Chapter 35

Although Jiumozhi was shocked by such a direct behavior of Zero, his xinxing was much higher than others because of his submerged practice of Buddhism for many years.

After a brief period of surprise, he returned to normal and once again acted like an enlightened monk.

"Amitabha! The ultimate benefactor, really generous."

Jiumozhi said lightly.

"Master, do you know that martial arts is gradually declining nowadays."

Zero did not answer Jiumozhi's question, but instead asked him a question.

"Indeed, compared to the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, or even before that, it is indeed not as good as before."

Although Jiumozhi was puzzled as to why Zero would ask this question, he still answered truthfully.

"So, what does Master think is the reason for this situation?"

Zero continued to ask.

"According to what the poor monk sees, it is because of the strict control of martial arts secret books by various sects and sects. They are closed and self-scrutinized. At the same time, the master teaches the apprentices to keep their own hands. In this way, no matter how powerful the martial arts secret books are, they will eventually be lost. There are countless examples like this. There are also some exercises that have not found the next generation of successors, and the current successors have passed away unfortunately. Or some people don’t want the exercises to be passed on.”

Jiumozhi said what he knew, or guessed the reason, all at once.

"The master is right. Martial arts secret books are like poems and songs. If you don't share them, how can new things be born?"

Zero agreed with what Jiumozhi said, but what Zero said next destroyed Jiumozhi's three views and opened the door to a new world.

"However, the key reason, the master, or most people in this world, is unknown. Martial arts are born out of immortals."

"Xiandao, the benefactor is not joking."

Jiumozhi interrupted Zero's words, thinking that he might be out of his mind.

"Oh! Hajime, fly over and show it to the master."

Zero looked at Jiumozhi shaking his head and sighing, looking disappointed, then said to Broly.


Broly used the Wukong skill very cooperatively, flying around Jiumozhi.

"Master, what do you think now? You can't do light work, and leave the ground for so long without any leverage."

Ling had no expression on his face and said to Jiumozhi in a calm tone.

"Amitabha! Donor, please continue."

Seeing Broly's performance, Kumochi couldn't be more shocked. With his strength and vision, he can naturally know whether Broly is really flying or just pretending.

"The master's eyesight is extraordinary. Martial arts were born out of the immortal way, and the legends handed down from ancient times are not false, but absolutely true. However, the sudden changes in the world have caused the aura of the world to gradually fade away, and it is difficult for the immortal way to continue. People, all leave this world and go to other worlds. In order to adapt to the great changes in the world, those cultivators who have no ability to leave combine together to adapt the immortal skills to reduce their dependence on the spiritual energy of the world, and martial arts was born.”

Zero's tongue went dry as he spoke, so he swallowed and continued.

"However, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth continues to decrease. The martial arts that were adapted at the time can no longer keep up with the times. The various sects have no longer gathered together to adapt the martial arts to adapt to the times. This is the real reason for the decline of martial arts. Of course, every era has it. Outstanding talents, they rely on their own efforts to create a martial art that suits the times, and everyone is flocking to it. For example: Six Meridians Divine Sword, Star Shift, the original Taizu Changquan, etc. "

"No wonder, no wonder. That's how it is!"

Jiumozhi suddenly realized that when he was reading the scriptures and records in the temple, he found some strange scriptures and records. He thought they were written by people at that time in order to brag about himself. Now it seems that this is not the case.

"Master, here is an unfinished record of ancient exercises that we obtained by accident. You take it, and I hope you can complete it."

Ling handed over the broken bamboo slips that he had prepared earlier to Jiumozhi.

"Benefactor, what do you mean?"

Jiumozhi didn't pick it up, because he knew that there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world.

"This is an accidental excavation from a pre-Qin relic. It records half of the kung fu done by a pre-Qin martial artist who spent his entire life in order to restore the glory of ancient times. The core idea of ​​this kung fu is based on the sun and the moon. Essence, instead of heaven and earth aura, but unfortunately, he only completed half of it, and passed away before completing the second half! The reason why I handed it over to the master is to gather the martial arts talents of the world today, gather the strength of the talents, and complete In the second half, it fulfills the dream of this senior, and also contributes to the revival of martial arts."

Ling's true feelings were revealed, and the more he spoke, the more excited and high-pitched he became, making Jiumozhi, who was listening by the side, also excited.

"I wonder who are the geniuses in martial arts today?"

Jiumozhi asked suspiciously.

"Today's Martial Dao Tianjiao, the master is one person. In addition, there is Wu Yazi of the Xiaoyao School, Tianshan Child Elder, Xixia Empress, Qiao Feng, the leader of the Beggar Gang, and the unknown old monk of Shaolin, Xuan Cheng."


After listening to Ling's words, Jiumozhi proclaimed the Buddha's name and remained silent.

Seeing Jiumozhi's pensive appearance, Zero didn't bother him, and waited quietly.Broly, too, ate his jelly beans and waited.

After being silent for a long time, Jiumozhi finally spoke.

"The benefactor has such grand ideals, and the poor monk admires him and is willing to help."

After saying that, he took the bamboo slip.

"Thank you, Master! Kungfu deduction requires a lot of information. I will go to the Song Dynasty and Xixia to collect martial arts secrets and invite other heavenly talents. The martial arts secrets of Tubo, Persia, and Liao have Master Lao. We will meet in Shaolin Temple a year later. how?"

Zero smiled faintly.

"The poor monk will definitely come as promised."

Jiumozhi said firmly.

"The poor monk is one step ahead. Goodbye!"

"See you in a year, Master."

"Goodbye, uncle!"

After Jiumozhi left, both Zero and Broly laughed.

"That uncle is so stupid! Even though there are some obvious flaws in our words, you still believe it."

Broly laughed out loud.

"Haha! It's not because you are good at Wukong that you fooled him for a while."

Zero smiled faintly.

"However, in this way, the first candidate has been decided. Next, it's time to fool the others. Let's go, Broly."

"Okay! I can finally go to other places to play."

Broly jumped excitedly.

"Let's go!"

The two flew into the sky, towards the direction of Xixia.


The two played while flying, and arrived in the capital of Xixia after a week.

Look at the customs, clothes, buildings, and snacks that are different from Dali before.

Broly let himself go and had fun everywhere, Zero didn't act in a hurry, and started playing with Broly.


to be continued
(End of this chapter)

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