Chapter 350


"I just don't know what to do to get in touch with Xiao Feng."

This is what Xiao Yan is most distressed about now. After getting his own system, because there is no extra fee to renew the lease, Xiao Yan has already disconnected Xiao Feng's system. This disconnection is really completely disconnected. Find a way to contact Xiao Feng again.

"Forget it, let's find another chance at that time."

Unable to think of a solution to the problem, Xiao Yan gave up and could only take it one step at a time.

The top priority at the moment is to go to the Black Corner Territory. If you can't go to the Black Corner Territory, even if everything is thought out, it will all be empty talk.


Three days later, Black Horn Region, Jialan City.

Because Xiao Feng did not hide his reasons, many people knew that Xiao Feng had come to the boundary of Jialan Academy.

At the same time, many forces followed Xiao Feng's rear, causing all members of Jialan Academy to be on guard. Now they only want to defend against the next big battle.

That's right, Mang Qianchi knew without thinking that an extremely tragic war would happen next.

Because what Xiao Feng did was really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. He lured the enemy to take action, and then counterattacked with real thunderous means, looting everything.

Now that so many forces are gathering in Jialan City, will Xiao Feng let go of this opportunity?

Although Mang Qianchi thought it was impossible, he vaguely felt that the possibility was really not small.

Haven't you seen so many forces surrounding Jialan City, and the other party is not timid at all?Didn't you see that so many forces dare not approach each other within [-] miles?

"Dean, there are so many of them here, is there nothing we can do?"

A group of high-level executives sat together, and Hu Gan was the first to ask Mang Qianchi.

"Hehe, I also want to drive away that evil star, but our strength is not enough!"

Mang Qianchi responded to Hu Gan with a wry smile.

"This, alas!"

When Hu Gan heard the words, many emotions had to be turned into helpless sighs.

Mang Qianchi is right, they are not strong enough, why should people listen to them.Moreover, Hu Gan didn't think that Xiao Feng's coming to Jialan Academy was just a whim.Because Xiao Feng's two actions ten years ago, in the eyes of these dignitaries like them, were a series of tricks.

It is impossible for people who can calculate various forces in this way to make such a huge plan without considering the factor of geographical advantage.

"There is no other way. Let's go. Take the students and instructors and leave Jialan Academy to avoid a multi-party war that will affect Chiyu."

Mang Qianchi is a decisive person, he knows that things cannot be done, he will not insist on it, so he made a wise choice.

"But, Dean."

"You don't need to say it. Life is the most important thing. If the academy is gone, it can be rebuilt. If life is gone, it is gone. Go ahead and pack everything up as soon as possible. Let's leave Jialan Academy."

Mang Qianchi interrupted everyone's persuasion, and said firmly.

Many instructors also knew that this was Mang Qianchi's helpless move, so they responded in unison.


As time went by, more and more forces arrived and surrounded Xiao Feng and others, and the atmosphere became solemn and dull.

"Boss, there are more and more people, why don't we do it?"

Wang Yu saw thousands of people densely packed together, and each of them was at worst a peak Dou Zun, so he surrounded them like this, and felt a little guilty in his heart unconsciously.

Wang Yu didn't know whether he should be happy or sad because he would attract so many people with a message from him.

"Hey, you're not scared, are you?"

Xiao Feng laughed at Wang Yudao calmly, without any negative emotions such as fear.

"You have to know that you did this, and you are just starting to be afraid now. Isn't it a bit too cowardly?"


Lingling also looked down on Wang Yu, as if to say, "What a waste."

"I, I'm not cowardly. I'm just worried about whether your arrangement, boss, can wipe them all out. If you can't do it, you must take follow-up measures as soon as possible."

Wang Yu was despised by the two of them in turns, and he couldn't hold back his face for a while, so he forcibly suppressed the timid mood in his heart, and pretended to speak for the good of himself and others.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't lose the chain in the middle, we have no chance of losing. After all, this is the big formation that Yaochen and I have prepared in various ways intermittently in the past ten years. As long as there is no fairy-level among them Existence, no matter how many people come, it is the life of delivering food."

Xiao Feng felt that he had teased Wang Yu enough, so I stopped playing. He directly gave Wang Yu a reassurance and gave him a little confidence, otherwise he was really afraid that he would fall off the chain midway.


Hearing Xiao Feng's affirmative answer, Wang Yu gained a little bit of confidence. After all, Xiao Feng designed it twice back then, defrauding many practitioners with higher cultivation bases than them.

It's just that there were too many people coming this time, so he subconsciously lacked confidence and doubted this and that.

"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely not."

After being ridiculed by Xiao Feng, Wang Yu's competitive spirit was aroused, and he said that there would be no mistakes.

"Okay, the Soul Palace has also arrived just now, and the action will start tomorrow at the latest. Let me tell you about the part you are responsible for."

Xiao Feng just checked through his mind's eye, and found that Emperor Huntian has led a large group of masters of the Soul clan, approaching Jialan City.

The protagonist has arrived and the battle is not far away, so Xiao Feng begins to assign everyone homework.

"You will be like this when the time comes... Do you understand?"

Xiao Feng used the method of transmitting secret messages to give Wang Yu a big order.

"Understood, boss. But, boss, are you sure I won't be killed first?"

After Wang Yu listened to Xiao Feng's instructions, he couldn't help hesitating a little. After all, doing what Xiao Feng said was simply putting his life on the line.

"You can't die as long as Yao Chen and I are here, so don't worry and do it. Besides, this can be said to be a pretense in front of the entire Dou Qi Continent. It's a rare thing. It will be even more embarrassing to say it in the future."

Xiao Feng bewitched.

"Well, it's done."

Wang Yu struggled for a while, and finally agreed.

Xiao Feng said to Wang Yu with a smile: "Work hard, you can do it, I am optimistic about you."


"A lot of people really came, but I will definitely get the inheritance of the ancient Emperor Tuoshe's cave mansion in the end."

Emperor Hun Tian summoned half of the masters of the soul clan to come, it took a while, and finally arrived.

However, he didn't have a trace of timidity, and he still looked extremely confident, and he didn't take the many forces present at all seriously. In his opinion, the more such forces there were, the better.

The more forces there are, the less unified the opinions will be. When Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's cave was opened, it would be even more chaotic, so that he could fish in troubled waters better.


to be continued! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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