Heavens database

Chapter 292 Departure

Chapter 292 Departure

Yafei couldn't help but be nervous and careless, because Xiao Feng showed too much value in alchemy alone that was worth making friends with.

"Oh, well, it's nothing special."

Xiao Feng was not surprised by this, because Xiao Feng knew that Yafei was a woman who had her own goals, was self-reliant, and had a firm will.In order to get rid of the fate arranged by the family, he came to Wutan City. In the original book, because of the help of Xiao Yan, the son of the plane, he finally realized his dream.

Now, she meets Xiao Feng earlier than in the original work. She does not give up making friends, and Xiao Feng fully understands this.

But if you understand, you will understand. He doesn't want to reveal his whereabouts yet. After all, it is quite convenient for a seven-year-old to get things done.

As for Ya Fei, when she heard Xiao Feng's words, she was overjoyed, and just when she was about to question her, Xiao Feng mercilessly refused.

"However, I refuse to answer."

After finishing speaking, he left the VIP room directly, leaving only a handsome back view for everyone.

a long time.

"a ha ha ha!"

Mittel Tenshan laughed out loud.Gu Ni, who had been acting as the background board all the time, also had an expression of wanting to laugh but couldn't laugh, his face flushed from holding back, and his whole body trembled slightly.

Ya Fei was dazed at first, but when she heard Mittel Teng Shan's laughter, she puffed up her face angrily, and looked at the door of the VIP room with resentment.

"Huh ╯^╰."

With a cold snort, Ya Fei left the VIP room as if fleeing.

"It's really shameful, hateful guy, I must make you look good in the future."

Yafei thought angrily in her heart.

But then I remembered, I don't even know who the other party is, so how can I make the other party look good?The mood suddenly fell down again.


Xiao Feng didn't know about the situation of the three people at Miter Auction House. If he knew, he just laughed with them.

Back to the present, Xiao Feng found a place where no one was around, and took off all the disguises on his body.

Then he came to the gate of Wutan City and planned to leave Wutan City.

"Hey, kid, where are you going? It's not very safe outside the city."

Before Xiao Feng walked out of the gate of the city, the young soldier in charge of guarding the gate asked Xiao Feng.

"Oh, it's such a brother, I want to take a look outside the city gate."

Xiao Feng knows that his body has many benefits, but at the same time it also has many inconveniences, isn't that what it is?
"There is nothing to see outside the city gate, go back and see your parents first!"

I don't know if it's the young soldiers, they are full of passion and sense of justice, the young soldiers mercilessly rejected Xiao Feng's request to leave the city.

"Hey, brother, look, is this the captain of the city defense army?"

At this time Xiao Feng suddenly turned his head to look aside, and asked in surprise like a young soldier.


The young soldier looked in the direction of Xiao Feng's eyes, and found that there was nothing. The young soldier didn't know Xiao Feng's purpose now, and turned his head to stop Xiao Feng, but he didn't even see a hair of Xiao Feng.

"Tsk, are all the brats so cunning these days?"

The young soldier said something helplessly, complained, and continued to stick to his post.

"Hey, that's stupid."

Xiao Feng, who had already left Wutan City, looked at the gate of the city with a smile and shook his head.

Then follow the main road and head towards the Warcraft Mountains.

Along the way, Xiao Feng saw many well-dressed mercenaries or groups of chambers of commerce.And they also discovered Xiao Feng, but they just glanced at him and didn't pay much attention to him. After leaving the city, all unnecessary sympathy must be put aside, otherwise they will easily fall into other people's traps.

Examples like this abound in this world.

After walking for an hour, I finally saw the mountains in the distance extending to who knows where, as well as the lush forest at the foot of the mountains.

"The Warcraft Mountains have finally arrived."

Looking at this scene, Xiao Feng's calm mood on the road suddenly became active.

"In order to avoid trouble, I'd better go in by the path with few people!"

Looking at the people who went into the Warcraft Mountain Range, Xiao Feng walked back for a while with low-key thoughts, and then turned a corner and entered the Warcraft Mountain Range from an inaccessible place.

"Is this the forest of another world? It's full of primitiveness."

As Xiao Feng went deeper into the forest, the deeper the forest went, the stronger the wild atmosphere became.

Gradually, there are more and more shadows of Warcraft.In the first 10 minutes, you may not encounter one, but now you can encounter one every two or three minutes. Although it is only a first-level monster, it does not pose any threat to Xiao Feng. Xiao Feng directly concealed the aura on his body, and felt like a dead thing, avoiding the attack of the monster.

To hunt monsters, at least level [-] is required, except of course rare and special monsters, such monsters are not divided into grades, as long as Xiao Feng is strong enough, he will definitely catch them in exchange for information.

"Hey, I finally found a valuable monster."

After walking for a long time in the Warcraft Mountains, Xiao Feng finally found a second-level monster, a violent bear.Violent bear, as the name suggests, is a very violent and cruel devil bear, who fights desperately and never dies with the enemy.

Even if they lose, the brutal bear will not make it easy for the hunter in the face of death.

"I don't know if the bear's paw of the brutal bear is delicious?"

Xiao Feng looked at the brutal bear and murmured alone.

"It's useless to think so much, just write it down first."

As he said that, Xiao Feng couldn't take out his pig-killing knife (dnf's low-level epic Taidao - Slaughtering Blade).

"Eat me a knife."

Xiao Feng secretly stored his strength, and when his strength reached its peak, he stepped forward suddenly.

call out!
At an extremely fast speed, passing in front of the brutal bear who hadn't reacted, the slaughter blade slashed across his neck at the same time.


After Xiao Feng left its sight again, the Cruel Bear finally realized that something was wrong, but at this time it was helpless. The trachea was cut off and there was not much time at all.

After 1 minute, the brutal bear finally fell to the ground. Although its blood made the fur look a bit disturbing, it could still be sold for a high price.

Therefore, Xiao Feng immediately handed it over to Yao Chen to skin the brutal bear.

I am moving on, looking for the next goal.

Before you know it, the sun has hidden and the moon is rising.

"It's getting late. After walking for a day, it's time to take a rest."

Xiao Feng found a relatively flat and open place, and took out a space capsule.Press, throw.

Crack, boom!

After a puff of smoke, a two-story modern villa appeared in front of my eyes.

Xiao Feng quickly entered the villa and turned on the anti-theft device.

"Tsk, the heavens and myriad worlds are amazing, even the house can be carried with you."


to be continued!

(End of this chapter)

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