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Chapter 318 3 years

318 Three Years

"Xiao Feng, how are you doing there? Is everything going well?"

After Xiao Feng finished his work at Jialan College, he secretly came to Han Feng's mansion, no, it's Yaochen's mansion now.

As soon as Xiao Feng came, Yao Chen floated out of the secret room and asked Xiao Feng.

"Of course my attack went smoothly. The first few levels of the [Eight-Door Hegemony Dunjia Formation] will not produce any energy, so those old guys naturally have no way of seeing the clues. Today, that little guy showed his most genius side, I guess Within three years, all the knowledge in Jialan Academy can be emptied."

Xiao Feng asked with a smile on his face.

"What about you? Are you familiar with Han Feng's body and interpersonal relationships? This is very important."

"Hey! I took action personally, what's the problem? I've already figured out Han Feng's details. Half a month ago, I used his body to break through the Douzong, killing everyone he knew before and people he didn't know. Winning and consolidating it will be of great benefit to our future plans.”

Yao Chen also looked confident when faced with the rhetorical question.

"That's good, then it's up to you."

Xiao Feng showed a fox-like cunning smile.

"No problem, you won't be disappointed."

Yao Chen returned the same smile.

Two foxes, one big and one small, are ready to conspire with the knowledge of the Heijiao domain, but the others in the Heijiao domain are still kept in the dark.


"Phew, it's been three years, and the original contract has finally been completed."

Li Shengqian breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the disappearing book, the last book in the Jialan Academy's library, which he had just silently written.

It has been three years, since the assessment that year, the dean Man Qianchi has used thunderous means to wipe out all the personnel placed by all the forces in Jialan Academy.Of course, thanks to undercover agents like Dai Song, who secretly collected evidence, they couldn't even resist at all.

Perhaps it was because of early preparations that after Mang Qianchi changed the management of Jialan Academy, he immediately recruited a large number of people.

Apart from surprising the students, there was no big splash, and the previous behaviors of embezzling and oppressing civilian students basically disappeared.

And Li Shengqian, because of his strong record, successfully entered the inner courtyard and was able to freely choose a book of fighting qi exercises and fighting skills from the library.

In the next three years, Li Shengqian did not relax and maintained high-intensity training. At the same time, he did not forget to earn the opportunity to enter the library.

After going through so long, he used to finally complete the contract of that year.

"Oh, it's finally finished. You have worked hard for the past three years."

A mysterious voice (Xiao Feng) sounded in Li Shengqian's mind, with deep joy in his tone.

"No, this is what we have already written in the contract. I just completed the content of the contract. Besides, I didn't work hard in vain. Didn't you also help me become the Emperor of Fighting?"

Li Shengqian replied very calmly.

In three years, Li Shengqian was promoted from a one-star fighting master to a one-star fighting emperor as if on a rocket. In Jialan Academy, Li Shengqian was hailed as a legendary figure. Such a promotion speed shocked even Mang Qianchi. , calling him a genius.

"Ha, if you don't improve your strength, you won't be able to accomplish my goal. It can be regarded as an equivalent exchange! Then, we will meet again by fate."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Feng's voice didn't sound again, and the contact with Li Shengqian was also broken for three years.

"have they gone?"

The mysterious person who has been in contact with me and used me for three years has finally left. I should be happy not to come, but it doesn't seem like that now.

Not too happy, but disappointed, but there is one thing, maybe because only that mysterious person knows himself best, and is the only person he faces who can show his true side.

In front of others, Li Shengqian has always been a hard-working person. He usually seems gentle, polite, and gets along well with others. In fact, these are all Li Shengqian had to disguise in order to fulfill the contract.

It's true that he is on guard against everyone, but without him, this is the truth that he has learned from his social education in the Black Corner Region and the three years of being oppressed in the academy.

"The prosperity of the world is all for profit; the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit." All living beings in the world work tirelessly for their own interests and never get tired of it.

Isn't that what college was like in the first place?Exploit yourself for your own benefit.When I was exploited, no one came to help me, and I even isolated and rejected myself.

After she showed extraordinary talent and was valued by the dean Man Qianchi, those who previously ignored and rejected her came to curry favor, apologize, and establish a good relationship.

Li Shengqian was the first to say that they had no purpose.Even the dean and the others try their best to cultivate themselves.In order to allow Jialan Academy to have another high-end combat power, even if he leaves in the future, he can use the fact that he was trained in Jialan Academy as capital.

The same is true for the mysterious person, but as soon as the contracted person gets in touch, the two sides don't have so many intrigues.

"Since others can use me, why can't I use them? There are no permanent friends, some only have permanent interests. The mysterious person can say this, I am afraid that the other party will do it because he has experienced too many intrigues." Come up with something magical like a contract!”

Li Shengqian couldn't help thinking.


"Hey! The Library Pavilion of Jialan College has already been harvested, and now only the Falling Heart Flame under the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower is left."

Xiao Feng accepted the last book sent by Li Shengqian, and nodded in satisfaction.

In the past three years, the reason why Xiao Feng asked Li Shengqian to help him collect Jialan Academy's information was because of Han Feng.

The identity of "Han Feng" is placed here, and a Douzong who collects these things that do not meet his identity will definitely be suspected by interested people.

In order to avoid trouble, "Han Feng" can only take the high-end route, using the excuse of alchemy for others to collect all kinds of rare treasures, advanced martial arts and fighting skills, mysterious ancient books and so on.

No, after three years, although some strange and interesting things have been collected.However, this contribution to the progress of data collection is not as much as Li Shengqian's contribution.

There is no such thing as preciousness in the systematic collection of data, only the quantity.

Three years of hard work has allowed Xiao Feng to collect 90.00% of the information in the Black Horn Domain, and the remaining [-]% is the secret inheritance of those sects. Even the elixir of "Han Feng" has no way to impress them. .

Now we can only wait for the system to work on its own. After the system is completed, we will return to the Jia Ma Empire first, and then we will go to Zhongzhou to make a big deal.


to be continued! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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