genetic system and discovered that the super soldier just now had been blasted by three projectiles with a distance of less than [-] centimeters to blow up his protective helmet and head.

"How is it possible for the enemy to have such a powerful firepower?"

"Quick Headquarters requests support."

"Already requested, said let us delay for 10 minutes."

"Made, in 10 minutes, a lot can happen."

"No way, that's what they say."

. . . . . .

"Ling Lu, do you have any ideas?"

Haopu is still vigilant about the situation in the surrounding area. The opponent does not fight them head-on at all, but keeps fighting secretly. The most annoying thing is that they still have no way to find out where the opponent is.

(End of this chapter)

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